The Russian-Georgian armed Conflict Background information Population • 4,4 mil. Population •142 mil. Background information: breakaway regions South Ossetia • 70,000 Abkhazia • 216 ,000 Ajaria • 376,000 Background information: history of conflict •Late 18th century – Ossetia was incorporated into the Russian Empire and divided into northern and southern regions • •1918-1921 – Georgian independence from Russian Empire • •1921 - Georgia was annexed by the Soviet Union • •1922 - South Ossetia was established as an autonomous region of the Soviet Republic of Georgia • • • Background information: history of conflict •1989-1990 - South Ossetia tried to gain independence from Georgia • •April 1991 - Georgia received independence • •1991-1992 - brutal clashes between South Ossetians and Georgians, 1,000 dead* • •1992 – Ceasefire agreement brokered by Russia • • • •* Background information: history of conflict • •2003 – “Rose Revolution” in Georgia • • •2004 – fighting broke out in South Ossetia • • •2007 – Georgia calls for internationalization of peacekeeping force in the region • •August 2008 – Georgia attacks Tskhinvali followed by a Russian counter-offensive • • • • South Ossetia img77.jpg •In July 2005, President Saakashvili announced a new peace plan for South Ossetia that offered substantial autonomy and a three-stage settlement, consisting of demilitarization, economic rehabilitation, and a political settlement. •South Ossetian “president” Eduard Kokoiti rejected the plan. • mikhailsaakashvili3 South Ossetia •In March 2007, President Saakashvili proposed another peace plan for South Ossetia that involved creating “transitional” administrative districts throughout the region. •In July 2007, President Saakashvili decreed the establishment of a commission to work out South Ossetia’s “status” as a part of Georgia. •The JCC finally held a meeting in Tbilisi, Georgia, in October 2007, but the Russian Foreign Ministry claimed that the Georgian emissaries made unacceptable demands in order to deliberately sabotage the results of the meeting. No further meetings were held. • Roki Tunnel – Only road passage from Russia to South Ossetia Convoy of Russian soldiers by the Caucasus mountains caucasus-cartoon.jpg Russian forces in Goergia 0,,3803507_1,00.jpg 8853.jpg • C:\Users\Ziko\Desktop\800px-2008_South_Ossetia_war_en.svg.png Conflict Analysis: Interests Stakeholder Interests Georgia • Return breakaway regions • Display that territorial integrity is under threat • Promote NATO membership •Demonstrate Russia’s aggressiveness South Ossetia • Demonstrate violation of human rights • Show that Georgia is aggressive state •Get international recognition of their plight • Desire for independence or incorporation into Russian Federation Russia •Undermine Georgia’s territorial integrity •Prevent Georgia from joining NATO • Send strong message to Ukraine • Protect its sphere of influence •Control of the Caucasus and its energy resources •Promote “regime change” in Georgia? West’s recognition of Kosovo? U.S. Missile Defense Shield? • Conflict Analysis: Interests EU • Human rights protection • Observance of international law • Access to energy resources NATO/US • Security and stability in the region • Observance of international law • Energy security • Commitment to idea of democracy •NATO Membership Action Plan (MAP) Stakeholder Interests Oil and Gas pipeline that pass through Georgia Diagram of Azeri project comprising four platforms in the Azeri field r_graphics/graphs/financial/IC_ump_azerbaijan_map_570xvar.gif &alt_tag=Diagram of Azeri project comprising four platforms in the Azeri field Conflict Analysis: Actions Stakeholder Actions Georgia • Accusing Russia of supporting separatist movements • Military attack on Tskhinvali, capital of South Ossetia • Accusation of violation of human rights and ethnic cleansing • Attack South Ossetian-populated villages in S.O. South Ossetia • Encouraged support from Russia • Militias attack and loot Georgian-populated villages in S.O. Russia • Disproportionate counter-offensive attack • Invasion of Georgian cities and ports • Accusation of violation of human rights and ethnic cleansing • Recognized Abkhazia and South Ossetia as independent states EU • Shuttle diplomacy between Russia and Georgia • Signing ceasefire agreement, ambiguity • Accusing Russia of disproportionate response • Appeal of use of diplomatic means to resolve conflict • Suspension of EU-Russia Partnership talks NATO/US • Accusing Russia of disproportionate response • Suspension of NATO-Russia Council Conflict Analysis: Stages • •1992-2008 – Frozen Conflict –(Summer 2004 – Active) – •2008 – Re-activation of Conflict • •2009 – Conflict Unresolved Conflict Analysis: Consequences •Deterioration of peace, stability and security in Europe and beyond • •Dramatic shift in Russian-Western relations • •Energy security • •Disregard for and enforcement of international law • •158,000 displaced people (according to UNHCR) • •Reconstruction and Reconciliation • • • 158 Georgian soldiers in Gori Conflict Analysis: Concerns •How can EU security policy be improved in order to prevent, respond, and resolve regional ethnic conflicts? • •Can Russia be a partner in ensuring peace and security in Europe? • •What is the status of South Ossetia and Abkhazia? • •How to ensure Georgia’s territorial integrity? • • • • • • • • 1. 1. • Tskhinvali: the Aftermath Wreckage in Tskhinvali _01_ap.jpg&imgrefurl= 0&w=466&sz=40&hl=en&start=4&sig2=K1A5s04k5Jq31E9eG7G2PA&um=1&tbnid=uBm0Nj3JYMtQLM:&tbnh=82&tbnw=128 &ei=vRmLSbKFD4naMLfQodoH&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dtskhinvali%2Bcivilian%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfir efox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DG Six-Point Ceasefire Plan •1. Not to resort to force; •2. To end hostilities definitively; •3. To provide free access for humanitarian aid; •4. Georgian military forces will have to withdraw to their usual bases; • 5. Russian military forces will have to withdraw to the lines held prior to the outbreak of hostilities. Pending an international mechanism, Russian peace-keeping forces will implement additional security measures; •6. Opening of international talks on the security and stability arrangements in Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Geneva talks •In the aftermath of the Georgian-Russian war in August 2008, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) called for the establishment of a mediation forum aimed at security and stability in the South Caucasus. The initiative goes back to the “Six-Point Ceasefire Plan” reached by French (and then EU) President Nikolas Sarkozy and his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev, which brought to an end themilitary confrontation between Moscow and Tbilisi. Geneva talks 7ED8E365-89A8-4301-B0F7-28A1C3993DA0_mw800_mh600_s.jpg 20080813-sarko-medv_0.jpg Geneva talks •Initially Georgia urged the forum to include also the replacement of Russian military forces with international peacekeepers, EU monitoring within the separatist entities (i.e. an extension of EUMM); and the restoration of Georgia’s territorial integrity. •By contrast, Russia insisted on modifyingthe mandates of the OSCE and UN missions in the region. The parties failed to reach an agreement and the OSCE as well as the UN were forced to leave. • •Establish an international peace mediation and monitoring process • •Encourage dialogue and reconciliation • •Aid the return of displaced persons • •Reconstruct areas damaged or destroyed by the conflict • • • • Recommendations Challenge for the International Community • • How to establish a mechanism or process to hold Georgia, Russia and South Ossetia accountable for their actions, but without isolating them from the international community in order to prevent such aggressive actions from happening in the future? 9780230617735 Consequences • C:\ZIKUNA\Nová složka\MVZ208\26023-123913-f570dd616b64a83c3ffb5eb14ffcf69b.jpg • References •Russia vs Georgia: The Fallout. International Crisis Group, Europe Report N°195, 22 August 2008 •Sabine Freizer, Crisis group’s Europe Program Director discusses the implications of the Georgian-Russian conflict •A Strategic Conflict Analysis of the South Caucasus With a Focus on Georgia, Svante E. Cornell et all, SIDA, 2005 •Russia’s War in Georgia: Causes and Implications for Georgia and the World, Svante E. Cornell et all, Policy paper, August 2008, Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program • This slide is contains reference materials