Worksheet Facilitation Basics Jan Haverkamp In the next table you will find a list of basics of the Skilled Facilitator approach as developed by Roger Schwarz (2002)1 and some additions from the view of the Transformational Approach of facilitation as used by the ZHABA facilitators collective. The Skilled Facilitator (Schwartz 2002) Differences with the Transformational Approach (ZHABA, 2003) Core Values Core principles on top of Schwarz's principles Valid information ˇ People share all relevant information. * People share information in such a way that others understand their reasoning. * People share information in such a way that others can independently validate it. * People constantly seek new information to determine whether past decisions should be changed on the basis of new valid information. * Facilitation is part of a process to improve society / the world on the basis of a shared agenda ­ and is therefore not neutral. * Facilitation tries to balance internal power in order to reach an optimal result. * Facilitation is part of a process that leads to action. Free and informed choice ˇ People define their own objectives and methods for achieving them. * Choices are not coerced or manipulated. * Choices are based on valid information. Internal commitment ˇ People feel personally responsible for their choices; they own their decisions. * Commitment to action is intrinsic, rather than based on reward or punishment. Compassion ˇ People temporarily suspend judgement. * People are concerned for others' and their own good. * People appreciate others' and their own suffering. 1 Roger Schwarz, The Skilled Facilitator ­ new and revised, 2002 (San Francisco) Jossey-Bass ­ 1 Worksheet Facilitation Basics The Skilled Facilitator (Schwartz 2002) Differences with the Transformational Approach (ZHABA, 2003) Ground Rules 1. Test assumptions and inferences (= interpretations). 2. Share all relevant information. 3. Use specific examples and agree on what important words mean. ... agree on how people understand important words. 4. Explain your reasoning and intent. 5. Focus on interest, not positions. 6. Combine advocacy and inquiry. 7. Jointly design next steps and ways to test disagreements. 8. Discuss undiscussable issues. 9. Use a decision-making rule that generates the level of commitment needed. Work on the basis of passive or active consensus on goals, process and action. The ZHABA facilitators collective has published a range of worksheets that can help you with facilitation. These sheets can be obtained from the Internet on The ZHABA facilitators collective is a group of NGO facilitators. It helps non-profit organisations to improve their work. More information on 2003 Stichting ZHABA facilitators collective (parts of) this worksheet may only be copied or used in other publications after previous written consent of the Stichting ZHABA facilitators collective. 2 Worksheet Facilitation Basics