Týden 11 - Sekularizace v (post)komunistických společnostech
Povinná četba:
@BARKER, E. 1998. „State imposed secularism: Yet another dimension?“. Pp. 191-210 In R. Laermans, B. R. Wilson, J. Billiet (eds.) Secularization and Social Integration. Papers in Honor of Karel Dobbelaere. Leuven: Leuven University Press. (20 stran)
@TOMKA, M. 1998. „Contradictions of secularism and the preservations of the sacred. Four contexts of religious change in communism“. Pp. 177-189 In R. Laermans, B. R. Wilson, J. Billiet (eds.) Secularization and Social Integration. Papers in Honor of Karel Dobbelaere. Leuven: Leuven University Press. (13 stran)
Rozšiřující četba:
LYTLE, P. F. 1998. „Religion and Politics in Eastern Europe“. Pp. 304-329 In P. S. Ramet (ed.) Eastern Europe. Politics, Culture and Society since 1939. Bloomington: Indiana University Press,.
TOMKA, M. 2001. „Religious Change in East-Central Europe“. Pp. 11-27 In I. Borowik, M. Tomka (eds.), Religion and Social Change in Post-Communist Europe. Kraków: Nomos.