Rethinking Finance The Lifeblood of Enterprise and the Financial Heart Attack How do you know something is money? •What qualities does it have? •Why do you believe in it? •Does it have to exist in physical form? •Who creates it? •Who controls it? •Economists use a Functional Definition – what money does • •Money is a: –Medium of exchange –Measure of value/ –unit of account –Store of value What is Money ? •Amongst money's many functions, that of the lubrication of a fully functioning economy is the most basic •If some people are storing money then it may not be able to lubricate the economy efficiently •Speculation can mean that money is sucked out of the local economy to areas of the world where it can attract a higher rate of return as investment capital These roles may be incompatible •The lubrication of a fully functioning economy is the most basic role • • • • • • • • • • •But it is incompatible with the role as a commodity in international speculation If you don’t believe me . . . •Bank creation of money is not controlled by some set ratio—only ´prudence´ •The constraint on bank lending is only a willing supply of borrowers •When there are no more borrowers the system collapses •Quantity of money is not related to economic activity Myth no. 1: the fractional reserve •Most money is ‘fiat’ •Banks do not hold gold and neither to governments •The agreement in 1944 was that the dollar would be backed by gold •This link was broken unilaterally in 1971 Myth no. 2: money has ‘backing’ •Most economic activity is based on borrowed money •The money that is deposited belonged to somebody with excess money •The person who borrowed it has insufficient money •Interest will transfer money from the working person with less money to the person living from unearned income • Myth no. 3: money is neutral Financial crisis? Credit Crunch? •What happened? •What were the symptoms? •What were the causes? •What is the impact on business? •How can we respond positively? Money: Unstable and Unsustainable DebtMachine n97% of money is created as debt by banks: n95% of money transactions have no contact with real goods nAllows people to make a claim on future value Financialisation and the Environment Money is inequitable and also puts pressure on the planet. Once it is created people have to work and exploit resources to make the goods to catch up. This is how economic growth works and why we are destroying the planet. Questions? Banking on the Local Economy •Break up the nationalised banks and create local banks •Mutually owned with a board of local businesspeople and citizens •Local multipliers and benefits of finance stay local Local Bond •Rates of return can outstrip bank interest rates, especially when supported by the FiT •Creates an investment vehicle for savers who receive virtually no return from banks •Especially powerful on a local basis rt/22831-1-eng-GB/fen-farm-interim-report.jpg Ecotricity’s EcoBonds •Launched in October 2010 to secure up to £10 million of funding for its Green Energy projects •Ecotricity challenged the profit rates required by banks •By the deadline more than 1,800 people had applied for almost £15million worth of EcoBonds, oversubscribed by nearly 50% •The most successful private bond ever issued in the UK. • Peer-to peer lending •Zopa has lent more than £200m since 2005 •Makes equity sharing available on a small scale •Shared risk but no significant commitment or relationship nds%2B40.jpg Bristol Pound .jpg Bristol Pound •Heavy involvement with local council •Partnership with credit union •Good support from businesses •Powerful media coverage •Can it compete with the pound sterling? • }Uses principle of demurrage }Electronic and paper money }Back one-for-one by euros }Can be exchanged back for a 5% fee }More than 500,000 in circulation generating transaction volume of €0.5m } } 81c33dfebc The Chiemgauer Financial planning •You want to fund a new enterprise: –Where do you go for finance? –What role do those who provide the finance have in your enterprise? –How do you gain the maximum investment while relinquishing the minimum power? –How much of the value of what you produce has to go back to those who provide the capital? Bretton Woods •Bretton Woods Conference •Negotiations during the first three weeks of July 1944 •Dominated by the US and UK negotiations: Harry Dexter White and John Maynard Keynes • And a Global Currency? •Keynes had argued for a neutral global currency: the Ebcu •The domination of the dollar has resulted from its role as a global reserve currency •Its abandonment of this power should be made the condition for its imminent default Dollar domination The Conference established the World Bank, set the Gold Standard at $35 an ounce and chose the American Dollar as the backbone of international exchange. n.jpg Dollar Domination Euro as a Political Project •Compete as reserve currency with dollar: ‘I cannot resign myself to the decline of Europe and of France’—Delors •Force the pace of integration •Not ideal currency area • •Greeks would still be able to spend Euros, and the tourism industry, for example, might continue to accept them •Traders would prefer to have Euros •Euros would limit imports and exports but the national economy could function on its own currency • Euro as Common Currency not Single Currency