On September 8th, US troops were ordered to redouble their efforts to reach the Moselle river and the key city of Metz. Patton noted that the Germans were quite thin north of the city. Suspecting an opportunity to outflank the city from the north, and to ease up the increasing American traffic jam on the outskirts of Metz, the 2nd infantry regiment of the 5th infantry division was moved north to assist the 90th divisions push on Thionville. Their attack was successful and the German 1125th infantry regiment withdrew towards Thionville, closely pursued by the 90th division. Meanwhile, the 7th armored division and the rest of the 5th infantry division pushed on through the Metz fortresses towards the city itself. For the second day, the assault on fort Jean d'Arc went on. This time, combat command A of the 7th armored assisted the 10th regiment of the 5th infantry division. Again the German 1010th infantry regiment repulsed the assault.
Nine kilometers south, the previous days successful storming of fort Driant was carried over to the capture of the fort St Blaise complex. The bulk of the 7th armored division and a regiment of the 5th infantry division fought their way across the Moselle river and drove the defending regiment from the 3rd panzergrenadier division eastward. Another regiment from the 3rd panzergrneadier division was then detected on the now exposed flank of combat command R and to its front was the entrenched German 38th SS regiment. Metz was not going to fall easily.
By the end of September 8th, General Patton was demanding to know why combat command A had failed two days in a row. Meanwhile, intelligence reports indicated that the Germans were moving an armored brigade south towards Metz and the Metz garrison was ordered out of the city to meet the Americans advancing from the west.
American Turn 2 Movement Phase
The U.S. player decides to continue the pressure in the north.
First, the US player goes after the German 1126th regiment up north. The US 357th regiment moves from hex 0201 to 0302 and adjacent to the German 1126th regiment in hex 0402. The US 358th regiment moves north from 0204 to 0304 to 0303 for the purpose of joining with the US 357th regiment in attacking the German 1126th. Down in hex 0307, the U.S. 2nd regiment, which has yet to see combat, is ordered to turn around and march north to assist the drive against Thionville (hex 0701). The 2nd regiment goes from 0307 to 0206 to 0205, 0204 and stops in 0304 because it cannot move far enough in that turn to assist in this turns attack against the German 1126th regiment. But next turn, the 1126th regiment will be in big trouble.
To the south, combat command A, unsuccessful in its attack against the Unterfuhrer regiment in 0505, now turns its attention to the 1010th regiment in 0507. It moves into hex 0406 in order to assist the U.S. 10th regiment in hex 0407.
Exploiting the previous turns attack, combat command R in 0408 moves into 0509 in order to attack the German 8th Panzergrenadier regiment. The U.S. 11th regiment in 0608 and combat command B in 0510 will also join in this attack. combat command B also holds the southern edge of the US front line. It's usually important in a game to maintain a continuous front, even if you are the attacker. It's rarely a good idea to let yourself get surrounded.
Wargame Test
Drive : Turn 1: German Movement Phase
Wargame Test
Drive : Turn 2: U.S. Combat Phase