Brno: Week 1 Course Outline Date/time/place Theme and content Activities Thursday 22^nd Oct. 6pm-7.30, P21 Introduction Personal and to the course Adjective Interest Reason for signing up Session 1 Friday 23^rd October 10-11.30am, U32 What is Green Economics? Basic concepts and provenance What is your vision of a green economy? Session 2 Monday 26^th October 2-3.30pm, AVC Widening the Circle Women and the core economy; minority vs. majority world Parliament of all beings: Nuclear power station Climate change treaty Session 3 Tuesday 27^th Oct. 4-5.30pm, P24 Energy Why do we worry so much about money, when energy is the scarce resource? Energy mapping our lives: putting energy tags rather than money tags on our consumption. Three categories: high, medium and low Session 4 Thursday 29^th Oct. 8-9.30am, P22 Money: The politics of money – how it is created and who controls it Homework: research land history Session 5 Thursday 29^th Oct. 6-7.30pm, P21 Land as Commonwealth: CLTs and CSA What changes have there been in land ownership and use in Brno and the surrounding region? Session 6 Friday 30^th October 10-11.30am, U32 Food Security The economy of food Which resources are most critical? What can you provision locally and what do you need to import? In groups of three with perpsectives of: consumer, local producer, global producer/distributor