U.S. copyright law (title 17 of U.S. code) governs the reproduction and redistribution of copyrighted material. Analysis of Visual Behavior tl edited by David J. Ingle Melvyn A. Goodale Richard J. W. Mansfield 1982 by The Massachusetts Institute of Technology All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts London, England 18 Two Cortical Visual Systems Leslie G. Ungerleider Mortimer Mishkin 549 Damage to the primary visual cortex (striate cortex or area 17), either by disease, by acute assault, or through surgical intervention for therapeutic purposes, results in a scotoma or blind region in the visual field. Moreover, because of the precise topographic mapping of the visual field onto striate cortex, the region of the scotoma corresponds to the part of striate cortex damaged. In contrast to this primary sensory impairment, ”higher-order” visual dysfunctions ensue when damage occurs more rostrally in the brain, in either the temporal or parietal lobes; however, the effects that follow lesions of these two cortical areas are markedly different (Newcombe and Russell 1969).Whereas damage to temporal cortex produces an impairment in visual recognition (see, for example, Milner 1958, 1968; Kimura 1963; Lansdelll968; Benson et al. 1974;Meadows 1974),damageto parietal cortexproduces a constellation of visual spatial impairments (see, for example, McFie et al. 1950; Semmes et al. 1963; De Renzi and Faglioni 1967; Butters et al. 1972; Ratcliff and Davies-Jones 1972; Ratcliff and Newcombe 1973). Although it is clear that visual information must reach the temporal and parietal association areas to enable their participation in visual recognition aqd visual spatial perception, respectively, the complex circuitry through which this information is transmitted has yet to be unraveled. It is known, however, that two major fiber bundles emerge from occipital cortex and project rostrally in the brain (Flechsig 1896, 1920).One, the superior longitudinal fasciculus, follows a dorsal path, traversing the posterior parietal region in its course to the frontal lobe; the other, the inferior longitudinal fasciculus, follows a ventral route into the temporal lobe. It has been our working hypothesis (Mishkin 1972; Pohl 1973) that the ventral or occipitotemporal pathway is specialized for object perception (identifyingwhat an object is) whereas the dorsal or occipitoparietalpathway is specialized for spatial perception (locating where an object is). This distinction between the two types of visual perception is not new (see, for example, Ingle 1967; Held 1968). In the past, however, the neural mechanisms underlying object and spatial vision were seen as localized in geniculostriate and tectofugal systems, respectively (Schneider 1967; Trevarthen 1968). Two Cortical Visual Systems 550 By contrast, in the present formulation, corticocortical connections originating in the striate area are viewed as mediating both types of vision, with two diverging cortical systems replacing the geniculostriate-tectofugal dichotomy. The reasons for stressing corticocortical mechanisms for both types of visual perception in primates are developed below, but this emphasis is not meant to deny that the tectofugal system (including the tectofugal pathway to cortex) contributes to spatial vision, particularly to its visuomotor aspects; it is simply that, with regard to the perceptual aspects of spatial vision, the tectofugal system in the primate appears to play a subsidiary role. In our investigations of the two cortical visual systems, we have used the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) as our subject and have employed a combination of behavioral, electrophysiological, and anatomical techniques. Occipitotemporal Mechanisms in Object Perception The results of numerous behavioral studies have demonstrated that bilateral removal of inferior temporal cortex in monkeys produces a severe impairment in visual-discrimination performance (for reviews see Gross 1973; Dean 1976; Wilson 1978).In brief, inferior temporal lesions produce a deficit that is exclusively visual, affecting both the retention of discriminations acquired prior to surgery and the postoperative acquisition of new discriminations. Among the deficits that have been reported are those involving hue, brightness, two-dimensional patterns, and three-dimensional shapes. More recent work has shown that damage to the posterior part of the inferior temporal cortex (area TEO) interferes mainly with discriminative ability, whereas damage to the anterior part (area TE) affects primarily visual memory (Iwai and Mishkin 1968; Cowey and Gross 1970). The pathway through which inferior temporal cortex receives visual information was first suggested on the basis of early neuronographic data (vonBonin et al. 1942).It had been shown in both the monkey and chimpanzee that if strychnine is applied to the striate cortex spike discharges can be recorded from a prestriate cortical belt, whereas if strychnine is applied to any part of this prestriate region spikes can be recorded in the inferior part of the temporal lobe. These neuronographic findings were later confirmed in a neuroanatomical study (Kuypers et al. 1965)that employed the Nauta-Gygax (1954) technique for tracing projections by the silver-staining of degeneratingaxons after removal of their cell bodies. As anticipated, it was found that striate cortex projects to a prestriate corticalbelt, which, in turn, projectsto the inferior temporal area. It was also confirmed that each prestriate area projects across the splenium of the corpus callosum to reach the prestriate area of the opposite hemisphere. These neuronographic and neuroanatomical findings are scheUngerleider, Mishkin 551 Figure 18.1 Striate-prestriate-temporal pathways. Abbreviations refer to cytoarchitectonic divisions of von Bonin and Bailey (1947). Lower diagram indicates pathways remaining after crossed striate and inferior temporallesions (inblack). Pathwaysare shown as two-way, in accord with the neuroanatomicalevidence that the connectionsare reciprocal (Kuypers et al. 1965; Rockland and Pandya 1979). Adapted from Mishkin 1966. matized in figure 18.1. As indicated in the upper diagram, each striate area transmits visual information, relayed through the prestriate cortex, to the ipsilateral inferior temporal area; but, in addition, because of the reciprocal prestriate connections across the corpus callosum, each striate area also transmits visual information to the contralateral inferior temporal area. The behavioral significance of these pathways was first demonstrated in a series of crossed-lesion disconnection experiments (Mishkin 1966). Since such disconnection studies are not commonly employed to investigate brain-behavior relationships, a brief explanation of the underlying logic may be in order. The usual method of identifying the function of a cortical area is to remove that same area from both hemispheres and then determine what function has been lost. This method does not reveal whether the function was lost because it depended on the area (or station) that was removed or because it depended on a later station along the same pathway that could no longer operate after the pathway leading to it was destroyed. Crossed-lesion disconnection studies make it possible to demonstrate that a pathway with many cortical stations exists. The method is to remove one of the stations in the postulated pathway on one side of the brain, and to remove a different one (later in the pathway) on the other side (see lower diagram of figure 18.1).This leaves Two Cortical Visual Systems 552 one of each pair in the series intact, and it can often be shown that up to this point little or no loss in function occurs. However, if the connections between the two hemispheres are then cut, the functions served by the stations beyond the cut may be lost. This demonstrates that the function in question depends not only on the stations themselves, but also on the connections between them. The same demonstration theoretically could have been achieved by cutting the fiber connections between the stations within each hemisphere, but the complexity of these connections is so great, and they form such a compact network, that the method is technically difficult if not impossible. In the disconnection study referred to above it was found that if an inferotemporal lesion in one hemisphere was combined serially with total striate removal in the other, animals continued to perform a pattern-discrimination task; however, when these asymmetrical or ' crossed lesions were followed by transection of the corpus callosum, the performance of the animals fell to chance and they failed to relearn the task. Presumably, the single crossed pathway from the intact striate cortex on one side across the corpus callosum to the intact inferior temporal cortex on the other side is sufficient to mediate patterndiscrimination habits, but if this pathway is cut a severe deficit results. This study thus provided the first behavioral indication that inferior temporal cortex is a late station along a corticalvisual pathway running from striate through prestriate cortex. Electrophysiological experiments (Gross et al. 1972)subsequently revealed that single neurons in7inferiortemporal cortex, like those in striate (Hubel and Wiesel 1968jand prestriate (Hubel and Wiesel 1970) cortex, have visual receptive fields. The optimal trigger features for inferior temporal neurons, however, are considerably more complex.That visual input to these neurons originates in striate cortex was shown in a combined recording and ablation study by Rocha-Mirandaet al. (1975). The method entailed measuring the defect in the visual receptive fields of inferior temporal neurons after selective cerebral lesions or commissural transections. As predicted from earlier ablation studies (Mishkin 1972), the tectofugal pathway from the superior colliculus through the pulvinar to cortex turned out to be unimportant for the receptive field properties of inferior temporal neurons. By contrast, the cortical pathway from striate through prestriate to inferior temporal cortex proved to be essential, since interruption of this pathway by a striate removal or by transection of the forebrain commissures eliminated the corresponding visual input to inferior temporal cells. The results, shown in figure 18.2, indicate that normally over 60% of inferior temporal neurons have bilateral receptive fields. However, after bilateral striatecortex removal these neurons are totally unresponsive to visual stimulation, after unilateral striate-cortex removal they respond to visual stimulation only in the hemifield opposite the intact striate cortex, and after commissurotomy they respond to stimulation only in the conUngerleider, Mishkin Normal BilateralFields mContralateral Fields aIpsilateral Fields f i d e recordedfrom ,--.~-Inferior Temporal Cortex -..:,_-..-* -PrestriateCortex B C I Striate Cortex " Q Bilat. Striate Unilat. Striate Unilat. Striate V B C I B C I B C I Split B C I Figure 18.2 Proportion of inferior temporal neurons that had bilateral, contralateral,or ipsilateral receptive fields in (A) normal monkeys, (B) monkeys with bilateral removal of striate cortex, (C, D) monkeys with unilateral removal of striate cortex, and (E) monkeys with transection of the forebrain commissures. The brain diagrams show how information from the right (R) and left (L) visual hemifields could reach inferior temporal cortex along a corticocortical route and how each lesion (in black) interferes with this pathway. Adapted from Rocha-Miranda et al. 1975. tralateral hemifield. Thus, the dependence of inferior temporal cortex on corticocortical connections arising in striate cortex has now been made evident at the single-cell level. Most recently, this entire visual pathway was functionally mapped using 14C-labeled2-deoxyglucose (2-DG)via the method developed by Sokoloff and his colleagues (Kennedy et al. 1975). In this technique 2-DG is used as a marker of local cerebralglucose utilization and hence indicates regions that are metabolically active during the experimental procedure. The visual-mapping studies (Jarvis et al. 1978; Kennedy et al. 1978)were carried out in awakemonkeys previously prepared with a unilateral optic-tractsection combined with transection of the forebrain commissures (a procedure that visually deafferented one hemisphere while leaving the other intact). On the day of the experiment, the monkeys were presented with visual patterns in a rotating drum or in a discrimination apparatus. In both situations, reduced glucose utilization in the blind as compared with the seeing hemisphere was deen 553 Two Cortical Visual Systems 554 cortically, not only in the geniculostriate projection but throughout the entire expanse of prestriate and inferior temporal cortex as far forward as the temporal pole. With one exception, no other cortical area in the deafferented hemisphere showed reduced activity. The evidence that has been cited favors a sequential-activation model for object vision in which information that reaches the striate cortex is transmitted for further processing to the prestriate cortex, and from there to the inferior temporal area. This system appears to be important for the analysis and coding of the physical dimensions of visual stimuli needed for their identification and.recognition. It is unlikely, however, that any part of this system up to and including the inferior temporal area is involved in the still higher-order process of associating visual stimuli with other events, such as motivational and emotional ones. Recordings from single cells in monkeys performing visual discrimination and reversal tasks have shown that although inferior temporal neurons are sensitive to the physical properties of stimuli, they are relatively insensitive to changes in the reward value of the stimuli (Jawis and Mishkin 1977).Similar results have been reported by others (Rolls et al. 1977; but see Ridley and Ettlinger 1973).Presumably, the process of attaching reward value to a stimulus depends on stations beyond the occipitotemporal pathway (Jonesand Mishkin 1972; Sunshine and Mishkin 1975; Spiegler and Mishkin 1978; Rolls et al. 1979b; Sanghera et al. 1979).However, for object vision, the inferiqr temporal cortex may well be the final station. It is significant in this regard that, by virtue of the extremely large receptive fields of inferior temporal neurons (Gross et al. 1972), this area provides the neural mechanism of stimulus equivalence across retinal translation (Gross and Mishkin 1977; Seacord et al. 1979)-thatis, the ability to recognize a stimulus as the same regardless of its position in the visual field and, by extrapolation, regardless of its spatial location. Indeed, a necessary consequence of this equivalence mechanism is that within the occipitotemporalpathway there is a loss of information about the spatial locations of objects. Occipitoparietal Mechanisms in Spatial Perception The neural mechanism for the analysis of the spatial locations of objects also entails the transmission of visual information from the striate through the prestriate area; however, the rest of the pathway for spatial vision appears to be quite separate from the ventral pathway into the temporal cortex. Evidence in support of this dichotomy of corticalvisual systems comes from recent studies in our laboratory on the parietal lobe. In the initial study of this series, Pohl(1973) demonstrated a dissociation of visual deficits after inferior temporal and posterior parietal lesions. Whereas the temporal but not the parietal lesion produced a severe impairment on an object discrimination task, just the reverse was Ungerleider, Mishkin 555 found on tests in which the animal was required to choose a response location on the basis of its proximity to a visual ”landmark” (seepart A of figure 18.5). The results suggested that I’.. . the inferior temporal cortex participates mainly in the acts of noticing and remembering an object’s qualities, not its position in space,” and that ”conversely, the posterior parietal cortex seems to be concerned with the perception of spatial relations among objects, and not their intrinsic qualities” (Mishkin 1972). Accumulating evidence from other laboratories supports this view of posterior parietal function. Not only has the impairment of landmark tasks after posterior parietal lesions been corroborated (Milner et al. 1977; Ungerleider and Brody 1977; Brody and Pribram 1978; however, see Ridley and Ettlinger 1975),but impairments after such lesions have also been found on other visual spatial tasks, including a stylus maze (Milneret al. 1977),patterned-string tests (Ungerleiderand Brody 1977), cage finding (Sugishita et al. 1978), and route following (Petrides and Iversen 1979).Visual spatial disorientation, however, is not the only deficit produced by lesions of this region. Indeed, the classical symptoms of posterior parietal dysfunction are misreaching in the dark as well as in the light (Ettlinger and Wegener 1958; Bates and Ettlinger 1960; Ettlinger and Kalsbeck 1962; Hartje and Ettlinger 1973; LaMotte and Acuña 1978; Faugier-Grimaud et al. 1978; Stein 1978),contralateral neglect of auditory and tactile as well as visual stimuli (Denny-Brown and Chambers 1958; Heilman et al. 1970), and impairments of tactile discrimination (Blum 1951; Pribram and Barry 1956; Wilson 1957, 1975; Ettlinger and Wegener 1958; Pasik et al. 1958; Bates and Ettlinger 1960; Wilson et al. 1960; Ettlinger and Kalsbeck 1962; Ettlinger et al. 1966; Moffett et al. 1967; Moffett and Ettlinger 1970; Ridley and Ettlinger 1975). The posterior parietal lesions in these studies have nearly always included two or even more cytoarchitectonicareas, and so it is natural to assume that the heterogeneity of effects is a consequence of the heterogeneity of the tissue included in the removals. However, the few studies that have directly examined this question (Moffett et al. 1967; Ridley and Ettlinger 1975) failed to uncover any clear-cut instance of functional dissociation. From the evidence at hand, the most parsimonious interpretation is one that has been offered by Semmes (1967), namely, that the multiple deficits are but different reflections of a single, supramodal spatial disorder (see also Ratcliff et al. 1977). According to this view, and in the light of more recent anatomical information (Pandya and Kuypers 1969; Jones and Powell 1970); a supramodal spatial framework could be constructed out of converging’ inputs to posterior parietal cortex from all exteroceptive sensory modalities, with a significant contribution from vision. In the studies in our laboratory that followed the ”landmark” experiment by Pohl(1973),we addressed the questions raised above regarding localization of spatial Two Cortical Visual Systems 556 function within the posterior parietal region and the dependence of this function on visual inputs. As in most other posterior parietal ablation studies, the lesions in Pohl’s study were composites that included not only inferior parietal but also dorsal prestriate tissue. To test for localization of function within this region, we partitioned it into three approximately equal sectors-inferior parietal, lateral preoccipital, and medial parietalpreoccipital-as shown in figure 18.3. Monkeys were then prepared with lesions of either one, two, or all three of these sectors and tested on the landmark, or distance discrimination, task (Mishkin, Lewis, and Ungerleider, in prep.). Like the earlierattempts, this onefailed to reveal any evidence of functional specialization within the larger area. Instead, there was an especially clear relationship between severity of effect and extent of lesion, completely independent of locus. This finding is illustrated in figure 18.4. The fact that performance on the landmark task depends as much on dorsal prestriate tissue as on inferior parietal tissue pointed to the possibility that the visual information on which posterior parietal cortex operates arises in striate cortex. The alternative possibility, that the criticalvisual input arises in the superior colliculus,found no clear support in a study of the effects of tectal lesions on landmark discrimination (Snyderand Mishkin, unpublished data); even complete destruction of the superior colliculus failed to produce a reliable loss in retention. Therefore, to test for the functional dependence of posterior parietal cortex on striate output, a crossed-lesion disconnection experiment analogous to the striate-temporal disconnection experiment described earlier (Mishkin 1966) was undertaken (Ungerleider and Mishkin 1978a).Monkeys were preoperativelytrained on the landmark task, and then received a three-stage operation intended to serially disconnect posterior parietal from striate cortex. At each stage, the monkeys were given a preoperative retention test followed by surgery, allowed 2 weeks to recover, and then retested. As shown in part B of figure 18.5, the first removal was a unilateral posterior parietal ablation, which included all three sectors investigated in the partial-lesion study to ensure a complete effect. On the hypothesis that each striate areahas corticocorticalconnectionswith both posterior parietal areas, this first lesion may be viewed as a test of the effects of destroying two of these connections(theremaining two are indicated by the black arrows in the figure). A comparison of preoperative with postoperative retention scores on the task shows that this amount of damage to the system had only minimal effect. The second-stageremoval was a contralateral striate-cortexablation, illustrated in part C of figure 18.5. It included all of the striate cortex, both laterally and medially. The results of the retest given after this operation revealed a severe impairment; the monkeysrequired an average of 880 trials to relearn, despite the remaining interhemispheric corUngerleider, Mishkin ce ci t trn +3 -3 -9 -15 Sector I: Inferior Parietal mSector L: Lateral Preoccipital Sector M: Medial Parietal-Preoccipital Figure 18.3 Partition of posterior parietal cortex into three sectors: inferior parietal (I), lateral preoccipital (L), and medial parietal-preoccipital(M). Monkeys received bilaterally symmetrical lesions intended to remove one (groups I, L and M), two (groups IL, LM, and IM), or all three (group PP) of these sectors. The sectors are shown on lateral and medial surface views and on representative cross-sectionsof a standard rhesus monkey brain. Numerals indicate approximate A-P stereotaxic levels. AC: anterior commissure. ai: inferior arcuate sulcus. as: superior arcuate sulcus. Ca: calcarine fissure. CC: corpus callosum. ce: central sulcus. ci: cingulate sulcus. CO: collateral sulcus. ec: ectocalcarine sulcus. h: hippocampal fissure. ip: intraparietal sulcus. 1:lunate sulcus. la: lateral fissure. MI: massa intermedia. oi: inferior occipital sulcus. or: orbital sulcus. ot: occipitotemporalsulcus. P: principal sulcus. PO: parieto-occipitalincisure. pom: medial parieto-occipitalfissure. rh: rhinal fissure. ro: rostral sulcus. sp: subparietal sulcus. tn-ta: anterior middle temporal sulcus. tmp: posterior middle temporal sulcus. ts: superior temporal sulcus. 557 Two Cortical Visual Systems n a z I 2-Sector Lesion 3-Sector Lesion 600 400 MEAN TRIALS TO RELEARN 200 O I L M IL LM IM PP Figure 18.4 Postoperative retention on the landmark task after bilateral,lesions of one, two, or three posterior parietal sectors, illustrated in Figure 18.3.Bars indicatemean trials to criterion; circles within bars indicate mean errors. N in this and following figures equals number of monkey in group. Mean number of trials to relearn task before operation (dashed line) is based on scores on a two-week retention test given just prior to surgery and represents the data from all 23 monkeys. The results showed no significant differences among the groups given a one-sector lesion, or among the groups given a two-sector lesion. However, as the number of sectors included in the posterior parietal lesion increased, so did the severityof the impairment. (Source:Mishkin et al., in prep.). tical connections between the intact striate and parietal areas. This suggested that the interaction between the striate and parietal cortexvia uncrossed connections had been of considerable importance for performance. However, whether such interaction was mediated by a corticocorticalpathway could only be determined by examining the effects of the third stage of operation, transection of the corpus callosum. In this operation, the posterior half of the callosum was transected, thereby cortically disconnectingthe intact striate and posterior parietal areas. As shown by the postoperative retention score in part D of figure 18.5, the effect of the transection was to produce a partial reinstatement of the impairment. We can infer from these results that performance on the landmark task had indeed been mediated via corticocortical pathways between the striate and parietal areas. However, the disruption of landmark discrimination that followed this lesion was not complete; all monkeys successfully relearned the task. At this point, the question was whether recovery of the discrimination was mediated by the interaction of the intact posterior parietal cortex with subcortical visual structures or by the interaction of the intact striate cortex with other cortical areas. In subsequent work on this preparation we found that removal of the remaining posterior parietal cortex was completely without effect, which indicated that tectofugal 558 Ungerleider, Mishkin A B C D Figure 18.5 Design and results of the striate-parietal crossed-lesion disconnection study. (A) Landmark task. Monkeys were rewarded for choosing the covered foodwell located closer to a striped cylinder (the "landmark"), which was positioned on the leftor the right randomlyfromtrial to trial, but always5 cm from one foodwell and 20 cm from the other. Training was given for 30 trials per day to a criterion of 90 correct responses in 100consecutive trials. (B) Discriminationretention before and after first-stagelesion (unilateral posterior parietal; N = 3); 10 preoperative trials and 130postoperative trials. (C) Discrimination retention before and after second-stage lesion (contralateralstriate; N = 3); 70 preoperative and 880 postoperative trials. (D)Discriminationretention before and after third-stage lesion (corpuscallosum;N = 3); 30 preoperative and 400 postoperative trials. At each stage the lesion is shown in black and the lesions of prior stages are shaded. Arrows denote hypothetical connections left intact by lesions. Adapted from Ungerleider and Miskin 1978a. 559 Two Cortical Visual Systems inputs to this cortex, which appear to be unnecessary when corticocortical connections are intact, also play no significant role in the recovery after corticocortical disconnection. By contrast, removal of prestriate cortex ipsilateral to the intact striate cortex produced a marked impairment on the task. Taken together, the results of this serial-lesion experiment demonstrate that the visual spatial functions of posterior parietal cortex depend on inputs fromstriate cortex and that such inputs are transmitted across corticocorticalpathways. In this regard, it is significant that the only cortical area apart from those along the occipitotemporal pathway to show differential glucose utilization in the 2-DG experiments described earlier (Jarvis et al. 1978; Kennedy et al. 1978)was located within the posterior parietal region. The affected area extended forward from the dorsal prestriate cortex to include the posterior half of the inferior parietal gyrus, both on its crown and on the ventral bank of the intraparietal sulcus. The Two Cortical Visual Systems Compared These results on striate-parietal interaction parallel the earlier finding that corticocortical inputs from striate cortex are crucial for the visual recognition functions of inferior temporal cortex. But, though the results of these two studies are analogous, one important difference emerges (seefigure 18.6).On the pattern-discriminationtask of the earlier study, only a moderate effect followed the striate lesion, and a severe deficit did not result until the callosal transection. By contrast, on the landmark task, the relative effectsof the striate and callosal lesions were reversed; that is, the striate-cortex lesion produced the more severe effect. These data suggest that the posterior parietal cortex, like the inferior temporal, depends heavily on corticocorticalinputs from striate cortex for its visual function, but that, unlike the inferior temporal, the posterior parietal cortex in a given hemisphere does not seem to receive a heavy input via the corpus callosum from striate-cortex neurons representing the ipsilateral visual field. Thus, each posterior parietal area may be organized largely as a substrate for contralateral spatial function, and this could account in part for the symptom of contralateral neglect that has so often been reported after unilateral injury to the parietal lobe in man (see, for example, Denny-Brown and Chambers 1958). A second important difference in the organization of visual inputs to the two systems was uncovered in an experiment comparing the behavioral effects of selective striate-cortexremovals. In this experiment, monkeys received bilateral lesions of the striate area representing either central vision (lateral striate) or peripheral vision (medial striate). The lateral lesion included the entire lateral surface of striate cortex, and the medial lesion included the calcarine fissure as well as both banks of its ascending and descending limbs (figure 18.7).The monkeys were tested 560 Ungerleider, Mishkin A Figure 18.6 Comparison of two crossed-lesion disconnection experiments: (A) pattern discrimination after striate-temporaldisconnection(Mishkin1966)and (B) landmark discrimination after striate-parietaldisconnection (Ungerleiderand Mishkin 1978a).In each case, brain diagrams illustrate the three lesions (in black) involved in the disconnection and bar graphs show the mean trials to relearn after each lesion. F indicates failure to relearn within the limits of training. Figure 18.7 Locus of two different bilateral striate-cortex removals (in black): (A) lateral striate, the area representing centralvision (N = 5); (B) medial striate, the area representing peripheral vision (N = 5). For details of visuotopic organization see figure 18.13; for abbreviations see figure 18.3. 561 Two Cortical Visual Systems B 1PP LS 1MS 1000 800 600 400 200 O aControl (N = 6) W Posterior Parietal (N = 3) f9Inferior Temporal (N = 3) Bzls Lateral Striate (N =5) IMedial Striate (N =5) Figure 18.8 Comparisonof the effectsof lateral striatelesions with those of medial striate lesions on (A)postoperativeacquisitionof a pattern discriminationand (B) postoperative retention of the landmark task. Adapted from Ungerleider and Mishkin 1978a. before operation both on a pattern-discrimination task, to assess residual inferior temporal function, and on the landmark task, to assess residual posterior parietal function. For purposes of comparison, their scores are plotted in figure 18.8 together with those of monkeys with either bilateral inferior temporal or bilateral posterior parietal lesions The data indicate that on the pattern-discrimination task severe impairment was produced by inferior temporal but not by posterior parietal lesions, whereas on the landmark task severe impairment followed posterior parietal but not inferior temporal lesions. This, then, is another instance of the dissociation of visual recognition and visual spatial functions of temporal and parietal cortex, respectively. Of more direct concern for the question of differences in anatomical organization, however, were the effects of the striate lesions. Here the data indicate that on the pattern-discrimination task impairment was produced only by lateral striate-cortex lesions, whereas on the landmark task equally severe impairment followed lateral and medial striate-cortexlesions. Apparently, inputs from central vision are especially important for the visual recognition functions of the inferior temporal cortex, but inputs from central and peripheral vision are equally important for the visual spatial functions of posterior parietal cortex. Thus, although interactions with striate cortex are critical for the parietal just as for the temporal area, the inputs of the striate cortex to these two regions appear to be organized differently; relative to inferior temporal cortex, posterior parietal cortex receives a smallercontribution from contralateral striate-cortex inputs (representing the ipsilateral visual field) but a greater contribution from medial inputs (representing 562 Ungerleider, Mishkin A +t B +t t- t - t Figure 18.9 Receptive-field properties of neurons in (A)inferior temporal and (B) posterior parietal cortex. Axes represent horizontal and vertical meridians. Plus sign indicates upper or right visual field; minus sign indicates lower or left. Scaleis in degrees of visual angle. A slow-moving stimulus typically effective in activating the given population of neurons is shown at the left of each diagram. The enclosed geometricshape within each set of axes indicates the border of the receptive field for a typical neuron in that population. Note that of the inferior temporal neurons over 60% are bilateral, 100%include the fovea, and there is selectivityfor stimulus features; of the posterior parietal neurons over 60% are contralateral only, over 60% do not include the fovea, and there is no selectivity for stimulus features. (PartA adapted from Gross et al. 1972; part B adapted from Robinson et al. 1978.) the peripheral visual field). Interestingly, these differences in the organization of striate-cortexinputs inferred from the ablation studies are clearly reflected in the receptive-field properties of neurons within the inferior temporal (Grosset al. 1972;Jarvis and Mishkin 1975;Rolls et al. 1977) and posterior parietal areas (Hyvärinen and Poranen 1974; Mountcastle et al. 1975; Robinson et al. 1978; Rolls et al. 1979a). The relevant properties are shown diagrammatically in figure 18.9. First, there is a smaller representation of the ipsilateral visual field in the receptive fields of posterior parietal neurons than in those of inferior temporal neurons: Over 60% of inferior temporal neurons have bilateral receptive fields, while over 60% of posterior parietal neurons have contralateralfields only. Second, there is a relatively greater representation of the peripheral visual field in the receptive fields of posterior parietal neurons than in those of inferior temporal neurons: 100% of inferior temporal neurons have receptive fields that include the fovea, while over 60% of posterior parietal neurons have receptive fields outside the fovea. Finally, and perhaps most important, not only are the striate-cortexinputs to the temporal and parietal areas organized differently, but these inputs must alsobe carrying different information to the two areas, as is indicated by the behavioral evidence for functional dissociation. This too is clearly seen at the level of single neurons, for, in contrast to the specificand often complex trigger features needed for maximal activation of inferior temporal neurons (see, for example, Gross et al. 1972), most posterior parietal neurons can be maximally driven by simple spots of light (seeRobinson et al. 1978).These several differences in the receptive-field properties of inferior temporal and posterior parietal neurons, each of which has a behavioral correlatethat was revealed in the ablation studies, presumably reflect differences in the cortical processing required for object versus spatial vision. 563 Two Cortical Visual Systems Corticocortical Pathways Through Prestriate Cortex 564 The evidence presented thus far strongly supports the view that neural mechanisms underlying object and spatial perception depend on the relay of different kinds of visual information from striate cortex through prestriate cortex to targets in inferior temporal and posterior parietal areas, respectively. Despite the abundance of positive evidence, however, the support has not been unanimous. The results of prestriatecortex ablation studies have repeatedly raised serious problems for this conception of corticocortical pathways. If prestriate cortex were an essential relay in either a striate-temporal or a striate-parietal pathway, then damage to this relay should yield efffects at least as severe as damage to its target areas. Yet, monkeys sustaining extensive bilateral prestriate lesions commonly exhibit only mild visual effects. In a few instances in which severe visual deficits did follow prestriate removals (Keatingand Hore11972; Keating 1975),the removals included the posterior part of inferior temporal cortex (area TEO), damage to which, by itself, produces severe visual-discrimination impairment (Iwai and Mishkin 1968). Extensive prestriate-cortex removals that spare this posterior temporal region, however, have repeatedly failed to yield appreciable effects in either visual discrimination or in spatial orientation (Lashley 1948;Meyer et al. 1951;Riopelle et al. 1951; Chow 1952; Evarts 1952; Pribram et al. 1969; Ungerleider and Pribram 1977). Is there a resolution of this paradox? It was suggested by Mishkin (1966) that failures to obtain severe impairments after extensive prestriate-cortex removals simply indicated that spared prestriate remnants continued to serve as effectiverelays between the striate area and its rostral targets-that is, that the prestriate cortex was invested with a high degree of equipotentiality. According to this proposal, only a complete prestriate lesion would be expected to yield a corticocortical disconnection. The results of a study by Iwai and Mishkin (Mishkin 1972) prdvided support for this proposal with regard to occipitotemporal transmission. When putatively completeprestriate-cortex lesions were made in a large group of monkeys, none was able to relearn a visual pattern discrimination. By contrast, partial prestriate ablations, irrespective of their location, were nearly without effect.These findings therefore pointed to the existence of multiple pathways through prestriate cortex, any of which can be utilized to convey visual information out of striate cortex. It seemed that only if all these equivalent pathways were destroyed would the transmission be completely disrupted and the anticipated deficit ensue. Although it has since been found that even the massive removals of prestriate cortex referred to above did not totally disconnect the striate-temporal pathway, the conclusion reached remains valid nonetheless. Indeed, it has now been demonstrated that any sparing, no matter how minimal, of the visual functions of inferior temporal corUngerleider, Mishkin 565 tex after a prestriate ablation is directly attributable to the continued relay of information across a viable prestriate pathway. This demonstration emerged from a series of interrelated behavioral, electrophysiological, and anatomical experiments (Ungerleider, Iwai, Gross, 'Bender, Snyder, and Mishkin, in prep.) that began in the following way: In an attempt to verify that the inferior temporal cortex had been functionally disconnected in the Iwai-Mishkin study, two of the monkeys that had failed to show relearning after the prestriate lesions were given prolonged pattern-discrimination training by a method of approximation, in preparation for a second-stage lesion. The method entailed presentation of a series of stimulus pairs that differed first in brightness, then in size, then in contour, and finally in pattern; the successive pattern pairs ,approximated the originals more and more closely until the original pattern discrimination had been relearned. Over several months both monkeys were successfully retrained by this method, and both were then given bilateral inferior temporal ablations in a second-stage operation. The supposition was that if the initial prestriate removal had produced a total disconnection of inferior temporal from striate cortex, then the slow pattern-discrimination relearning by approximation should have been achieved without the participation of inferior temporal cortex, and, consequently, removal of this cortex should not disrupt the relearned habit. As it turned out, however, the inferior temporal ablation produced a complete reinstatement of the deficit in both monkeys. Thus, unless inferior temporal cortex can participate in visual discrimination learning in the absence of all corticocortical visual input, the only conclusion to be drawn from this unexpected result is that the initial prestriate-cortex removal had not produced a total striate-temporal disconnection after all. In order to examine directly this question of preserved neural transmission despite massive prestriate removals, an electrophysiological study was undertaken in animals prepared with removals identical to those in the Iwai-Mishkin study except that they were limited to one hemisphere. The distribution of the receptive fields of inferior temporal neurons in the operated animals is summarized in figure 18.10. According to the proposed route of visual information flow, indicated by the arrows in the brain diagrams, these neurons should have responded to visual stimulation only in the hemifield opposite the intact prestriate cortex. That is, inferior temporal neurons in the intact hemisphere should have had strictly contralateralvisual fields, while inferior temporal neurons in the hemisphere with the prestriate ablation should have had strictly ipsilateral fields. In short, the results should have duplicated those obtained after unilateral striate removals, illustrated in parts C and D of figure 18.2. In fact, however, the receptive fields of approximately25% of the neurons sampled did not fit this prediction. In the normal monkey, stimulation in a given hemifield will activate about 80% of inferior temporal neurons. For example, as indicated in Two Cortical Visual Systems A B loor r I " B C I B C Figure 18.10 Proportion of inferior temporal neurons that had bilateral (B), contralateral (C),or ipsilateral(I)receptivefields after unilateral ablation of prestriate cortex (in black). Data for part A were obtained from inferior temporal neurons contralateral to the lesion, whereas data for part B were obtained from those ipsilateral to the lesion. Asterisks denote the receptive fields deviating from the prediction; that is, deviating from those obtained after unilateral striate-cortexremovals, shown in figure 18.2. Adapted from Ungerleider, Snyder, and Mishkin, in prep. part A of figure 18.2, stimulation in the right hemifield will activate about 90% of the inferior temporal neurons in the left hemisphere (all those with either bilateral or contralateral visual fields) and about 70% of the inferior temporal neurons in the right hemisphere (allthose with either bilateral or ipsilateral visual fields). By contrast, in the animals with left prestriate removals, stimulation in the right hemifield activated about 25% of inferior temporal neurons. That is, as indicated in figure 18.10, right-hemifield stimulation activated about 15%of the inferior temporal neurons in the left hemisphere and about 35% in the right. Thus, the massive prestriate removals did greatly reduce the visual input to inferior temporal neurons-in fact, by more than twothirds (80% to 25%)-thereby accounting for the severe deficit that such lesions produced in pattern discrimination relearning. On the other hand, the removals did not completely eliminate striate input to inferior temporal neurons (25%, as compared with 0% after striate removals), and this fact accounted for the ultimately successfulretraining by approximation that was achieved in the animals with such lesions. Even with this electrophysiologicalevidence, the conclusion that be- 566 Ungerleider, Mishkin 567 havioral sparing resulted from sparing of remnants of the prestriate relay was only inferential. In an attempt to demonstrate the preserved pathway directly, a neuroanatomical experiment was undertaken on two additional monkeyswith massive prestriate removalsthat had been successfully retrained by approximation on the pattern discrimination. More than a year after the prestriate-cortex removals, one of these animals was given a second-stage operation in which the entire occipital lobe posterior to the initial lesion was removed from one hemisphere, and the brain was examined for anterograde degeneration by the Fink-Heimer (1967) technique. The critical question was whether degeneration would appear in the inferior temporal cortex ipsilateral to the occipital lobectomy. Since striate cortex does not project directly to the inferior temporal area, the presence of degeneration here would indicate that the lobectomy had destroyed prestriate-relay tissue spared by the initial lesion-a finding that would account for the functional sparing that had been demonstrated both behaviorally and electrophysiologically. In fact, terminal degeneration did result in the ipsilateral inferior temporal cortex, specificallyin the ventral part of area TEO. In addition, degenerating material was found in an unexpected area, the floor of the caudal portion of the superior temporal sulcus, which turned out to be a second spared route through which visual input could reach inferior temporal cortex. This was demonstrated in the other monkey of the anatomical experiment, which was given a second-stagelesion in just this portion of the superior temporal sulcus of one hemisphere, again more than a year after the initial prestriate removal. Terminal degeneration was found in the ipsilateral inferior temporal cortex of this case also, specifically in the dorsal part of area TEO. The foregoing series of experiments made it clear that, although the massive prestriate-cortexremovals had severely disrupted the prestriate relay, they had not totally abolished it. As illustrated in figure 18.11, spared pathways that presumably continued to serve as effective relays were directly demonstrated anatomically. At the same time, however, the anatomical results raised some important new questions. For example, what were the loci of the spared prestriate remnants whose removal gaverise to the degeneration in the ventral part of areaTEO? Also, what was the source of the unexpected degeneration in the depth of the caudal portion of the superior temporal sulcus, an area from which a projection had been traced to dorsalTEO? These questions highlighted our lack of knowledgeabout the precise links through which visual information originating in the striate cortex is transmitted to inferior temporal cortex. Even greater ignorance surrounded the location and arrangement of the links in the striate-parietal pathway. It became apparent that, in order to obtain this information, a comprehensive anatomical investigation was needed, beginning with an analysis of the projections of the striate cortex itself. Two Cortical Visual Systems 568 Figure 18.11 Schematicrepresentation of results from two anatomical experiments, demonstrating that striate-prestriate-temporalpathways were preserved despite massiveprestriate removals. In the first experiment, an occipital lobectomy (dots) was performed more than a year after the initial prestriate removal (stripes). Degeneration from the lobectomy was found in ventral area TE0 and in the floor of the caudal portion of the superior temporal sulcus. The exact source of these two projections, however, was indeterminate (indicated by question mark). In the second experiment, the floor of the superior sulcus was removed, again more than a year after the initial prestriate lesion. Degenerationin this casewas found in dorsal area TEO. For abbreviations seefigure 18.3. Adapted from Ungerleider et al., in prep. Clarification of Striate-Prestriate Connections Early attempts to examine striate-prestriate connections (von Bonin et al. 1942; Bailey et al. 1944) employed the method of strychnine neuronography, described above. Although the map of striate projections obtained with this method has been confirmed by more recent work using degeneration (Kuypers et al. 1965; Cragg and Ainsworth 1969; Zeki 1969, 1971a; Jones and Powell 1970) and autoradiographic (Zeki 1976)and horseradish-peroxidase (Lund et al. 1975)tracing techniques, all these methods, both old and new, have been used to define projectionsprimarily from lateral striate cortex, the part of striate cortex representing central vision. Surprisingly, there has been almost no information regarding the projections from posterior and medial striate cortex, the parts representing peripheral and far-peripheral vision. Indeed, it was undoubtedly the near absence of information about the locationof the prestriate tissue servingnoncentralvision that accounted for the repeated failure, recounted above, to completely disconnect the higher-order visual areas from their striate input. We therefore undertook a study of the cortical efferents ffom all parts of striate cortex, with the aim of defining the locus, extent, and topographic organization of the entire striate-prestriate projection system. To delineate the entire map of striate projections to prestriate cortex, one series of monkeys was prepared with partial striate lesions such that, collectively, they included all of area 17with little or no invasion of area 18.The brains were then processed by the Fink-Heimer (1967)procedure for silver staining of degenerating axon terminals. Reconstructions of the lesions in three of the five cases from this series are shown ’ Ungerleider, Mishkin 569 in figure 18.12. The lateral lesion involved the lateral surface of area 17 only, with no invasion of area 18; the posterior lesion included the lateral and medial banks of the verticallimbs of the calcarine fissure, again with no invasion of area 18; and the medial striate lesion involved the tissue within the stem of the calcarine fissure, in this case with slight damage to area 18around the lips of the fissure. According to the electrophysiologicalmap of Daniel and Whitteridge (1961),these three sectors of striate cortex correspond to the central 7" of the contralateral visual field, to the field between 7" and 22" from fixation, and to eccentricities greater than 22" from fixation, respectively (see figure 18.13). Thus, it was anticipated that not only would the entire striate-prestriate projection system emerge from the data on this series of monkeys, but the generalvisuotopic organization of the system would be apparent as well. To verify the degeneration results, and also to investigate the details of the visuotopic organization, a second series of monkeys were prepared with injections of radioactivelylabeled amino acids into selected sites in striate cortex, and the brains processed for autoradiography. A summary of the injection sites is shown in figure 18.14. These loci correspond to positions in the visual field ranging from less than %" from fixation (site number 1on the lateral surface) to greater than 45" from fixation (site number 10 in the stem of the calcarine fissure). The loci injected included representations of both the upper and the lower visual fields. The results from both sets of experiments, degeneration and autoradiographic, indicated that all parts of striate cortex project to three separate visual areas within prestriate cortex (Ungerleider and Mishkin 1979a): The first is a circumstriate cortical belt surrounding area 17 at the 17-18 border, the second is located along the caudal portion of the superior temporal sulcus, and the third is buried deep within the caudal part of the intraparietal sulcus. Each of these three projection areas will be described in turn. Within the first projection area-the circumstriate cortical belt-the representations of the upper and- lower visual fields are entirely separate (figure 18.15).The topographic organization of these separate representations is illustrated in figure 18.16. Progression from central to peripheral to far peripheral vision is represented in the lower field by a progression into the posterior bank and depth of the lunate sulcus, medially along the surface of the buried annectent gyrus into the parietooccipitalincisure, and then rostrally along the upper lip of the calcarine fissure; and in the upper field by a progression into the inferior occipital sulcus, ventromedially into the occipitotemporaland collateral sulci, and then rostrally along the lower lip of the calcarine fissure. The total extent of this projection field corresponds remarkably closely to area OB of von Bonin and Bailey (1947); indeed, the two may be equivalent. Moreover, the autoradiographic evidence indicates that whereas the Two Cortical Visual Systems A h Figure 18.12 Location of corWl-da-mage in brains with removals of (A)lateral, (B) posterior, or (C)medial striate cortex. The lesions are mapped on lateral and medial surface views and on representative crosssections through a standard rhesus monkey brain. Cross-sectionsare at levelsindicated by vertical lines on surfaceviews. Dashed lines indicate extentof striate cortexon cross-sectionsbut borders of striate cortex on surfaceviews; anterior limit of striate cortexwithin the calcarinefissure is indicated on medialsurfaceviews by dashed arrow. Removalof striate cortex is shown in crosshatch; black arrows on the medial surfaceviews indicate removal of striate tissue from within the banks and depths of the calcarine fissure. Damage to prestriate tissue is shown in stripes. For abbreviations see figure 18.3. 570 Ungerleider, Mishkin Figure 18.13 Relationship between topography of striate cortex and representation of the contralateralvisualfield. Accordingto the electrophysiologicalmap of Daniel and Whitteridge (1961),shown at bottom, the centerof gaze (fixation)is represented in the far anterolateralpart of striate cortex, just below the ventral tip of the lunate sulcus.Therepresentation of the vertical meridian passes through fixation(X) and continues all along the 17-18 border (dashed line). The representation of the horizontal meridian is a horizontal line (not illustrated)passing from fixation across the lateral surface, entering the depth of the calcarine fissure, and continuing to the rostral limit of the medial striate cortex (dashed arrow). The upper visual field is represented below the horizontal meridian and the lower visual field above the horizontal meridian. The lateral surface of striatecortex (A),the lateral bank of the calcarinelimbs (B), the medial bank of the calcarinelimbs (C,D), and the stem of the calcarinefissure (E, F) represent approximatelythe center 7",7"-13", 13"-22", and eccentricities greater than 22" from fixation, respectively. Thus, a progression from lateral to posterior to medial striate cortex corresponds to a progression from central to peripheral to far-peripheral vision. vertical meridian is represented at the inner boundary of this projection field (that is, at the striate-OBborder), the horizontal meridian is represented at its outer boundary (at the OB-OA border). The second projection field of striate cortex is located within cytoarchitectonic area OA along the caudal portion of the superior temporal sulcus (Ungerleider and Mishkin 197813,197913).As indicated in the lateral view of the brain shown in figure 18.17, the ventral limit of this region can be demarcated by an imaginary line connecting the ventral tips of the lunate and intraparietal sulci; from this limit the region extends dorsocaudally for about 1cm to the point at which the superior temporal sulcus frequently bifurcates, sending one spur forward into the inferior parietal lobule. Within this portion of the superior temporal sulcus there is again an orderlymapping of the contralateralvisual field, 571 Two Cortical Visual Systems 1 -1o -12 -14 -18 -2o -22 -24 -26 Figure 18.14 Sites in striate cortex injected with tritiated amino acids. Injection sites (shown in black) are numbered according to the eccentricityof their representation in the visual field. These representations ranged from less than one-half degree from fixation (site 1)to greater than 45" from fixation (site 10). Each injection was made in a separate hemisphere. Dashed lines indicate extent of striate cortex on cross-sections,'but borders of striate cortex on surfaceviews; anterior limit of striate cortex within the calcarine fissure is indicated on medial surface view by a dashed arrow. Negative numerals indicate approximate A-P stereotaxic levels. For abbreviations see figure 18.3. 572 Ungerleider, Mishkin 573 Figure 18.15 Photomicrographs exemplifying autoradiographic results after injections of striate cortex.Thebright-fieldphotomicrograph on the left shows an injection(markedby arrows) involving both the dorsal and ventral banks of the calcarine fissure (see figure 18.14,injectionsite 10).In the dark-field photomicrograph on the right, labelingis seen in two prestriate loci, marked by arrows: dorsally in the medial parieto-occipitalfissure and ventrallyin the ventral bank of the calcarinefissure. Thepatchypattern of label, especially apparent in the ventral locus, is typical of striate projections to the circumstriate cortical belt. Adapted from Ungerleider and Mishkin 1979a. as shown on the three selected cross sections. Progression from central to peripheral to far-peripheral vision is represented by a progression down the posterior bank of the superior temporal sulcus and up along the lower and then the upper part of the sulcal floor. Figure 18.18summarizes this topographic arrangement. The finding that the floor of the superior temporal sulcus receives a direct projection from posterior and medial striate cortex provides an answer to one of the anatomical questions posed in the preceding section (seefigure 18.11).As yet, however, we do not have an answer to the second question raised there, except the confirmation that the immediate source of the occipitalprojections to ventral area TE0 is not the striate cortex. The third area that receives direct striate-cortex projections is also located within cytoarchitectonic area OA, in the depth of the most caudal portion of the intraparietal sulcus. A cross-section through the projection shows that it is buried in the foot-shaped part of the sulcus beneath its lateral bank (figure 18.19).This projection field is by far the smallest of the three; its total rostral-caudal length extends only about 2 mm. There is no discernible topographic representation of the visual field within this area, for after a lesion or an injection involving any part of striate cortex a projection is always seen in the same part of the sulcus. Thus, although the dark-field photomicrograph in figure 18.19 shows degeneration in the foot of the intraparietal sulcus after a medial striate lesion, the very same picture could as well represent the projections of either posterior or lateral striate cortex. Indeed, the first evidence of direct striate projections to this area came from studies that Two CorticalVisual Systems o1 -18 Figure 18.16 Location, extent, and topographic organization of striate projections (O: lateral; A: posterior; U:medial) to the circumstriatecorticalbelt. The drawings are compositesbased on both degeneration and autoradiographic material. Shaded area represent total projection field on surface views. As shown on the surface views of the hemisphere, this projection zone surrounds the striate cortex at the 17-18 border and corresponds remarkably closely to cytoarchitectonic area OB of von Bonin and Bailey (1947). Within the projectionzone, there is a precisetopographicmap of the contralateralvisualfield (seecross-sections);note, however, that the representations of the upper and lower fields are entirely separate. Dashed lines indicate extent of striate cortex on cross sections, but borders of striate cortex on surface views. Numerals indicate approximateA-P stereotaxiclevels. For abbreviations see figure 18.3. Adapted from Ungerleider and Mishkin 1979a. had examined only lateralstriate connections (Kuyperset al. 1965;Jones and Powell 1970),though the area had not been recognized as a separate projection field at that time. These three projection fields thus comprise all the possible first-stage prestriate relays through which striate output can reach the inferior temporal and posterior parietal cortex. Undoubtedly, second- and third-stage prestriate relays also participate in both corticocortical pathways (Zeki 1971b; Mesulam et al. 1977; Stanton et al. 1977; Desirnone et al. 1980), although the exact location and topographic arrangement of these further relays remain to be delineated. But even from the evidence pertaining to the first stage alone, we can begin to understand why attempts to produce striate-temporal disconnection by removal of prestriate cortex have repeatedly failed. In all prestriate- 574 Ungerleider, Mishkin -8 Figure 18.17 Location, extent, and topographic organization of striate projections (O: lateral; A: posterior; B:medial) to cortex in the superior temporal sukus. The drawings are compositesbased on both degeneration and autoradiographicmaterial. Shaded area represents locus of projection on lateral view. All areas of striate cortex project to a restricted region inside the caudalportion of the superior temporal sulcus, its A-P extent indicated on the lateral view of the hemisphere. As indicated on the cross-sections, the topographic arrangement of the contralateral visual field is such that a progression from central to peripheral to far peripheral vision is represented by a progression down the posterior bank of the sulcus and up along the lower and then the lowerpart of the sulcalfloor. Althoughthis topography is clearestin the rostralportion of the projection zone, it is also discernible caudally. Numerals refer to approximateA-P stereotaxiclevels. For abbreviations see figure 18.3. Adapted from Ungerleider and Mishkin 1979b. 575 ablation studies, certain areas have consistently been spared that can now be identified as receiving direct projections from posterior and medial striate cortex. These prestriate areas are the medial portion of area OB (figure 18.16), the floor of the caudal portion of the superior temporal sulcus (figure18.17), and the depth of the most caudal portion of the intraparietal sulcus,(figure 18.19). Each of these three areas has escaped damage for a different reason: the first because of its relative inaccessibility, the second because it was not even recognized to be a part of prestriate cortex, and the third because its precise location had not been described. In light of the nearly complete sparing of these areas in most ablation studies, the finding of only mild visual impairment is no longer surprising. Only when these areas were invaded substantially, as in the massive prestriate removals of the Iwai-Mishkin study, did severe visual impairment result. However, even in those leTwo CorticalVisual Systems Figure 18.18 Drawings of the lateral and medialviews of the left hemisphere and of a cross-section through the superior temporal sulcus to illustrate the topographic arrangement of striate projections to this secondaryvisual area. The orderlymapping within the sulcusof the entire representation of the contralateralvisual field is shown. For abbreviations see figure 18.3. Source: Ungerleider and Mishkin 1979b. sions, where there was almost total destruction of the prestriate areas that receive direct projections from lateral.striate cortex (the part representing central vision), there was no more than 50% destruction (Ungerleider et al., in prep.) of the prestriate areas that receive direct projections from posterior and medial striate cortex (theparts representing peripheral and far peripheral vision). Clearly, it was the sparing of this tissue that accounted for the continued (though reduced) transmission of visual information to inferior temporal cortex that had been demonstrated not only behaviorally but also electrophysiologically. Thus, the present anatomicalfindings, many of which have now been confirmed by others (Weller and Kaas 1978; Maunsell et al. 1979; Rockland 1979; Van Essen et al. 1979;Weller et al. 1979),provide a coherent explanation for a largebody of seeminglyparadoxical results regarding the effects of prestriate lesions. That is, just as "peripheral"striatecortex can mediate pattern discrimination in the absence of "central"striate cortex (Blakeet 576 Ungerleider, Mishkin 577 Figure 18.19 The striate projection zone within the intraparietal sulcus. This zone is located in the depth of the most caudal portion of the sulcus. Its approximate A-P level is indicated by the vertical line on the lateral view of the hemisphere, and its depth by the black square on the cross-section. The dark-field photomicrograph shows the locus of degeneration after a medial striate lesion. Projections are seen in this very same region from all parts of striate cortex, which suggests the absence of a visuotopic organization within this projection zone. Source: Ungerleider and Mishkin 1979a. al. 1977), so can "peripheral"prestriate cortex substitute for "central" prestriate cortex in this function. And if this is the case for the visual recognition functions of inferior temporal cortex, where inputs from peripheral vision are less important than those from centralvision, then the same must surely be true for the visual spatial functions of posterior parietal cortex, where inputs from peripheral vision are equal in importance to those from central vision (see figure 18.8). Now that the total system of striate efferents has been delineated, the effects of completely disconnecting temporal or parietal from striate cortex can finally be investigated. Such disconnection should be achievableby removal of just the three striateprojection fields that have been described, without inclusion of any other prestriate tissue. In addition, with special testing methods it may now be possible to study the behavioral effects of prestriate-cortex damage without producing total Two CorticalVisual Systems 578 disconnection. In view of the visuotopic organization of the striate projection zones in both area OB and the caudal part of the superior temporal sulcus, the details of which have been corroborated electrophysiologically (Gattass and Gross 1979; Gattass et al. 1979), even limited lesions within these prestriate zones should yield severe visual deficits if the animals are forced to use the part of the visual field corresponding to the area damaged. Testing of visual functions within specified parts of the visual field can be accomplished in monkeys who, have been trained to maintain fixation (Wurtz 1969).Thus, the combination of this method and the use of lesions based on our new understanding of prestriate anatomy offers a promising approach for the study of the processing characteristics and functional organization of prestriate cortex. Summary and Conclusions The hypothesis that has been guiding our research is that appreciation of an object’s qualities and of its spatial location depends on the processing of different kinds of visual information in the inferior temporal and posterior parietal cortex, respectively. From an initial concern with these higher-order visual areas, our research has proceeded backward. Having first obtained strong support from ablation studies for the postulated dichotomyof temporal and parietal function, we next examined the pathways through which visual information reaches these two cortical areas. Converging evidence from a variety of sources-behavioral and electrophysiologicaldisconnectionexperiments as well as anatomical and metabolic mapping studies-indicated that both the temporal and parietal visual areas depend on corticocortical inputs relayed from striate through prestriate cortex. The results of prestriate ablation studies, however, conflicted with this conclusion, since they commonly indicated only modest deficits in both visual recognition and spatial orientation. The solution to this puzzle emerged from a series of interrelated behavioral, electrophysiological, and anatomical experiments that demonstrated that every case of functional sparing after prestriate damage can be directly attributed to the continued relay of information through viableprestriate remnants. To determine the locus of these prestriate remnants, we turned to a study of the cortical efferents from all parts of striate cortex. The results revealed that all prestriate lesions to date, no matter how massive, have failed to include varying extents of tissue that receive direct projections from posterior and medial striate cortex, the parts representing peripheral vision. Having delineated the projections of striate cortex, which were found to consist of three separate re-representations of the visual field, we are now in a position to proceed in a forward direction and follow these projections, with the inferior temporal and posterior parietal cortex as our targets. In the course of this endeavor, a major goal will be to determine where within Ungerleider, Mishkin 579 the complex of prestriate cortex the two corticalvisual systems begin to diverge. On the assumption that both systems can indeed be followed stepwise to our target areas, not only in the temporal but also in the parietal lobe, a major question for the future will be how the object and spatial information carried in these two separated systems are subsequently integrated into a unified visual percept. Acknowledgments We gratefully acknowledge the contribution of past members of the Laboratory of Neuropsychology at the National Institute of Mental Health: Eiichi Iwai, Charlene Drew Jarvis, Michael,E. Lewis, Walter G. Pohl, and Marvin Snyder. We also wish to thank our collaboratorsfrom other laboratories: Charles G. Gross and David B. Bender at Princeton University, Edward G. Jones at Washington University, Charles Kennedy and Louis Sokoloff at NIMH, and Blair H. Turner at Howard University. Skillful technical assistance was provided by Margaret E. Knapp, Bertha McClure, and George Creswell. The research was supported in part by the National Institutes of Health under postdoctoral fellowship EY05009. References Bailey, P., G. von Bonin, E. W. Davis, H. W. Garol, and W. S. McCulloch. 1944. ”Further observations on association pathways in the brain of Macaca mulatta.” 1,NeuropathoZ. Exp. Neurol. 3: 413-415. Bates, J. A. V., and G. 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