USB Universiteit Utrecht as,1-'. From Government to governance And from Analysis to Intervention: developing policy strategies for the near future Wieger Bakker, Brno November 19 2009 1. Introduction: From government to governance 2. The rational dimension of policymaking 3. The social dimension of policy making 4. Exercise. Subgroup assignement problems, causes, goals and instruments Universiteit Utrecht 1. Introduction Three pillars of classic government I 18th century enlightenment and the direction of action reason and the end of predestination; modernisation; improving the world II 19th century ' JL^ State formation and the location of action the unitary state, centralisation of power and safeguarding the public interest III 20th century Bureaucracy and the organisation of action Effective structures for dealing with complex problems: trust through predictability, procedures and rules Universiteit Utrecht a&O Characteristics of Government centred steering hierarchy (command and control) loyal civil servants jg^B^IHl I defined territory all encompassing knowledge as Archimedean point plan orientation faces of / cycles in policy making Universiteit Utrecht *3B-U Government perspective: developments over time 1 - institutionalisation of state power (in different forms) - extension and differentiation of governments activities and spheres of intervention (from protecting borders and developing economic infrastructure to safeguarding social and democratic rights and liberties) - differentiation in forms and systems (liberal democracy, totalitarian systems) Universiteit Utrecht *3B-U Government perspective: developments over time 2 Late 20th century: ■ - collapse of totalitarian systems - secularisation, individualisation - growing demands, increasing plurality in society - decreasing trust in government institutions, state and bureaucracy - relative autonomous position of government Universiteit Utrecht 3K. D Governance perspective - Not only the state actors and institutions are relevant in the authorative allocation of values. Civil society institutions are too. - Governance includes all systems of rule at all levels human activity -from the family to the international organization - that influence the pursuit of public goals. (free after Rosenau) Universiteit Utrecht 3S^U Multi-level governance - Local, regional, national, supra national government Civil society Private cooperation's International bodies Universiteit Utrecht *3B-U 2. The rational model of policymaking cause and effect (causal relations) Cause A Effect B high unemployment rate leads to low level of education — intentional manipulation of causes in order to reach an intended effect (explanatory versus manipulative variables) means and ends (final relations) through instrument X investing in education goal Y is reached higher employment rate JSBO I 1, !/'!:)!,. 'I! Ill III 'fin' •inn 1 flnljiiii> m p Cause and effect scheme Bad climate for investment Selecting variables open for manipulation Lack of education Safety problems t crime ▲ poverty t unemployment t 4— Poor economic conditions Universiteit Utrecht costs Absent Work ethic Universiteit Utrecht ifeD 2. b Assumptions related to the rational model of policymaking a) Knowledge is the prime basis for intervention b) Man is a Homo Economicus (rational strive to maximise benefits) c) Bureaucrats are loyal d) Central rule / central steering is possible USBO (I fl'It III Universiteit Utrecht 2. c 1. The process of rational policy making the stage model of policy making - the policy cycle Policy Agenda Policy Preparation Policy Decision Policy Implementation Policy Evaluation Policy Adjustment Agenda setting Public Agenda Political Agenda Policy Agenda Windows of opportunity The meeting of a sense of (public and political) urgency, political support and the availability of means and instruments 3. The social dimension of policy making reason versus (political) power society is a political community in which different parties try to get their particular interests acknowledged as matters of public interest changing (European) context for policymaking pluralist / multiform societies through cultural changes (individualisation), informatisation, migration internationalisation of economy and policy from government to (multi level) governance networks of governmental and non governmental parties on a sub national, national and supra national level SBO -■ 1 1 1, i: •!>,•. i rl/H/tllt 1 h■■ lliill) m 111 Universiteit Utrecht multiple actors and multiple interests citizens/electorate; (multi national) corporations; interest groups; (international) pressure groups; states broader domains, declining sovereignty -widening of the policy domains (from securing the integrity of the state to the relations between husbands and wives) -temporary support for policies by electorate and interest groups for only certain specific issues -dependency on support of and compromise with other states within supra national bodies -(normative and imperative) regimes for structure and functioning of political institutions and governance: the case of the new member states: (e.g. Copenhagen criteria) Universiteit Utrecht ifeD responses: interactive policy making & negotiating and lobbying Interactive policy making: bringing citizens into the process (sub national) Negotiating with interest groups (national) Lobbying as a policy strategy (both national and supra national) Universiteit Utrecht ifeD 4. Exercise: subgroup assignment Problems, causes, solutions and goals • Describe in one sentence an actual social problem in your country/city • Describe in one sentence a (plausible) cause for this problem • Describe in one sentence (or two sentences) a concrete policy goal to address this problem • Describe in one sentence an instrument by which this goal can be realised (the solution for the problem) (25 minutes preparation in 4 subgroups, 20 minutes presentation and discussion)