MVZ472 Transnational Security and Global Vulnerabilities
Week 9_Population Movements, Immigration and Migrant Smuggling
WEEK 9 Nov. 13 |
Population Movements, Immigration and Migrant Smugglers
Chapter 31. Bali, S. “Population Movements” pp. 468-480. In: Williams, P.D., 2008. Security Studies: An Introduction 1st ed., Routledge.
Silverstone, D., 2011. “From Triads to Snakeheads: Organized Crime and Illegal Migration within Britain’s Chinese Community,” Global Crime, 12(2), pp. 93–111.
Presentation 13 Name: Hrušovský, Matej | ||
Nožina, M., 2010. “Crime Networks in Vietnamese Diasporas. The Czech Republic Case” Crime, Law and Social Change, Vol. 53 (3).
Presentation 14 Name: |
Dear Students,
Bali's article is in the same file as Picarelli's article on TOC. Just scroll down.
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