DR PENNY TOK Theory of MindLifespan development 2  Continue where we left off last week  ToM in adults  ToM in old age Seminar:  Class activity Today  What is ToM?  Name ways to measure it  What are the cultural differences that might affect ToM development? RECAP! (ADD VIDEO!!!!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSwGe55dD70 Differences between behavioural sensitivity and mentalising Mentalising/ EXPLICIT – (conscious, effortful) ToM Behavioural sensitivities / IMPLICIT (automatic unconscious) ToM Eye tracking How would you test an infant? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfOtEjZFaq4 • Onishi & Baillargeon, 2005 “Violation of Expectation” method Southgate, Senju, Csibra, 2007 Action Anticipation- anticipatory looking • 3-way actor-object- location association • behavioural rules- people look for an object where they last saw it • Changes in latent activation in non-frontal regions Knowing about BEHAVIOUR versus knowing about mental states MEDIATING BEHAVIOUR (read: Perner, J., & Ruffman, T. (2005). Infants ’ Insight into the Mind : Science, 308(5719), 214-216) BUT… • Range of belief tasks • Testing predictions and explanations • Longitudinal studies • ‘Pure’ tests of false beliefs What can do to overcome these challenges? 1. Hide and seek 2. Understanding fairy tales and stories 3. Pretend play: tea party 4. Protodeclarative pointing 5. Social referencing 6. Eye gaze: will follow eye gaze of adult IF joint attention was established prior to the adult looking away Real life scenarios… What other skills are necessary? Executive function- mental capacity Language Acquisition of false belief understanding coincides with significant changes in EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONING WHY? LANGUAGE Executive functioning Theory of Mind Language What are the social implications of ToM change across development? Consequences of ToM • Social relationships: prosocial and anti-social Emotional Regulation: links with problems in peer relationships Ring leader bullies have been found to have exceptionalToM! Victims however have been found to have poorToM! Anxiety Low self esteem Preschool development in ToM may increase sensitivity to criticism and lead to later:  Advanced ToM tests: Testing adults Advanced ToM- Strange Stories (Happe, 1994) Does ToM increase, decrease or stay the same as we grow older? Discussion ToM in old age Crystallised versus fluid intelligence “knowledge that comes from prior learning and past experiences.” Crystallised intelligence Cattell: "…the ability to perceive relationships independent of previous specific practice or instruction concerning those relationships." Fluid intelligence Gender differences in ToM MUST read Mechanisms of Social cognition: Frith, C. D., & Frith, U. (2012). Mechanisms of social cognition. Annual review of psychology, 63, 287–313. doi:10.1146/annurev-psych-120710- 100449 This reading will be included in your test in Week 5 HOMEWORK FOR NEXT WEEK Stone & Gerrans, 2006