COmMUNIcation and presentation skills Course Syllable – Autumn 2009 You are what you say Teacher Mgr. & Mgr. Zdeňka Vykoukalová ( Course Summary The course is aimed at everyone, who wants to improve and develop their communication and interaction skills, i.e. it is focused on these abilities: to present (comprehensively), to argument, to discuss, to negotiate and to listen. These abilities will be developed through learning experience in two following ways: through the improvement of skills necessary for more effective, balanced and self-confident conduct and through development individual work in group (or with group). And as the most effective – although not the easiest – way of achieving development leads through personal experience followed by the analysis of ones performance, regular usage of camcorder (and possibly camera) will constitute an integral part of the seminar. It will enable the participants to obtain immediate and effective feedback of their communication progresses. We will focus on following topics: Objectives * Introduction of basic aspects of communication * Nonverbal communication * Verbal communication, analysis of communication habits Support and development of * adequate self-assertiveness (assertiveness, aggression, manipulation) * negotiation strategies, * active listening, * constructive criticisms, communication in front of the group, preparing and having presentation giving and receiving feedback basics of transactional analysis ABC Reference · Aronson, E., Wilson, T. D., Akert, R. M. (2005). Social Psychology. Pearson Education, Ltd. New Jersey: p. 93-103 Classics of social psychology, recommended chapter deals with the topic of social perception and nonverbal behaviour. (available in the faculty library) · Berne, E. (1970). Games People Play. UK: Penguin Books. Readable and very useful book for examining of communication patterns of everyone and people around you. Contains basics of transactional analysis, i.e. rather rewarding tool for analyses of communication patterns. · Cotrell, S. (2003). Skills for Success. Palgrave Macmillan. England 2003 Book, a kind of exercise book with exercises, focused on students in their first years of study. Contains plenty of interesting pieces of advice on how to manage them. Clear and simple American way. Content of the Course and Time Schedule 1.class Introduction, verbal & non-verbal communication Introduction of the teacher, content and form of the course, mutual expectations and rules Introduction of the participants, verbal and non-verbal communication Form: Mainly non-seriously, short conversations, pair-work 2. class Nonverbal work with group, verbal self-presentation Form: verbal creativity exercise, making motto, 3 minutes in front of a camcorder Homework: reading Aronson et al.: chapter on verbal and non-verbal communication Feedback, Listening Form: brainstorming – evaluation sheet, giving and receiving feedback, reflexion 3. class Assertiveness, communication Games Form: playing (training) with mimics, gestures and intonation, assertiveness exercises, communication bad habits and fouls, analyses, discussion Topics: interpersonal space, saying NO, traffic lights of assertiveness, Homework: observing exercise 4. class Enhancing vocabulary, communication exercises Form: feedback, reaction to criticism, experience techniques, role play 5. class Coping with stage fright, relaxation 6.class Presentation, feedback Form: lecture, preparation and training: group presentation, Form: 3 minutes of fame in front of the camcorder, analyses of presentations according to given criteria, feedback, reflexion, short discussion, Homework: prepare a presentation, think about it, visuals 7.class Games people play Homework: reading E. Berne, preparing final paper + Special additional class with visiting lecturer on time management