Hello class, since I didn't receive any email about next seminar in class presentation, I had to do random assignments and here is the schedule: 19.10 - Affectivity and emotions in adolescence - JOANA 2.11 - Digital media - STEPHANIE 16.11 - Adolescent Relationships -family and self- KAMILA 30.11 - Civic participation - COBAN 14.12 - Adolescent Relationships - love and sex - CHARLOTTE and MAGDALENA requirements: Presentation is supposed to summarize and present (in a clear way) topic related findings of research article of your choice. Try to find research from you home country so we can compare the findings with what was said in the class and try to compare with Czech findings. It doesn't have to be 30 pages long study, you should try to find something that you would have fun presenting as well. If you need to, feel free to consult the topic with me. The presentation should not exceed 15 minutes (it should be somewhere between 10-1 mins long). Look up tips online on how to present if you need it. Also, do not forget to introduce the study by stating it's title, introduce the authors and give general overview (usually on the first page of the study). More about the requirements is in the syllabus. Note: You don't have to be limited by the period of adolescence, you can also look up research about emerging adults, if you feel appropriate. Also, if you are presenting, do not write the paper for the same topic (unless Joana, you've already started, it will be accepted, so no worries). Let me know if you have any questions. All the best, Zuzana Zuzana Petrovičová 109682@mail.muni.cz PSY273 Youth Development