Review of Adriana Holland Final Paper Proposal - by Beatrice Papapietro Adriana paper is well structured, it stated a clear research question and a relevant sub-question which opens up the research to investigate inequalities in the treatment of migrant from the part of the municipality. The title is interesting and I particularly liked the metaphor of 'opening up the city'.The paper also introduced the research very well by explaining the socio-historical development of the city. Also it transpires from the paper that Adriana has been engaging with transnational literature and she has a clear idea of the literature that will be used in the paper. I found particularly good that she also identified the limitation of her research due to time and resources restriction. This is a sign of very down to earth approach to research that often is difficult to attain. I would be interested in understanding better what is meant by 'urban self-presentation' and the rationale behind the choice of the internet presentation of Brno municipalities concerning the immigrants as research area. Also there are few spelling mistakes in the paper that are probably due to distraction and that could have been avoided.