Permakultura I. HE – FSS – MU 2011 Helena Vlašínová „Zacalo to“ v Austrálii Bill Mollison (*1928) Tagari farm David Holmgren (*1955) Meliodora – – – The overall aim of permaculture design is to The aim is also to plan for craft or other products on larger areas, that yield a trade or commercial potential for clients, again as diverse products resources. The design should aim for a total, secure, long-term integration of all elements; stability & diversity are the keynotes. Conservation of soil, water, & energy are central issues. Permaculture seeks the Garden of Eden & why not? produce an efficient lowmaintenance productive integration of plants, animals, structures & man; with the ultimate result of on-site stability & food self-sufficiency in the smallest practical area. The system combines rational landscape design, organic gardening methods, & alternative energy systems into a unified design encompassing many trades, skill, & disciplines. Mezinarodni konference permakultury v Jordansku • pId=pla_9dadec61-3a5c-4140-b751- 0b4d285aeeb3&utm_source=lslibrary&utm _medium=ui-thumb Tagari farm • LESNÍ ZAHRADA • AKVAKULTURA • SLEPICÍ TRAKTOR • permaculture/projects/tagari.htm Prakticky se permakulturní design soustreduje na: • • Relativní umístení prvku Funkcní propojení prvku BAHNO Spolupráce s prírodou Zmena problému v rešení k mokradum: proti prírode – odvodnení, prevedení na louky – sklizen sena – ekologická, samoregulacní vysoce výnosná alternativa (TAGARI) • KACHNY RYBY VODNÍ ROSTLINY PLODINY NA BREZÍCH MLŽI Klasický prístup Chinampy David Holmgren: • David Holmgren (co-originator of the Permaculture concept) & Su Dennett Ph + 61 3 53483636 Email or Website Melliodora (Hepburn Permaculture Gardens) 16 Fourteenth St, Hepburn, Victoria, Australia. 3461. Publications: Appearances: vents/appearances.html Holmgren Design Services • Fremantle, západní Australie, • ecology-agriculture and landscape design. • Permaculture One. • Following graduation in Environmental Design in 1976 David expanded his practical skills through building, gardening and bush living. Since then work as a designer and teacher has involved him in projects all over Australia, Europe, the Mid East, Africa and elsewhere. • workshops and courses in Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Italy, France, Britain, Germany, Denmark and Sweden. • He has consulted and supervised on urban and rural projects in Australia and New Zealand. Within the growing and international permaculture movement, David is respected for his commitment to presenting permaculture ideas through practical projects and teaching by personal example, that a sustainable lifestyle is a realistic, attractive and powerful alternative to dependent consumerism. Masanobu Fukuoka PC je spíše spolupráce než boj – AIKIDO x KARATE Schopnost videt vzájemné funkce organizmu, ne jen zkoumat a využívat jednotlivé „Podstatou harmonie je vzdát se pocitu nadrazenosti“ (1913 – 2008) • • de/140 Definice? Koncept „permanentní kultury“ V posledních 10 – 15 letech nejen „agrikultura“ v permakulture jde ve skutecnosti o trvanlivost a stálost živých systému a lidské kultury Koncept „permanentní agrikultury“ Permaculture One“ „landscapes designed on base of mimic the patterns and relationships found in nature, while yielding an abundance of food, fibre and energy for provision of local needs“. integrated, evolving system of perennial or selfperpetuating plant and animal species useful to man“ (D.H. a B.M.1970) 1978 „ Right Livelihood Award 1981 „ Systém navrhování zahrad, lidských sídel a krajiny v souladu s prírodou, zachovávající podstatu a prirozenost života všech organizmu. Bill Mollison