Journal of Environmental Psychology (1996) 16, 17–31 0272-4944/96/010017+15$18.00/0 © 1996 Academic Press Limited ENVIRONMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Journalof DEMOGRAPHIC DIFFERENCES IN THE VISUAL PREFERENCES FOR AGRARIAN LANDSCAPES IN WESTERN NORWAY EINAR STRUMSE Research Center for Health Promotion, University of Bergen, Øistens gt. 3, N-5007 Bergen, Norway Abstract This study examines the relationship between a number of demographic variables and the visual preferences for a sample of colour slides depicting traditional and agrarian landscape scenes from Western Norway among 198 Norwegian students. In order to attain this purpose, eight demographic measures, tapping familiarity, subculture and expertise, were developed. Serving as criterion variables, sumscores were constructed on the basis of a nonmetric factorial analysis (SSA-III), identifying seven perceptual dimensions in the visual preferences for agrarian landscapes. The results suggest areas of unanimity as well as areas of divergence with respect to the visual perception of agrarian landscapes. Thus, an almost unanimous consensus with respect to (a) the high preferences for traditional human-influenced settings and nature scenes, and (b) the relative dislike for dominating human influence and many of the effects of modern farming practices was found. In contrast, important divergencies were found for landscape categories in the moderate preference range, with the highest occurrence of group differences for a category of scenes depicting farming activities. The most potent demographic predictors of preference across landscape categories were present population density, gender, organization membership and expertise. In addition, effects of age and present geographical region of residence were observed. The findings support evidence from earlier analyses of the landscapes in question, indicating strong preferences for traditional agrarian settings. © 1996 Academic Press Limited Introduction decisions. Such decisions will probably not be made without support from both landscape experts and the general public.Agrarian landscapes are threatened by the continuing expansion of urban areas, the spreading of There is good reason to expect that support to landscape preservation varies between segments ofindustrial agriculture and an increasing marginalization and disuse of old agricultural land. In the population. This variation may, at least in part, be associated with underlying divergencies in thethis situation, Norway occupies a special position due to a topography generally not suited for mech- perception of the landscapes in question. The study of visual preferences represents one way of sub-anized agriculture (Kaland, 1993). This is the case especially in Western Norway, where peasants jecting environmental perception to systematic inquiry. Moreover, an examination of the relation-often chose to maintain traditional practices. Here, traditional agrarian landscapes of exceptional rec- ships between demographic variables and visual landscape preferences might provide valuable infor-reational and aesthetical value, and an ecological diversity not present in the natural landscape, can mation for decision-makers in the field of landscape planning and management. For example, the identi-still be found (Austad et al., 1991). However, with the last generation of farmers still knowledgeable of fication of similarities in landscape preferences across groups would assist the development of gen-traditional techniques rapidly disappearing, these landscapes are also threatened by disuse (Austad, eral guidelines for landscape design, whereas the demonstration of group differences would help to1993). Thus, their preservation for the future depends, at least in part, on national policy sort out cases or conditions in which the preferences 17 18 E. Strumse of specific groups should be mapped. In contrast, group differences in landscape preferences according to three main themes:the costs of not taking demographic variation into account might be that well-meant efforts, to either (1) familiarity, or experience, related to geopreserve or develop an area, will end up mired in graphical circumstances of residence and the effect conflicts between opposing groups (cf. Kaplan & of direct exposure to an environment; Kaplan, 1983). (2) cultural and ethnic variation, including the An examination of the role of demographics in question of age and other bases for belonging to a visual landscape preferences also brings to the sur- ‘subculture’; face the more general issue of the universality of (3) the effects of formal knowledge and expertise. human nature vs cultural variability (see, e.g. Cosmides et al., 1992). Theoretical explanations of Evidence for the importance of familiarity can be found in a number of studies. Landscape exposurevariations in visual landscape preferences have commonly been taken to support either a con- as a child, childhood residence and place of residence (Zube et al., 1974; Daniel & Boster, 1976;structivist (cf. Moore, 1979; Lyons, 1983) or a functionalist–evolutionary position (Appleton, 1975; Lyons, 1983; Kellert, 1978) have all been reported to influence landscape preferences. Moreover, in anKaplan & Kaplan, 1983, 1989). Somewhat simplified, differences that can be attributed to the back- analysis of perceptual differences between residents of and visitors to a specific area, Kaplan (1977)grounds of individuals or groups, i.e. to demographic characteristics, would lend support to the found that long-time residents exhibited greater differentiation of landscape features. However,constructivist assumption and, consequently, to the notion of cultural variability in landscape prefer- urban/rural experience seems in most cases not to influence landscape preferences (Gallagher, 1977;ences. In contrast, differences produced by the landscapes in question (i.e. in the absence of individual Kaplan, 1977, 1985; Miller, 1984; Keane, 1990). Generally, the relationship between preference andor group differences) would indicate the appropriateness of a functionalist–evolutionary interpret- familiarity has been a positive one (cf. Hammitt, 1978, 1987; Keyes, 1984), but negative relationshipsation, thus supporting the notion of cross-cultural, universal patterns in visual preference. However, have also been found (Penning-Rowsell et al., 1977). Thus, familiarity does affect preference, but it is notfrom the position of evolutionary psychology, cultural variability is not a challenge to claims of uni- always clear what the effect will be (Kaplan & Kaplan, 1989).versality. Rather, the focus of this emerging field is to identify the psychological mechanisms that come The potential effect of subculture is demonstrated by findings suggesting that, in some cases, samplesbetween theories of selection pressures on the one hand and socio-cultural behaviour on the other sharing the same landscape show substantial differences in preference (Daniel & Boster, 1976;(Cosmides et al., 1992). In an attempt to overcome the conflict between Kaplan & Herbert, 1987; Porter, 1987). Some studies have found that preference tend to decreasebiological and cultural explanations as it is reflected in the field of landscape aesthetics, with increasing age (Balling & Falk, 1982; Lyons, 1983), and vast preference differences have beenBourassa (1990) suggests a tripartite theory, making a distinction between biological, cultural and found between teens and people involved in teaching about the environment (Medina, 1983).personal modes of aesthetic experience. A particularly interesting feature of this contribution is the An effect of gender has repeatedly been found in studies of environmental perceptions (Kellert, 1978;proposal that natural landscapes should be experienced primarily through a biological mode, thus Macia, 1979; Lyons, 1983; Dearden, 1984), but this effect seems far from unambiguous. For example inimplying universal patterns of preference. On the other hand, urban landscapes (and, we would add, a recent review of the more general research literature on gender and environmental concern, Stern etother strongly human-influenced landscapes) would probably be experienced through the cultural mode al. (1993) found that while some studies reported women to be more concerned about the environ-and thus be subjected to variability. The proposed framework seems useful because it urges research- ment, others reported the opposite findings. When differences are found, women seem to be more nega-ers to make explicit the distinctions between the three modes of aesthetic experience, and to clarify tive towards intrusions into natural environment than are men (Levine & Langenau, 1979; Kardell &the way in which they apply them to their own research. Ma˙rd, 1989). There also seems to be some support for gender differences along evolutionary lines, withKaplan and Kaplan (1989) summarized studies of 19Demography and Preferences for Norwegian Agrarian Landscapes a tendency for males to prefer more challenging seemed, in large part, to conform with these findings.environments (Woodcock, 1982; Bernaldez & Abello, 1989) and a greater facility by females to remember The purpose of the present study was to examine to what extent differences in visual preferences forspatial configurations of objects (Silverman & Eals, 1992). agrarian landscapes in Western Norway can be explained by demographic factors. In order to attainMembership in environmental groups has been shown to influence landscape preferences, members this goal, scenes from traditional and modern agrarian landscapes were sampled. Modern scenesbeing more in favour of wilderness scenes (Dearden, 1984) and showing lower preferences for manipu- were included for two major reasons: (1) to assure a degree of representativeness in the sample oflated landscapes and higher preferences for nature scenes (Kaplan & Herbert, 1987). scenes, and (2) to make possible a comparison of the effects on visual preference of changing agriculturalA distinction between expert evaluations and the preferences of the general public has commonly techniques (i.e. traditional vs modern). The study focused on the following questions:been made in studies of visual preference. Concluding from the results of a number of studies (Kaplan, (1) Will consensus among demographic groups in terms of visual preferences be found for any given1973; Anderson, 1978; Buhyoff et al., 1978; Medina, 1983), Kaplan and Kaplan (1989) note that experts category of landscape? (2) Will subcultural variables, such as age, gen-seem to weigh the role of informational aspects of a given setting differently from lay groups. Further- der and organization membership, influence preferences for agrarian landscapes in Western Norway?more, these studies also suggest that expert judgements do not correspond well to the public’s and (3) Will familiarity with types of landscape in question result in higher preferences for them?that experts tend to be unaware of the difference. In Scandinavia, Hultman (1983) found that Swedish (4) How does landscape expertise influence the visual preferences for Western Norwegian agrarianforest managers exhibited preferences close to those environmentalists, whereas Savolainen and Kello- landscapes? ma¨ki (1984) found no differences attributable to expertise. Clearly, demographic characteristics can be a Methodsource of variation of environmental preference. However, it should be kept in mind that consensus, Subjects were 198 volunteer male (n=72) andrather than divergence, seems to be the rule (cf. female (n=126) Norwegian university and collegeDearden, 1984). A series of studies support this students, taken from landscape-related disciplinesargument. First, the content of scenes has consist(n=94) and introductory courses in psychology (n=ently emerged as a major contributor to preference. 104). The rationale for this composition of theHere, the most preferred scenes have repeatedly sample was to make it consist of equally largebeen shown to be those in which human influence groups of landscape ‘experts’ and ‘nonexperts’. Thedoes not dominate the natural elements or where mean age of participants was 25.1 years (S.D.=5.96,nature dominates, whereas the least preferred minimum=19 years, maximum=50 years). Thescenes often represent intrusions into the natural study was carried out in several sessions in Bergen,environment (Gallagher, 1977; Anderson, 1978; Oslo, Trondheim, Sogndal, and Bøi TelemarkHammitt, 1978; Herbert, 1981; Ellsworth, 1982; between May and October 1993.Herzog et al., 1982; Hudspeth, 1982; Miller, 1984; Kaplan, 1985; Strumse, 1994a). However, not all nature scenes are highly pre- Visual stimuli ferred. Consequently, similarities in preference cannot be explained sufficiently on the basis of content Sixty colour slides, drawn from an initial collection of 76 slides, were used. In so far as this was compat-alone. According to Kaplan and Kaplan (1989), additional important factors are environmental ible with the composition of a fairly balanced sample of settings, a major concern was that theattributes enhancing the processes of understanding and exploration. Also spatial information, indi- settings chosen should represent areas well documented with respect to earlier research (geographycating how well one could function in the space represented, seems important. An earlier examination and ecology) as this would add to the usefulness of the results. A more detailed description of theof preference predictors for the agrarian landscapes employed in the present study (Strumse, 1994b) sampling procedure can be found in Strumse 20 E. Strumse (1994a, b). The areas chosen for the sampling of Procedure scenes were: (1) traditional agrarian landscapes from various Projected in random order on a screen, 60 slides intended for the analysis of preference ratings andlocations in Sogn og Fjordane county. Considerable geographical and botanical ecological data exist on 10 ‘filler slides’, five at the beginning and five at the end of each sessions in order to avoid start and endsome of these areas (Austad & Kaland, 1991; Austad et al., 1991); effects, were rated by the participants. The slides were rated on a scale ranging from 1 to 5 according(2) well-documented modern agrarian landscapes, mostly from the surroundings of the lake to how much it was liked (1=does not like at all, 2= likes a little, 3=likes somewhat, 4=likes quite a bitKalandsvatnet (Sandahl, 1989; Lundberg, 1990; Østerbø, 1990) just outside Bergen, the second and 5=likes very much). Each slide was exposed for 10 seconds with a random interstimulus intervallargest city of Norway, but other areas (Sogndal, Aurland, Laerdal and Vik) were also included. ranging from 1 to 9 seconds, the latter in order to avoid response set (see e.g. Polit & Hungler, 1991).These landscapes have undoubtedly lost some of the values that characterize the traditional landscapes Immediately following the visual preference ratings, subjects filled in the questionnaire, includ-but are nevertheless important as they provide outdoor recreation opportunities to the urban ing the items designed for the measurement of demographic variables.population. SPSS/PC+ V5.0 was used for descriptive statistics, one-way analyses of variance and multipleThe questionnaire classification analyses (MCA). The visual preference ratings and the demographic measures investigated in the present study were parts of a larger questionnaire designed to explore a Results wide range of potential predictors of visual preferences. The questionnaire included: An analysis considering the influence of demography on the preferences for each of the 60 scenes(1) a visual preference rating sheet, with 5-point Likert type rating scales intended for visual prefer- included in the present study would be neither practical nor very interesting. Instead, landscape cate-ence ratings; (2) eight items designed to measure the follow- gory sumscores were created on the basis of perceptual dimensions derived from the preference ratingsing demographic characteristics: age, gender, organization membership, geographical region during of the scenes in the current data set. Such dimensions were identified through the application of achildhood, present geographical region, population density during childhood, present population den- nonmetric factor analytic procedure, the SSA-III, or the Guttman–Lingoes Smallest Space Analysissity and expertise (i.e. type of university or college study currently being undertaken). (Lingoes, 1972), with normalized varimax rotation. The benefits of the SSA-III procedure comparedIn the questionnaire, some of these measures were dichotomies (gender and organization with metric factor analysis, is that it increases the stability of the solution (Kaplan & Kaplan, 1989)membership), whereas others were polytomies. However, because of the relatively small sample (n= and decreases the number of dimensions (Herzog, 1992). Following established criteria (cf. Kaplan &198) in the present study, and in order to simplify the use of statistical techniques, all variables were Kaplan, 1989, for example) a seven-dimensional solution including ratings for 50 of the scenes gave adichotomized. For the variable ‘age’, dichotomization was based on the fact that 1970 was the readily interpretable result, with no dimension including fewer than three items (Table 1). Thusmedian for this variable. For all other originally nondichotomous variables, the guiding principle for sumscores were computed by summing up the items measuring preferences for the scenes included indichotomization was to end up with intuitively meaningful categorizations, for example urban vs each landscape category. In this process, missing values were substituted by item means, and outliersrural, and Western Norwegians vs others. It should be noted that in answering the two items measur- were recorded to ±2S.D. from the mean of its sumscore (cf. Aarø, 1986). A more detailed description ofing, respectively, geographical region and population density during childhood, subjects were the analysis of these dimensions has been given elsewhere (Strumse, 1994a).asked to think of the place they lived most of the time before their sixteenth birthday. In the following presentation of results, mean 21Demography and Preferences for Norwegian Agrarian Landscapes preference ratings at 3·7 and above were considered ferred of all was the Modern Farming Elements category. For a thorough analysis of these preferenceas ‘high’, mean ratings between 3·0 and 3·7 as ‘moderate’, and means below 3·0 as ‘low’. These cut-off levels, see Strumse (1994a). One-way (bivariate) analyses of variance werepoints were chosen as they have repeatedly been employed in visual preference studies based on the performed separately for each demographic variable (independent) on each landscape category sumscoregeneral finding that ratings at 4·0 or above and at 2·0 or lower are highly unusual (cf. Kaplan & (dependent). Moreover, to assess further the effectiveness among demographic variables as predictorsKaplan, 1989). In addition, these characterizations of mean preference levels enhance both the review of differences in preference for each landscape category, a special kind of multiple regression, the Mul-of the results and the subsequent interpretation of divergencies between group means and the overall tiple Classification Analysis (MCA) (Andrews et al., 1973) was employed. MCA is designed to handlemean preference for a given category. The two most preferred categories, both at high categorical predictors. A first look at the bivariate analyses (Table 2)mean rating levels, depicted traditional scenes (Table 1). However, whereas the Flowers category revealed that for two of the landscape categories, no significant group differences were found. Thus, forwas dominated by ‘nature’ scenes, the Old Structures category was characterized by human influ- the Old Structures category, across all groups, the mean ratings were consistently high, between 4·35ence. The moderately preferred Farming category was, in contrast to all other categories, dominated and 4·48 (see examples of the settings in Fig. 1). The Spruce Plantations category, however, was ratedby activity, but contained both traditional and modern scenes. Also at a moderate level, but distinctly consistently low, between 1·78 and 1·96 (Fig. 2). No further analysis was done for these two categories.lower than the Farming scenes, was the Green, Grassy Fields category, depicting vegetation from For the remaining landscape categories, between one and five demographic variables yielded signifi-predominantly modern agrarian landscapes. The New Dominating Structures and the Spruce Plan- cant results. However, two familiarity variables, geographical region during childhood and popu-tations categories, although very different in content, were at essentially the same preference level, lation density during childhood, proved insignificant across all landscape categories. These resultsi.e. they were generally not preferred. Least preTABLE 1 Sumscores computed on the basis of preference-derived (n=198) categories in Western Norwegian agrarian landscapes: descriptive statistics Label Description No. of Mean S.D. Minimum Maximum items Farming Persons doing manual labour or using machines, 12 3·63 0·62 1·83 4·92 products of such activities, or reflections of activities associated with farming Old Old buildings or mechanical equipment embedded 9 4·43 0·42 3·49 5·00 structures in a nature setting, but also a nature scene, the ground covered with stone Green, grassy Modern mowed fields or meadows 9 3·14 0·57 1·93 4·67 fields Modern farming Silos, drainpipes and forest machines 6 1·66 0·51 1·00 2·80 elements New dominating Modern buildings and constructions 7 1·95 0·51 1·00 3·04 structures Flowers Flowers and colourful meadows, high in 4 4·34 0·54 3·09 5·00 biological diversity Spruce Relatively dense spruce plantations 3 1·86 0·81 1·00 3·58 plantations 22 E. Strumse TABLE 2 Mean preference ratings for seven landscape categories by demography: one-way analyses of variance (S.D.s in parentheses) Groups (n) Landscape category Farming Old Green, Modern New Flowers Spruce Structures Grassy Farming Dominating Plantations Fields Familiarity Geographical region during childhood Western Norway (95) 3·62 4·42 3·10 1·71 2·01 4·37 1·88 (0·63) (0·42) (0·60) (0·55) (0·50) (0·52) (0.81) Other (103) 3·64 4·45 3·17 1·60 1·90 4·32 1·84 (0·60) (0·43) (0·54) (0·46) (0·51) (0·56) (0·82) Present geographical region Western Norway (146) 3·56** 4·42 3·16 1·67 1·98 4·34 1·85 (0·63) (0·42) (0·60) (0·53) (0·51) (0·55) (0·80) Other (52) 3·83 4·46 3·09 1·63 1·89 4·34 1·88 (0·52) (0·44) (0·49) (0·45) (0·49) (0·51) (0·84) Population density during childhood Urban (85) 3·66 4·49 3·18 1·65 2·01 4·37 1·83 (0·58) (0·43) (0·55) (0·51) (0·48) (0·56) (0·80) Rural (113) 3·60 4·39 3·11 1·66 1·91 4·32 1·88 (0·64) (0·42) (0·59) (0·51) (0·52) (0·52) (0·82) Present population density Urban (136) 3·52*** 4·42 3·19 1·72** 2·01* 4·33 1·89 (0·60) (0·43) (0·54) (0·52) (0·51) (0·54) (0·79) Rural (62) 3·87 4·47 3·03 1·51 1·82 4·37 1·78 (0·60) (0·41) (0·62) (0·46) (0·47) (0·55) (0·85) Subculture Age (year of birth) Before 1970 (92) 3·82*** 4·47 3·12 1·72 2·02 4·37 1·85 (0·53) (0·45) (0·54) (0·53) (0·50) (0·54) (0·84) After 1970 (106) 3·46 4·40 3·15 1·60 1·89 4·32 1·87 (0·64) (0·40) (0·60) (0·49) (0·50) (0·54) (0·79) Gender Men (72) 3·56 4·36 2·99** 1·71 2·01 4·20** 1·96 (0·61) (0·48) (0·52) (0·51) (0·51) (0·55) (0·80) Women (126) 3·67 4·48 3·22 1·63 1·92 4·43 1·80 (0·62) (0·38) (0·58) (0·51) (0·50) (0·52) (0·82) Organization membership Yes (153) 3·70** 4·45 3·15 1·66 1·95 4·40** 1·84 (0·62) (0·41) (0·55) (0·50) (0·51) (0·52) (0·80) No (45) 3·38 4·36 3·09 1·64 1·97 4·15 1·92 (0·52) (0·46) (0·62) (0·53) (0·51) (0·57) (0·86) Expertise Expert (94) 3·84*** 4·48 3·02** 1·64 1·96 4·40 1·82 (0·54) (0·43) (0·57) (0·49) (0·51) (0·51) (0·82) Nonexpert (104) 3·44 4·39 3·24 1·67 1·95 4·29 1·89 (0·62) (0·42) (0·55) (0·53) (0·50) (0·56) (0·80) *p<0·05; **p<0·01; ***p<0·001. 23Demography and Preferences for Norwegian Agrarian Landscapes FIGURE 1. No group differences were found for the scenes included in the Old Structures category, which received consistently high preferences (overall mean=4·43). Thus, while subjects presently living in Western Norway were found at a moderate preference level (mean=3·56), those living in other regions had high preferences (mean=3·83) for these scenes. Likewise, in contrast to urban residents (mean=3·52), subjects living in rural areas were found to have high preferences (mean=3·87) for the Farming scenes. Among subcultural variables, age and organization membership both yielded highly significant results (both at p<0·001). Here, those born before 1970 (mean= 3·82) and members (mean=3·70) were highly in favour of the Farming scenes, whereas younger subjects (mean=3·46) and nonmembers (mean=3·83) were found within the moderate preference range.FIGURE 2. The preferences for scenes like this one from the Space Plantations category, were consistently low (mean=1·85). Expertise also yielded clear group differences (p< 0·001), with high preferences (mean=3·84) in the expert group and moderate preferences (mean=are somewhat surprising as landscape exposure as 3·44) among nonexperts.a child has repeatedly been found to influence prefThe MCA for the Farming category (Table 3)erences. All other demographic variables yielded yielded a significant (p<0·001) over all multiple Rsignificant results for one or more of the landscape square of 0·195, with age as the most powerful pre-categories. With an exception for the Farming catedictor variable (β=0·21, p<0·01). Not significant ingory, the MCAs did not provide additional inforbivariate analysis, gender obtained a highly signifi-mation, as they only confirmed the bivariate cant result in MCA (β=0.18, p<0·01). Present popu-results. For this landscape category, additional lation density also proved to be a significant predic-analyses of variance were performed to explore the tor, with a β of 0·16 (p<0.05). However, in contrastnature of these divergencies. In the following secto the bivariate results, both present geographicaltions, results of the bivariate and multivariate region and expertise turned out to be insignificantanalyses (MCA) will be presented in greater detail. in the MCA. Thus further analyses had to be made.The Farming category yielded the highest degree of diverging preferences in bivariate analyses, with In bivariate analysis of expertise, controlling for present population density, it was found thatsignificant results for five of the eight demographic variables (Table 2, first column from the left). More- expertise remained significant only for experts and nonexperts living in urban areas (Table 4, upperover, all observed differences went beyond the overall, moderate preference level of the category. First, section). With the rural nonexpert group being too small (n=9), the difference between experts andamong measures of familiarity, present geographical region (p<0·01) and present population density nonexperts living in rural areas could not be tested statistically. Further bivariate analysis also indi-(p<0·001), yielded clear differences in preference. 24 E. Strumse TABLE 3. The Farming category sumscore by demographic variables: Multiple Classification Analysis Unadjusted Adjusted Variable n deviation η deviation β Geographical region during childhood Western Norway 95 −0·01 0·02 Other regions 103 0·01 −0·01 0·02 0·02† Present geographical region Western Norway 146 −0·07 −0·02 Other regions 52 0·20 0·06 0·20 0·06† Population density during childhood Urban 85 0·03 0·02 Rural 113 −0·03 −0·02 0·05 0·03† Present population density Urban 136 −0·11 −0·07 Rural 62 0·24 0·15 0·26 0·16* Age (year of birth) Before 1970 92 0·19 0·14 After 1970 106 −0·17 −0·12 0·29 0·21** Gender Men 72 −0·07 −0·15 Women 126 0·04 0·08 0·09 0·18** Organization membership Yes 153 0·07 0·04 No 45 −0·25 −0·14 0·22 0·12† Expertise Experts 94 0·21 0·07 Nonexperts 104 −0·19 −0·06 0·33 0·11 Multiple R squared 0·195*** Multiple R 0·442 Grand mean=3·629. *p<0·05; **p<0·01; ***p<0·001; †not significant. cated that expertise seemed to remove the effect of only for urban residents (Table 4, lower section). Photographic samples of the Farming scenes arepresent geographical region. Also here, the differences between two of the subgroups, nonexperts liv- found in Fig. 3. For the Green, Grassy Fields category (see Tableing in Western Norway and nonexperts living in other regions, could not be subjected to statistical 2, third column from the left), significant bivariate results were found for gender and expertise (both atanalysis, as the latter group consisted of only one individual (see Table 4, middle section). On the p<0·01): women were, well in keeping with the overall preferences for this category, moderate (mean=other hand, when controlling for present population density, the effect of present geographical region 3·22) in their liking of these scenes, whereas men (mean=2·99) were found in the low preferencefound in bivariate analysis, was reproduced, but 25Demography and Preferences for Norwegian Agrarian Landscapes TABLE 4 Further bivariate analyses for the Farming category: expertise controlled for present population density, present geographical region controlled for expertise, and present geographical region controlled for present population density: one-way analyses of variance Variable n Mean S.D. Expertise controlled for present population density Urban experts 41 3·81*** 0·49 Urban nonexperts 95 3·40 0·60 Rural experts 53 3·87‡ 0·59 Rural nonexperts 9 3·85 0·71 Present geographical region controlled for expertise Western Norwegian experts 43 3·84† 0·59 Experts from other regions 51 3·85 0·51 Western Norwegian nonexperts 103 3·44‡ 0·62 Nonexperts from other regions 1 3·00 − Present geographical region controlled for present population density Urban Western Norwegians 115 3·48** 0·61 Urban, other regions 21 3·73 0·50 Rural Western Norwegians 31 3·83† 0·67 Rural, other regions 31 3·90 0·53 *p<0·05; **p<0·01; ***p<0·001; †not significant; ‡due to an insufficient group size, statistics could either not be calculated, or results would be unreliable. FIGURE 3. Although at an overall moderate preference level, the Farming scenes were highly preferred by the older age group in the sample (mean=3·82), rural residents (mean=3·87), urban residents not living in Western Norway (mean=3·73), urban experts (mean= 3·81) and organization members (mean=3·70). range. While both were moderate in their prefer- indicated that only familiarity seemed important here, with present population density yielding a sig-ences for this category, experts (mean=3·02) were found at a significantly lower level than nonexperts nificant (p<0·01) result. Here, urban residents (mean=1·72) were more in favour of the category(mean=3·24). One of the scenes included in this category is depicted in Fig. 4. than were those living in rural areas (mean=1·52), but both groups were still found within the low pref-The bivariate results for the Modern Farming Elements category (see Table 2, middle column) erence range (Fig. 5, left photo). 26 E. Strumse For the New Dominating Structures category (see (mean=4·40) were more in favour of the Flowers category than were, respectively, men (mean=4·20) andTable 2, third column from the right), the results of bivariate analyses were similar to those found for nonmembers (mean=4·15). Settings from the Flowers category are depicted in Fig. 6.the Modern Farming Elements, only somewhat weaker, with p<0·05 for present population density. A brief summary of the findings presented above, sharpening the focus upon demography by consider-While both groups were found in the low preference range, subjects presently living in urban areas ing each demographic variable separately across landscape categories, might add to their clarity.(mean=2·01) were somewhat more in favour of the category than were rural residents (mean=1·82). Among the familiarity variables, two of these, geographical region during childhood and populationOne of the Modern Farming Elements scenes is depicted in Fig. 5, right-hand photo. density during childhood, did not affect the visual preferences for any of the landscape categories. InPreferences for the Flowers category (see Table 2, second column from the right) proved in bivariate contrast, the parallel circumstances presently did seem to affect landscape preferences. Thus, subjectsanalyses to be significantly affected by two subcultural variables: gender and organization member- presently living in urban areas scored higher than rural residents in their visual preferences for theship (both at p<0·01). However, all group means were within the overall high preference range. With New Dominating Structures and Modern Farming Elements categories, whereas they were lower inthis reservation, women (mean=4·43) and members their preferences for the Farming category. In the latter case, further analysis revealed that high preference was only found among urban landscape experts, and that Western Norwegian urban residents were lower in their visual preferences for Farming scenes than were urban residents living elsewhere. Among subcultural variables, age was a strong predictor of visual preference for the Farming category, with older subjects found at the higher level of preference. Furthermore, gender affected the visual preferences for the Farming, Green, Grassy Fields and Flowers categories, women in all cases being more in favour of these scenes. In addition, organization members exhibited higher preferences than did nonmembers for the Farming and Green,FIGURE 4. The scenes included in the Green, Grassy Fields Grassy Fields categories.category were more preferred by women (mean=3·22) and nonexperts (mean=3·24) than by men (mean=2·99) and experts Finally, knowledge, in this case landscape expert- (mean=3·02). ise, led to higher preferences among experts comFIGURE 5. Urban residents were somewhat more (mean=1·72) in favour of scenes containing Modern Farming Elements and New Dominating Structures than were rural residents (mean=1·51). 27Demography and Preferences for Norwegian Agrarian Landscapes ability to respond with preference to environments exhibiting such attributes has been selected for, as they facilitate the efficient processing of environmental information. However, for the Spruce Plantations category, Mystery seems to have an opposite, perhaps even fear-inducing effect, which might be due to its combination with dense vegetation, making the prediction of what might happen next difficult (Strumse, 1994b). The results for the Flowers and Green, Grassy Fields categories could be understood as a relatively clear example of the complementarity of constructivist and evolutionary perspectives. While the FIGURE 6. For the Flowers category, gender and organization impression of consensus dominated, significant membership produced clear differences in preference. Women group differences were found in the preferences for(mean=4·43) and members (mean=4·40) were significantly (in both cases at p<0·01) higher in their visual preferences for these both categories. Unanimity seemed to be explained scores than were men (mean=4·20) and nonmembers (mean= by these scenes representing environments provid- 4·15). ing safe conditions for understanding and exploration (cf. Kaplan & Kaplan, 1989). Nevertheless, the subcultural factors gender and organizationpared with nonexperts for the Farming scenes, whereas nonexperts were higher in their prefer- membership, and one knowledge-related factor, expertise, seemed capable of producingences for the Green, Grassy Fields category. divergencies. The observed differences produced by gender support the notion that this is a ‘subcultural’ variableDiscussion capable of accounting for important differences with The finding that no significant group differences respect to landscape preferences, here expressing were found for the Old Structures and Spruce Plan- itself by women taking a more positive stance tations categories, suggests that preferences for towards nature than men. It is also possible, howthese landscapes could be explained, first, on the ever, to interpret the gender differences in evolbasis of their content, and second, according to the utionary terms. For the Flowers category, the differpresence or absence in them of preference-promot- ences seem compatible with findings indicating ing environmental attributes (Strumse, 1994a, b). women to be superior in their perception and memSpecifically, the high preferences for the Old Struc- ory of complex arrays of vegetation, whereas men tures category seem to be related to those scenes are better on mental rotation, map-reading and containing human influence in balance with the maze learning (Silverman & Eals, 1992). This is natural elements (Strumse, 1994a). For the Spruce hypothesized to be so because, during hominid evolPlantations category, however, dense vegetation, ution, men predominantly hunted and women preresulting in a blocked view, seemed responsible for dominantly foraged (Tooby & DeVore, 1987). Morethe low preference levels (cf. Strumse, 1994a). over, a higher preference in women could be due to The role of preference-promoting environmental the fact that categories such as Flowers and Green, features will here be interpreted within a func- Grassy Fields, which are open and well-defined settionalist–evolutionary framework (cf. Kaplan & tings (Strumse, 1994b), would most probably induce Kaplan, 1989; Kaplan, 1992). Thus, for the Old feelings of security, which is perhaps more importStructures category, preference seems associated ant to women than to men. with high degrees in it of one informational vari- The finding that experts exhibited somewhat able, Mystery (Strumse, 1994b), which promotes lower preferences than nonexperts for the Green, exploration by promising new information if one Grassy Fields category suggests that training could enter into the setting. Mystery has reliably within landscape disciplines leads to a more critical proved itself to predict visual preferences and is (or negative) attitude towards scenes of less than assumed to be, together with factors promoting optimal ecological quality, in this case manifesting understanding, a salient characteristic of environ- itself in a somewhat uniform, schematic layout of ments preferred by humans (Kaplan & Kaplan, space and a low biological diversity (Strumse, 1989). Presumably, through evolutionary time, the 1994b). However, organization members were 28 E. Strumse somewhat more in favour of the highly preferred directly, or at all, with the other categories employed in this study, precisely because farmingFlowers category than were nonmembers. This makes sense, as membership could be regarded as activity, rather than landscape type, emerged as the common perceptual theme for this category. On thean indication of interest in a broad spectrum of issues, including environmental protection. This other hand, the inclusion of this category could be justified because such activities are intimately con-applies well to the Flowers category, containing as it does aesthetically valuable traditional meadows nected with the shaping and maintenance of agrarian landscapes, and that both visitors to and resi-with high biological diversity (Strumse, 1994a). For both the Modern Farming Elements and the dents in such landscapes are likely to encounter such situations.New Dominating Structures categories, present population density resulted in one small group dif- The present study has demonstrated an almost unanimous consensus with respect to (a) the highference, with urban residents slightly more in favour of these scenes. These findings suggest a preferences for traditional human-influenced settings and nature scenes, and (b) the relative dislikeslightly negative relationship between familiarity and preference. Apart from these minor divergenc- for dominating human influence and many of the effects of modern farming practices. This lendsies, for these settings too the overall (low) preference pattern seemed readily explained both by their support, at least indirectly, to the relevance of a functionalist–evolutionary interpretation of visualcontent and by the degree to which preferenceenhancing environmental attributes are present in landscape preferences, and, at the same time, it confirms the impression of strong support for thethem (Strumse, 1994a, b). So far, a relatively unambiguous consensus in protection of traditional agrarian landscapes, reported in earlier analyses (Strumse, 1994a, b).landscape preferences, favouring a functionalist– evolutionary position, has been demonstrated for However, in spite of this strong tendency towards consensus, diverging preferences for agrarian land-the categories discussed. However, the comparatively large divergencies among groups found for scapes in Western Norway do exist. The observed group differences suggest the importance of takingthe moderately preferred Farming category constituted a sharp contrast to this overall picture and into account the preferences of those affected by the management of particular landscapes, especiallythe strongest support for the constructivist position in the present study. In the final analysis, the the moderately preferred landscapes, where divergencies are more pronounced. Particularly import-strongest predictors of differences in visual preferences for the Farming scenes were, in descending ant group differences seem to be associated with gender, organization membership, present popu-order, age, gender and present population density. However, expertise and present geographical region lation density, expertise and, to a lesser extent, age and present geographical region. On the otheralso exerted important influences on visual preference for this category of scenes. hand, in this study at least, geographical region and population density during childhood did not seem toResults indicating that preferences for the Farming category increase with increasing age could per- influence landscape preferences in adults. haps be understood as a result of the rarifying of direct experience of farming practices in our age of rapidly increasing urbanization. Furthermore, the Conclusion impact of expertise may be understood as resulting from a higher level of knowledge about agrarian The present study permitted an estimation of the impact of demographic variables on visual prefer-practices in experts than in nonexperts. Finally, subjects with higher preferences for the Farming ences for a given sample of agrarian landscapes. For highly preferred traditional, as well as for less-pre-category, who were indeed rural residents, and thus supposedly more familiar with such scenes than ferred modern landscapes, the impression of consensus is overwhelming, leading to the conclusion that,other groups, could be hypothesized to identify more closely than others with the persons depicted and for these landscapes, group differences are relatively small compared with the effects produced bythe activities they performed. Such identification could, in turn, be understood as part of subjects’ the landscapes themselves. Nevertheless, some clear effects of demography, notably for moderatelygeographical (or place) identity (cf. Proshansky et al., 1983; Feldman, 1990; Williams & Roggenbuck, preferred landscapes, were identified. This reinforces the argument that group differences in1989). This, however, also raises the question of whether the Farming category can be compared landscape preferences should not be neglected by 29Demography and Preferences for Norwegian Agrarian Landscapes perceptions of familiar natural environments. Unpub-planners, managers and other landscape experts. A lished doctoral dissertation, University of Michigan,further accentuation of this recommendation comes Ann Arbor. from the fact that one of the more important vari- Andrews, F. M., Morgan, J. N., Sonquist, J. A. & Klem, L. ables in producing such differences is expertise (1973). Multiple Classification Analysis. A Report on a Computer Program for Multiple Regression Using Cat-itself. 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