Bornstein, M.H. (2005). Positive parenting and positive development in children. In Lerner, R.M., Jacobs, F. & Wertlieb, D. (Eds.) Applied developmental science: An advanced textbook (pp. 155 - 177). Sage Publications. · What do you think about changing the family (one parent households, maternal employment, divorced families, lesbian and gay parents, teens versus 50-years-old first-time parents), are these changes good / bad / necessary? What is presently the typical family? · Can state assist in positive parenting? How? Does the state have capabilities to do it? · Can parents really directly affect children’s peer relationships (through cultivating social skills, organizing children’s social environment, providing access to social play partners, choosing playmates and planning and monitoring children’s peer activities)? How then the child can get into „bad clique“ of peers if it is under the influence of its parents? · What are the positive characteristics and values of people? Which are individual and social indicators of positive child development? Are there some universal qualities or it mainly depends on culture, historical period and priorities of individuals? · Which personal characteristics are influenced genetically and to what degree? What about temperament, social and emotional intelligence? · Which methodology did researchers probably use to make the research and than make out this statement: „good nutrition, especially during the early years can facilitate positive cognitive development which enables children to make better choices and understand more fully the consequences of their behaviors and decisions..“ ? · Whole article describes positive parenthood and positive development of children. I am interested if positive parenthood can have any influence on negative development of children? (for example excessive fear of children, parents oversensitivity and so on). If it can have any negative influence on children’s development, can you give some example? · In children development are director undirect effects of parenthood applied? Which of these effects have higher effect on child positive development? What role does the age of parents play in positive children development ? · Are Czech children protected enough from bad influence of their parents? (e. g. alcohol, drugs, domestic violence) · Should be Czech society tolerant to some habits of parents which can influence their children? (e. g. vegetarianism, parents who want to raise top sportsman) · Do you think that there is a good control of children´s food quality in the Czech republic? (e. g. a lot of sugar and colouring matters in such products) · „Educational achievement is commonly measured by children's readiness to learn, the state in which the capacities and competencies of the child match the expectations and requirements of adults and school; achievement test scores; and report card grades, which directly assess children's mastery of specifIC skills.“Is that really the outcome of positive parenting? Or is it always the positive outcome of parenting style? Can't it be connected as well with e.g. the authoritarian style? · „This is apparently counterintuitive, because nearly 90% of parents in the United States think simplistically that the more stimulation a baby receives, the better off the baby is (Hart Research Associates, 1997).“How about other countries than the US? Is it like that in the Czech Republic or other countries? What can be the predictors of such behaviour? · Who is responsible for the sex education of children (adolescents). Recent discussion in the CZ about the sex education at schools – who should be responsïble of telling this to the kids? Should schools supply the role of parents in this field?Is it only a question or general knowledge or is it more influenced by values (religional, traditional and so on)? What do you think? · Can we look on positive parenting as a practical, applicable model or just the ideal theory? · Why Parents must have confidence and positive belief about their parenting can be successful\? If they are not confident and also have trouble in life that they couldn’t deal with, will this definitely lead to failure of parenting? Is it possible for the children, in contrary, to help the parent to grow more confident and positive person, thus making them a successful parent after then? · Is it positive parenting something you can learn or do you have to just accept it like „life style“ or it is something natural? · “The good news is that we can influence not just some, but all positive characteristics and values we want to see children develop.“Is it a really good way to race our children? What can cause our effort to influence every aspect of children’s characteristics? Where is the line between supporting development and talent and trying to do champions of our children at all costs? · Tables in article: Is it positive parenting now consider only for children’s well-being and development or is it already the way how to learn children so many information and skills how it is possible (emphasis on achievement, success) ? · Psychology divides personality of human into a few of parts. These parts are physical, social and emotional, cognitive and spiritual. Why does child´s personality ignore spiritual component? Is the spiritual component positive or negative?Is it possible that child´s personality doesn´t include spiritual component and children achieve it in later stage of life? · Do you think that for coping of adolescence or for whole life is more important IQ or EQ? · How do our society value family in which the man is a person who cares for children and who is on maternity leave? · What specifications do families with too young or too old parents have? What is it like when teens have a child or to be 50-year-old first-time parents? How do these affect children’s development? · What are the seaminesses of positive parenting? · How do you understand the term “psychology of positive development”? · According to the article by M. H. Bornstein (Positive Parenting and Positive Development in Children) it seems that positive parenting has way too much tasks that must be completed during the child development. Is it possible to be such a perfect parent? How does the term “good-enough mother” (Winnicot) relate to this topic? The author asserts that “Because the paternal role is less well articulated and defined than is the maternal role, maternal support often helps to crystallize appropriate paternal behavior.” What concrete maternal support could, according to you, be supportive for development of appropriate paternal behavior? What maternal behavior could, on the contrary, slow down or block development of this paternal behavior? · Bornstein (2005) presents the transaction principle, according to it, what would you say about co-construction of child´s development? · Name main conditions of good physical development in childhood. One of them is also essential for cognitive development.(Bornstein, M.H., 2005) · What is specific in the West, if we talk about maternal and paternal care for children? Compare it with other civilizations. (Bornstein, M.H., 2005) · Why are children of authoritative parents successful in social interactions? · To what degree individual personal characteristics influence success of positive parenting? · In the West men support their spouse in baby care. What are the diferences between their access to children? · What should paretns do, if they want to apply principles od positive parenting? · In 13^th century, parenting was the only reason why man is, who he is and do, what he do. Today, parenting is still one of the most important factors in adolescent development. But they are many young people, who go wrong way (drugs, criminal behaviour), despite their parents do their best. So, what is really influence of parenting? Why loving parents can have addicted child? · How should be accomplished positive parenting in institutions like Kibuc? (Bornstein) · What is the position of physical punishment in positive parenting? (Bornstein) · To what extend can be children with inherited high aggressivity influenced by positive parenting? (Bornstein) · How can parents believe in children's physical health, social and emotional growth, or cognitive development influence children's competencies? · Can parent´s eduacational background influence style of child rearing? · Is high socioeconomic status of family important for positive adolescent development? · How can you explain the role of culture in positive parenting? What do you think, how it differs, if so, in the States and in Czech Republic? · Experience in the world is considered as the principal source of individual growth or at least the major contributing component by the developmental theories. How would you explain the influence of one of such experiences, positive parenting beliefs, on children? · What did researchers find about parent-adolescent conflicts in divorced and never-divorced families? And what do they say about mother-adolescent conflict? Laursen, B. & Collins, W.A. (2009). Parent - child relationships during adolescence. In Lerner, R.M. & Steinberg, L. (Eds.) Handbook of adolescent psychology: Third edition (2) (pp. 3 - 42). John Wiley and Sons. · Why children of neglectful or uninvolved parents tend to evince the most antisocial and health-risk behaviour and the least psychosocial maturity? What causes this behaviour? · What is less jeopardizing the positive development of a child in adolescence: divorce or permanent marital conflicts? · What do Theories of Individual Change focus on? What is the role of puberty along with these theories? · Is there any change in adolescent people, (which induce change in families) which is different between boys and girls? In what is this change different in gender? · What are the most common conflicts in between adolescent children and parents? Are these coflicts more common in between mother and adolescent children or father and adolescents? · Is it more risky for children to live in a poor (more conflicts, negative behavior) or a rich (no time for children, drugs) family? · Do you think that children search partners similar to their parents? · What are the differences in the family structure and role sharing betwen different states or cultures? · Do you think there are some links betwen parenting styles and attachment styles of the parents? If so, what kind? · According to authors Laursen and Collins, there are two models addressing relationship transformations between children and parents (models of individual change and models of relationships continuity). Attachment theory is a prominent example of one of these models. Which one do you think it is and can you explain why? · Can you explain the difference between parenting styles and parenting practices according to Steinberg’s formulation (1993, in Laursen & Collins)? Why styles and practices differ from traits? · Can living together with parents and grandparents have an influence on parent- adolescent relationship? · „ A related theory also postulates birth order differences in changes in parent- adolescent relationship.“ What can we then expect by twins? · Why children indicated that indulgent parenting was the most common style. Whereas observers indicated that authoritative parenting was prevalent? Does this mean the observer is unable to correctly observe what’s really going on in the family? · Among 4 models of individual change, How to rate which one of them is more contributive in adolescent change and relationship transformation? · How could the parent encourage more voluntary disclosure from adolescent if they want to be more close with adolescent? · Is it really changing the parenting style when the child grows or just the manifestations are different? Can adolescence change parent’s attitude to child? · Is it possible that staying of child in boarding school can accelerate autonomy and finish of puberty?Is it possible that child´s staying in borading school temporizes confrontation between parents and children? And it leads to postponement of puberty? · Author writes that relations between parents and children of same sex are better and more closing that relations with other sex. Is it possible that cause of this positive relations isn´t sex? Can we allow for that child of same sex as our partner can be identified with him more easily? We give him negative characteristic of our partner and we have a tendency to solute with him problem from partner´s relation. · What rate of parental control is appropriate during adolescence? · Are there any differences in impact of divorce on the relationship of children to parents between boys and girls during their adolescence · How does the phenomenon of self-fulfilling prophecy influence the parent-adolescent relationship? Can you remember any example? · Are life values a variable that can be easily change by peers during adolescent time or is it more grounded in parents´ influence? · One change in parent – adolescent relationship is a shift to goal-oriented partnership. What does it mean? Can you give an example? · “Declines in warmth and increases in conflict should be greater for parents and firstborn children than for parents and later born children because parents have learned how to navigate transitions during adolescence.” What do you think, which are the pivotal areas of parental behavior, that should be learned with firstborn children, and could be used to navigate transitions during adolescence with later born children to reach less decline in warmth and less increase in conflict? · The authors claim that “…by the end of the adolescent years, children should have better relations with their same-sex parent than with their other-sex parent.” What could be the reasons for situation when this does not match reality and what consequences this could have? · According to the view of some researchers, identity development and individuation require youth to separate from their parents. “As adolescents recognize that parents are not infallible, they increasingly question and resist parent influence attempts.” Is then, in your opinion, repeated getting closer between parent and young adult, connected with young adult´s admission that also parent is sometimes right? · Does number od siblings influence individual development of each child in family? · Why getting compromise is less common between adolescents and fathers then mothers? (Laursen) · What are the effects of small physical punishments in the childhood on the relationship between parents and adolescents? (Laursen) · What transformation in parent-adolescent relationship comes during adolescence? · What role have gender in parent-adolescent relationship and conflict? Vazsonyi, A. T., Hibbert, J., R., & Snider, J. B. (2003). Exotic enterprise no more? Adolescent reports of family and parenting process in youth from four countries. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 13 · In the research „Exotic Enterprise No More? Adolescent Reports of Family and ParentingProcesses From Youth in Four Countries“ are examined the relationship between adolescent reports of family or parenting processes and a series of developmental outcomes in a sample of adolescents from Hungary, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and the United States. Why even these three European countries and United States? Is it representative sample for cross cultural study? · For how long did this examination last? Did it have any official name? Who sponsored this examination? · What about the role of religion in parenting processes, regarding the corss-cultural studies? E.g. can we expect the similar results in Slovakia and Czech rep. even though they do not share the same christian values, but share similar history? · „Findings from these studies suggest that although concordances between adolescent and parental self-reports may be low on a number of measures, adolescent self-reports contribute meaningfully to our understanding of family process.“How much we can learn about parenting processes looking just on adolescents reports? What is the additional value/ main difference when comparing with parents reports? · Why low self-esteem is negatively related to alcohol use (-0.06), drug use (-0.04), and total deviance (-0.02)? · Can self-report in adolescence have any influence on parent-child relationship in adulthood? Is it a good relation in adolescence mean that the relations in adulthood will be friendly too?(based not only on this articles but also articles to last class) · Which of six dimensions of family and parenting processes (based on the presented study) is the most typical for maternal/paternal family processes? · According to the authors, the impact of conflict (between adolescents and their parents) on adolescent development is context dependent. “Conflict in a ‘harmonious’ environment may be a functional or positive part of adolescent individuation, whereas excessive conflict in a controlling milieu (for example) will further contribute to negative developmental outcomes.” What could be, according to you, the main characteristics of the conflict interactions between adolescents and parents, when conflict is functional, and in which concrete way this conflict could be functional or positive part of adolescent individuation? · What is important to consider, if we want to operationalize family process, according to Vaszonyi, A.T., Hibbert, J. R., Snider, J.B.(2003) ? · How would you describe relationship between cross-cultural psychology and its methodology, in past and in present. (Vaszonyi, A.T., Hibbert, J. R., Snider, J.B., 2003)? ·