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At a more micro level, the residential context is both immediate ind Import Ml I in shaping older adults'ability to participate in society (Schai I el ,il, [002, 1009) Given the evidence that a major portion of day-to-day living, caregivitlg, lUpi..... for activities of daily living and participation in social and civic life by oldoi adults takes place in or near their homes and neighbourhoods ((ilass and Ball..... 2003), understanding the opportunities and constraints afforded by resident e, and neighbourhoods is central to the growing discourse about exclusion ofoldei ululi Further, the residential and neighbourhood environments become im reailngly salient to those older adults faced with multiple personal and six ial i hanges that may limit their daily activities to their immediate or nearby surnnmdings (I >obsou and Gilroy, 2009;Wahl and Oswald, 2010). It is these older adulls who m.iv be .it particularly high risk of isolation, especially those in advanced old .\yy w\u>:\.....i the majority of their time in their homes (Bakes et al, 1999; Oswald and WiM 2005). The central argument of this chapter is that physical aspet ts "I houiin and the neighbourhood play an important role in facilitating or inhibiting .....i inclusion of older adults, especially those with physical and/or cognitive divil nln i This chapter takes as its focus the built environment, including the i. ■.!. n i of the older person and the neighbourhood that extends beyond i he honu h is set within the research and policy literature in Western Europe and i lofth America where much of the research on built environments ol retlidi m . n I neighbourhoods has occurred. Reflecting the major focus ofresean h and pi 11 development in Western nations, it is the urban environment thai provldi (h main source ol'evul.....■ liir this < hapter. Not only has the number of oldil idllll increased disproportionately in urban locations In recent years (Smith, KMW)