Title Dynamics of Problems and Coping Strategies: A Perspective of Bangladeshi Labor Migrants in Middle East Author Sanjoy Kumar Chanda Abstract Most of the Bangladeshi labors go to Middle East countries- Saudi Arab and UAE- as migrants to seek for work. General people know from different studies and media that labor earns foreign money from Middle East and they send it to Bangladesh, contributing to the flow of remittance. But, practically, there are also the sufferings of labors like exploitation, racial discrimination. So, they take strategies to cope with adverse situations, even some are unethical like stealing. Few studies emphasized about labor’s sufferings but not with high importance. Even, Governments are reluctant to address problems as it will decrease flow of migration. But this is unfair not to address as addressing problems may be the source of mitigating problems. So this paper will focus on the real challenges that labor face. Moreover, exploitation and racial discrimination are conflicting issues as it goes against human nature. Any human being does not have any right to physically and mentally torture anybody. Black and white or short and long is the creature of God so it should not be considered as discrimination. But, unfortunately, Bangladeshi migrant labors face it in Middle East that will be addressed here. This topic is important as it will focus on the basic structure-income earners-of Bangladesh. Besides, it will inform the government and international agency to mitigate problems of labor migrants. Readers will be interested as this migration study is the source of problems that labor experiences and strategies they take defending problems as migrants. Problems of labor migrants are addressed in the following questions: Why do labor migrants of Bangladesh suffer from different problems and take coping strategies in Middle East? There are sub-questions behind this key question. Are laborers considered as a tool rather than human being? Does Bangladeshi have less institutional supports than others? Does not every coping strategy supportive to mitigate respective problem? This study has theoretical uses and literatures. It has relevance of globalization theory that focus on structures and variables of unequal economic exchange (Appadur 1990). While global labor markets are now inter-dependant on skilled and low-skilled people from countries like Bangladesh, there remains a gap in addressing the impacts that migration has on those leaving behind their families and communities, their social structure and culture (OKUP 2009). The creative use of situational tactics and flexible coping strategies provide the migrant with greater adjustment abilities, thus enhancing his long-term survival prospects (Conquergood, 1992). Here two general hypotheses are: 1) Inequality increases the problems of Bangladeshi labors in Middle East and 2) Dynamics of problems insists variations of coping strategies. These hypotheses will be measured in four aspects, including: a) economic- wage payment; b) social- poor accommodation, health risk, gender and racial discrimination; c) instrumental support- weak law; and d) psychological- mental exploitation. Primarily the structure of this paper will incorporate five topics including introduction, methodology, problems dynamics, coping strategies and conclusion.