Reading List for Green Economics If you can find these books in the MU library I have given the catalogue number at the end. Molly Scott Cato: Green Economics: An Introduction to Theory, Policy and Practice: G1-135 Molly Scott Cato: Environment and Economy Useful journals you have in the library: Environmental Politics, Environmental Values, The Ecologist Systemic critiques Molly Scott Cato, Market, Schmarket: G1-1318 John Kay, The Truth about Markets: G1-1543 Jonathon Porritt, Capitalism as if the World Matters: L2-968 David Korten, When Corporations Rule the World: G1-1385 Andrew Simms, Tescopoly: G1-1465 Critiques of economic growth Richard Douthwaite: The Growth Illusion: L2-127 Richard Douthwaite and John Doping (eds.): Growth: The Celtic Cancer: SKL-15154 Peter Victor, Managing without Growth: G1-1569 Herman Daly, Beyond Growth: L2-95 Energy from a Green Economics Perspective Richard Douthwaite, When the Wells Run Dry (a book about peak oil and energy alternatives): L2-129 Ernst U. von Weizsacker, Factor Four: Doubling Wealth: Halving Resource Use: L2-1099 Richard Heinberg: The Party‘s Over: L2-873 Climate Change Nicholas Stern, The Economics of Climate Change (The Stern Review) (perhaps just read the executive summary of this one!): EKV786 Dieter Helm (ed.), Climate Change Policy: L2-873 Edward Page, Climate Change and Future Generations: L2-975 Peter Christoff, „Cold Climate in Kopenhagen: China and the United States at Cop-15“, Environmental Politics, 19/4: 637-56 The Lean Economy Connection: Energy and the Common Purpose: Feasta: Cap and Share: Global Commons Institute, Carbon Countdown : Ecological Economics Joan Martinez-Alier, Ecological Economics: L2-1056 Herman Daly: Ecological Economics: EKO-246 Koyo Mazami, The Origins of Ecological Economics (some useful stuff in here about energy and entropy): SKL-13727 Gareth Edwards-Jones: Ecological Economics: An Introduction: SKL-10982 Other useful books of general relevance Jules Pretty, The Earth Only Endures: L2-969 Richard Douthwaite, Short Circuit: L2-128 Tim Jackson, Prosperity without Growth (find a book review online here: Rod Hill and Tony Myatt, The Economics Anti-Textbook (a critical account of the teaching on orthodox economics): Richard Douthwaite, The Ecology of Money (a brief introduction to a green perspective on money): L2-125. Also available online here: