Course Evaluation Assessment 1: Energy in a Green Economy Write an essay on the following theme: “Why is energy especially important to a green economist? Explain what principles you would use to direct energy policy within a green economy.” Word-count: 2,000 words Deadline: 29 January 2010 Please make sure you do not miss the deadline. Work that arrives late will lose 5% of its mark for each day that it is late. This means that even a perfect piece of work would be worth nothing at all within 20 days! Overall assessment for the course Assessment for the course will consist of three parts: a shorter essay (assessment 1: 30%), a longer essay (assessment 2: 50%) and a mark for attendance and participation (20%). I will mark each essay to a value of 100% and assess participation in a similar way. Then I will weight all the components to arrive at a final mark. The final numerical marks will be translated to grades in the following way: A = 80-100% B = 70-80% C = 60-70% D = 50-60% E = 40-50% F = less than 40% Assessment 2: Write an essay on ONE of the following themes: “A significant distinction between neoclassical and green economics is the extent to which their proponents believe that political intervention is beneficial to the functioning of a national or the global economy. Take an example of one aspect of the local, national or global economy which is unsustainable and explore to what extent economic and political solutions could be helpful in resolving it.” “Evaluate two different methods for creating shadow prices for issues of environmental concern and compare their strengths and weaknesses. Include the results from your own survey of an issue of contemporary concern in Brno (at least 10 responses will be needed)” Word-count: 3,000 words Deadline: 31 May 2010 Please make sure you do not miss the deadline. Work that arrives late will lose 5% of its mark for each day that it is late. This means that even a perfect piece of work would be worth nothing at all within 20 days!