Universiteit Utrecht ifeD Assignment policy proposal 1. Developing a policy proposal 2. Characteristics and role of a policy paper 3. Analysis, decisions and implementation 4. Writing it down, presenting it 5. Structure for an introduction 6. Presentation on Tuesday Universiteit Utrecht 1. Developing a Policy Proposal • Describe/define an actual existing problem and a desired future state of affairs (local, regional/national, European) • Analyse causes and effects, put them into a scheme, (determine necessary knowledge, relevant stakeholders) • Analyse possibilities and limitations of changing causes that can be manipulated (how, by whom, with what means, when and in what order, with what costs, with who's support) • Make choices, determine means and ends (instruments, determine criteria for results within what period; evaluation criteria) • Present a policy plan (place means and ends in scheme, timetable, organisations and people involved) Universiteit Utrecht ifeD 2. Characteristics and role of a policy paper Functions of a policy paper (rational/social/political) definition and analysis of the issue/problem developing direction and instrumentation of action underlining the urgency of action legitimise interpretation of the situation, action, trade- offs symbolise attention fixing compromises, binding the actors involved Universiteit Utrecht ifeD 3. Analysis, Decisions and Implementation - Reducing uncertainty: cognitive / voluntaristic What is the nature of the problem? Causal analysis, determining manipulative variables Making choices Two important elements: a) Look at the actors involved b) Analyse and design the implementation of the plan Universiteit Utrecht ifeD a) Look at the actors involved - Make a list of actors that are involved in the social (policy) problem. Indicate the relation between the actor and the problem. Does the actor cause the problem? In what way? Does the actor suffer from the problem? In what way? Does the actor benefit from the problem? In what way? Is the actor already involved in dealing with the problem? How? Does the actor know much about the problem? Universiteit Utrecht b) Analyse and design the implementation of the plan Mazmanian en Sabatier a. there is a precise formulation of goals . based on a valid causal theory . with sufficient means . and a minimum number of decision points b. .decisions on implementation are consistent with goals . the organisation of the implementation has a legal basis . there is support of interest groups and authorities . the implementation is executed by loyal organisations . external parties/actors are allowed to participate . and social economical conditions remain equal during the implementation period Universiteit Utrecht ifeD 4. Writing it down, presenting it •writing of the policy proposals •compelling arguments •legitimate choices •administrative, political and societal support •clear objectives and instruments: executable and effective •visible principles of good governance Universiteit Utrecht ifeD 5. Structure for an (one page) introduction -Introduce the problem -Describe the nature of the problem -Describe the scope of the problem -Describe the urgency of the problem -Describe the necessary change/improvement/desired state of affairs; -Describe the goal of the policy (to) develop(ed) -Describe the perspective on possible solutions / instruments -Describe the structure of the policy plan / 'white paper' Universiteit Utrecht ifeD 6. Front stage presentation of the policy plans (Thursday afternoon) 30 minutes for each subgroup: 10-15 minutes presentation, 10-15 minutes discussion See the hand out !! You may use a powerpoint and/or the whiteboard to support your presentation !! Make sure both of you have a role in presentation and discussion !! Try to make the presentation lively so that you keep everybody's attention. !! Keep in mind that you defend the plan in front of a (virtual) audience of different stakeholders