READER CONTENT HEN572 Reader only for students of the course Facilitation of Environmental Communication Processes at the Masaryk University in Brno prepared by Ir. Jan Haverkamp December 2009 00. HEN 572 seznam knih.pdf ­ overview literature (1 page) 01. HEN572 2007 Syllabis.pdf ­ overview programme (2 pages) 02. worksheet handsigns.pdf ­ how to use handsigns in communication (1 pages) 03. Write it Down and Hang it on the Wall.pdf Ned Ruette's model of facilitation with flip-charts (1 page) 04. Education_for_a_Change ­ 8 parts Education for a Change ­ Rick Arnold, Bev Burke, Carl James, D'Arcy Martin, Barb Thomas (206 pages) 05. worksheet programme spiral.pdf - A model describing workshop formats (5 pages) 06. worksheet learning heads.pdf ­ the Learning Heads (1 page) 07. SkilledFacilitator 20-22 GroupEffectiveness.pdf ­ Roger Schwarz - Three factors for group effectiveness: performance, process, personal (2 pages) 08. The_Change_Handbook ­ The Change Handbook ­ edited by Peggy Holman and Tom Devane ­ 4 parts (selected chapters: 0. Introduction; 2. Future Search; 14 Open Space; 15 Appreciative Inquiry) (75 pages) 09. cafetogo.pdf ­ The World Café presents: Café to Go! ­ Whole System Associates and the World Café Community (7 pages) 10. Roger_Schwarz_Facilitative_roles.pdf Worksheet Facilitative Roles ­ Roger Schwarz (1 page) 11. Shared Path.pdf ­ EYFA, ZHABA ­ a linear model for reaching consensus (16 pages) 12. Schwarz_Models_worksheet_1.pdf ­ Roger Schwarz - The Unilateral Control Model and the Mutual Learning Model ­ 2 parts (5 pages) 14. Roger_Schwarz_Skilled_Facilitator_Ch_4.pdf ­ Roger Schwarz ­ The Skilled Facilitator, Chapter 4: Understanding the Theories That Guide Our Actions (36 pages) 15. PowerPoint is Evil ­ Edward Tufte (2 pages) 16. 2001_WBCSD_fac_prog.pdf - ZHABA facilitators collective / WBCSD ­ facilitators programme WBCSD Sustainable Mobility Dialogue, Prague 2001 (10 pages) BACKGROUND MATERIALS 200501_infed_argyris.pdf ­ Mark K. Smith Chris Argyris: Theories of Action, Double-Loop Learning and Organizational Learning (2005) infed ­ (16 pages) Snoopy.pdf ­ ZHABA facilitators collective Snoopy evaluation sheet (1 page) worksheet energizers.pdf ­ ZHABA facilitators collective - Energisers for workshops; a brainstorm list (2003) (5 pages) worksheet facilitation basics.pdf ­ ZHABA facilitators collective ­ Core values of facilitation by Roger Schwarz and the ZHABA facilitators collective ­ (2003) (2 pages) worksheet facilitation preparation.pdf ­ Jon Jenkins and Jan Haverkamp ­ Preparation and Improvisation for a Facilitator (2005) ZHABA facilitators Collective (2 pages) worksheet power flower.pdf ­ ZHABA facilitators collective ­ the use of the Power Flower tool (2001) (2 pages) Workshops are different.pdf ­ ZHABA facilitators collective ­ why work in workshops, backgrounds and transformational approach (2002) (5 pages) IMPORTANT LINKS ­ materials and backgrounds on facilitation ­ the website of the International Association of Facilitators