3. 10. Vývoj východní dimenze ESP: regionální iniciativy, program Východní partnerství + diskuse nad PP1
Berindan, I. (2010): “Black Sea Synergy”: looking at the sea…from the shore. An appraisal of the EU policy towards the Black Sea Region three years after. Conference Paper. SGIR 2010. Stockholm, September 9-11, 2010
Manoli, P. (2011): Black Sea Regionalism in Perspective. Neighbourhood policy paper, CIES, December 2011.
Korosteleva, E. (2012): The Eastern Partnership Initiative: A New Opportunity for the Neighbours?. In Korosteleva (ed.; 2012): Eastern Partnership: A New Opportunity for the Neighbours, London: Routledge, s. 1 – 17.
Duleba, A., Rácz, A., Řiháčková, V., Sadowski, R. (2013): Visegrad 4 the Eastern Partnership: Towards the Vilnius Summit. Bratislava: SFPA. s. 5 – 9.
Literatura pro přípravu PP2:
Hill, R., J. (2012): Russia, the European Union and the Lands Between. In Korosteleva (ed.; 2012): Eastern Partnership: A New Opportunity for the Neighbours, London: Routledge, s. 144 – 164.
Emerson, M., Kostanyan, H. (2013): Putin’s grand design to destroy the EU’s Eastern Partnership and replace it with a disastrous neighbourhood policy of his own. Centre for European Policy Studies, 17 September 2013.
Trenin, D. (2013): Whither New Eastern Europe? Strategic Europe, July 12, 2013. Dostupné z: http://carnegieeurope.eu/2013/07/12/whither-new-eastern-europe/gfc8