Historical Overview of the South Caucasus states Mgr. Zinaida Shevchuk Colchis - Caucasus • Large mountainous zone, • Small republics of the huge Soviet Union, • Conflict countries from headline news. Early history • The advanced economy and favorable geographic and natural conditions of the area attracted the Byzantine, Persian, Mongol, Ottoman and Russian empires. • Ancient countries of Caucasus: Armenia, Iberia, Colchis and Albania. Culture The area was home to the welldeveloped bronze culture known as the Colchian culture. Golden braceletes, c 5-4 centuries BC. Religion Azerbaijan - a nation with a Turkic and majority-Muslim population. The Armenian Apostolic Church Georgia – Orthodox Christianity Multinational environment Languages Languages The Georgian alphabet The Armenian alphabet Historical Overview • The Caucasus is the point where Russia, Iran and Turkey meet. For most of the 19th century, the three powers dueled for dominance of the region. • Russia – main force which determined the development in the South Caucasus region for more than two centuries. Russia’s interests • Trade interests, • Colonization intentions and • Strategic considerations. • Peter the Great - to transform Russia to a great European power. Historical overview • In 1801 the Georgian protectorate - Georgia’s annexation to Russia. • Russian attempts to control over the region led to the conquest of a number of Khanates in 1806-1809 and ultimately to the first Russia-Persian war 1812-1813. • The treaty of Gulistan 1813. • The treaty of Turkmanchai in 1828. Historical overview • During the latter part of the 19th century and for most of the Soviet period, the Soviet position in the Caucasus ran along the frontier with Turkey and Persia (later Iran). • During the Russian revolution 1917 -Transcaucasian Federation was born (the Georgian Mensheviks, the Azerbaijan Musavat party and the Dashnaks). • The South Caucasus separated from Russia and declare its independence in 1918. In 1918 three democratic republic were declared, Azerbaijan and Georgian and Armenian Democratic Republics. Historical overview • By 31.05.1920, Azerbaijan was invaded by Sovietized by Russia’s 11th Red Army. • Four months later, Armenia was invaded by the Kemalist Army of Karabekir Pasa and partitioned between Turkey and Russia. • The Soviet military campaign against Georgia was launched on February 11th, 1921. • The region was the part of the Soviet union for 70years.