MASARYK UNIVERSITY Faculty of Social Studies SOC182 Bio-social interactions in modernisation: An introduction to social biology Prof. Em. Dr. R. Cliquet Scores Essays 2009-2010 14/01/10 Radek Novák: B Evolution of Brain Power:Importance of Intelligence in Modernity: Student concentrated his essay on the evolution of intelligence in modernity. He discusses several aspects of the subject which are highly relevant to the problem that was raised in the course. He consulted several adequate literature sources. It is not completely clear what thesis he wanted to argue about. Apart from the issues dealt with in the essay, I miss a reflexion on the arguments developed in the course. 31/01/10 Mirjam Koroman 364222: B Egalitarian nightmare: Is eugenics inevitable and the best outcome of knowledge based society? Student deals with a difficult and delicate problem, highlighting several relevant issues of a moral, genetic, environmental, technical and behavioural nature. She made an effort to look up additional literature, thus introducing and discussing several concepts – e.g. euthenics, healthism – that were not dealt with in the course. Student is overwhelmed by the mass of biological information, but she took great advantage of the course. I miss a reflexion on the arguments developed in the course. Eva Krc-Jediná 143855: A Lessons from sociobiology. Below-replacement fertility in the light of _New Synthesis_ Student compares sociological and sociobiological explanations and contributions to the understanding of the phenomenon of below-replacement fertility in modern societies. Her essay starts with a clear problem formulation. She argues well her case, and develops her essay around one of the major topics of the course. She made also use of additional literature. The presentation of the sociobiological argumentation is not completely convincing for the non-biologist. Her essay is relatively well written in English. Marek Šmíd 181920: B Possible consequences of life-prolonging strategies in Czech Republic: Case of care-giving Student discusses the life-prolonging strategies in the Czech Republic and introduces an interesting idea to absorb the burden of increasing ageing by means of a four generation care model. He distinguishes rectangularization from life extension strategies, but does not relate that to his proposed solution. Some concepts in his problem formulation – ‚life prolonging‘ ‚consequences‘ – are not completely clear. Student uses some additional literature, but does not reflect on the arguments developed in the course. Martin Boroš: B How it is possible to find a selfish / altruistic relations in a simple X/Y card game? Student deals with the difficult problem of the relationship between selfishness and altruism, at the individual, societal and inter-societal levels. In his essay he introduces several complementary and expanding elements relevant to the discussion initiated in the course. He consulted and uses various relevant references. His essay needed better structuring. Petr Jedlička 36308: A How can a sociobilogical view help solve ethnic conflicts in societies in today’s modernity? Student discusses one of the most important issues studied in sociobiology and dealt with in the course. Student’s essay is well build and argued. He confronts and integrates adequatly sociological and sociobiological literature. He made extensively use of original articles. Monika Miholová 262118: B Ethnocentrism – cultural or biological phenomenon? Student discusses the cultural and sociobiological determinents of ethnocentrism. She uses relevant references from both fields in developing her argumentation. The confrontation of both approaches should have been developed more adequately. Miroslav Orzech 274040: B Participation in firemen voluntary organization, how it could be explained? Student raizes an interesting question of the background of voluntary work in potentially dangerous situations. He reviews some sociological explanations and refers to sociobiological explanations. He makes use of a few references. His writing style has to be substantially improved. Tamara Plšková 182055: D The moral sense and the taboo Student discusses a topic that is only weakly related to SOC182 course, although she tries to identify social and biological determinants of morality and taboo behaviour. Student chose a topic that largely surpasses the size and aim of a course essay. Her writing style has to be strongly improved. Dalibor Precek 274117: A Sexual Selection: The Socialized HUMAN naturalness Very original essay, developing case studies as reflexion to theories developed in the course. Interesting starting point of hypothesis development to be tested in a broader research set up, taking into account inter-individual variation. Student could have given some answers to his questions on the basis of the materials presented in the course. Pavlína Rabinská : B “Women from Venus, men from Mars” Student discusses sex differences and the impact of biological factors and the changing social factors in modern societies. Student has clearly taken advantage from the course to move more into a pluri-disciplinary direction. Student used several additional references and data sources. Katarzyna Rotnicka 364347: B Sex and gender. Boys and girls. What makes us so different? Differences in biological considerations and socialization from birth to the young adolescence. Student elaborates on the lecture about sexual dimorphism, concentrating on the developmental issues during infancy. She complements the information given in the course, but does not reflect on some of its crucial elements. Apolónia Sejková, 333187: B Sociocultural Institutions in Post-Modern Society.Biological basis of institutions and it's further development in post-modern societies Student tries to relate basic biological needs and the development of social institutions, - in particular labour division and the family. She develops well her argumentation, particularly regarding the family. The link between biological needs and labour division is made less well clear. Student took advantage from the course materials, but consulted and used also several additional sources of information. Tereza Šimková: B The role of men in contemporary society: end of the „hegemony“? Student discusses (socio)biological and feminist approaches to sex and gender differences. She used several additional sources in addition to the course material, but probably due to some of her readings the (socio)biological approach to sex and gender is somewhat distorted. Notwithstanding some simplifications, overall, the essay is well written with well balanced conclusions. Šárka Štosková 333320: B “The nature is playing tricks on us everywhere we go”.How our body speaks through with an influence on social interactions in men and women sending messages through biological manifest towards the reproduction aim. Student discusses the impact of our evolutionary past in sexual characteristics, more particularly regarding partner choice, in modern culture. She uses, in addition to the course materials, various other sources of information. Due to her writing stle, there is some lack of clarity in her thesis and conclusions. Tereza Vlková 274490: F Security as a determinant for social evolution Student writes an essay about security and its role in what she calls social evolution. Although the topic is, in principle, important for biosocial interactions, in particular in modernity, this essay has only very vague and distant relations with the subject matter of the course SOC182 which concentrated on the relations between sources of biological variation in the process of modernization. This essay gives the impression to have been written for another course. The essay does not comply with the given assignment. Katarzyna Wrona: B Are men really smarter than women? Differences between cultural and biological factors, gender versus sex. Student discusses sexual and gender differences, but only a small part of her essay relates to the title of her work. Student consulted several additional sources, but does not relate them to the discourse developed in the course. Jakub Lanc, 274128:B Bio-social “medley”. Complexity and information theory perspectives in social sciences and evolution Student wrote a very interesting essay, applying information science modeling to evolutionary processes. He makes use of several relevant literature sources. Nevertheless, it is a pity that student didn’t pursue his original idea to reflect from his information science approach on several issues dealt with in the course. Sarka Krobotova: B Testosterone and its effect on social behavior Student wrote an excellent paper on the biosocial relations of testosteron levels in individuals. She made use of several relevant references not used in the course. Her essay is also were well written. However, I miss completely enay reflection on the course material she was supoposed to make. Sabina Paklos : B High criminality in the United States: analysis of biological and social causes for violent behavior in American society. Student has written a very good essay, well documented on the basis of additional references, and well drafted. Biological and social theories are discussed in a balanced way. Student’s reflections about the course could have been developed somewhat more.