MIGRATION AND TRANSNATIONALISM-MIGRATING PEOPLE, MIGRATING CULTURE: OPTICS, METHODS, AND IMPACTS Student: Małgorzata Miszczak What state is responsible for social protection of the migrants? Answer this question using at least 2 readings from the syllabus. (8 points) The immigration is an important issue in contemporary societies. Due to decrease in the number of births in high developed countries and lower costs of hiring immigrant workers owing to their significantly lower salary, the immigration has been an important factors of development for the economies of many countries. After the beginning of the World crisis in 2007, many countries have been forced to reduce their expenses on public sector. Suddenly, the immigrants convert in the eyes of natives form economical support into economic burden. A important question appeared: what state should pay the cost of the social care? Firstly, it necessary to define social protection. In agreement with Sabates-Wheeler and Fledman, social protection is consist in access to social security and social services; possibility of vested social security rights between countries of origin and reception; labor market conditions and recruitment conditions for immigrants and access to informal networks of migrant support. According to Van Walsum and Vonk, the access to social protection in most countries is orientated at the long stay migrants who have the possibility to contibute with taxes and payments into the system. At the same time immigrants might have contributed significantly to social protection systems in their countries of origin and still not recieving any benefits (Sabates-Wheeler and Feldman). Moreover, they cannot claim the right to receive any benefits in their countries of origin after contributed in the country of reception. One of the most disadvantaged migrants are those moving within low-income regions, where the social security system is less developed. The most clarified situation is in the European Union. The citizens of the Union can not only easily travel, but also find an employment in member countries. The access to social security is relatively easy for most of the immigrants form European Union (EU Social Security Coordination rule). The immigrants have right to receive the social security benefits, if they pay contributions in the country of origin. However, the access to the social protection system is more complex and depends on national law. The European Union agreements settle also the pension system, although there might be some differences between individual countries. However, in most countries outside of European Union, the access to the social security system is more difficult. One option for this immigrants is to create a network of bilateral and multilateral agreements (Van Walsum and Vonk) who would allow to eliminate the exclusion form the social protection system and would support possibility of vested social security rights between countries of origin and reception. Thanks to this system, no country wuld be obligated to pay for the citizens of another countries. Bibliography: · Sabates-Wheeler,R., Feldman,R. Social Protection and Migration. Claiming social rights beyond borders · Vonk,G., Van Walsum,S. Towards a new social protection approach for excluded migrants · http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=26&langId=en Design a research project with these keywords: ‘transnational families’ and ‘Central and Eastern Europe’. Formulate research question(s) and justify your methodology. Contemporary migration is a complex socio-political issue, which is affecting increasing number of families in all United Europe. Special attention should be paid to the situation of migrant families and the difficulties of family members, who are forced to look for provide for their families in another countries. Migration has given rise to transnational families whose members live in different nation-states and face the challenges of organizing the care of family members across borders (Mazzucato). In my research I would like to focus on the situation of transnational families from Central and Eastern Europe. During my investigation I would like to study the immigrant community from Central and Eastern Europe in three countries: Great Britain, the Netherlands and Germany in order to discover the problems of different representatives groups from Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria and Poland related with transnational families. The main question are: how distance from native country to receiving country influences relations in between family members? How often the immigrants are visiting their country of origin and their families? How life in separation from their families is affecting their life abroad? How the situation of transnational families is related with the numbers of divorces in migrant families? How often do they considering to bring the family from country of origin to country of reception? Do they take part in resolving possible problems with their children left behind? How involved are they in the life of their families? How the former immigrants are reuniting with their families after the long absence? Due to a complex analysis of this aspect of immigration process, I will have to process a comparative analysis of collected data from different groups of immigrants. The analysis will be based on different sources. Firstly, the official data concerning immigration form Great Britain, the Netherlands and Germany. Secondly, series of interviews in representatives from Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria an Poland. The target group of this interviews will be men and women with families in between 20 and 45 years old working in Great Britain, the Netherlands and Germany. The interviews will embrace both seasonal workers and permanent immigrants who have left their families in countries of origin. The interviews will also embrace former immigrants from Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria and Poland who have ended their immigration process and they reunited with their families. The main goal of the research is to show the differences and similarities concerning problems in transnational families form Central and Eastern Europe. migration has given rise to transnational families whose members live in different nation-states and face the challenges of organizing the care of family members across borders. Bibliography: · Mazzucato,V. Child Well-Being and Transnational Families Discuss the relationship between nationalism and cosmopolitanism using the example of arts and museums. (8 points) Although many politicians want to separate nationalism and cosmopolitanism, these two concepts are strongly connected with each other. We cannot study history of particular country without placing it in the events of history of a particular region and therefore, the World. For example, as Sharon Macdonald suggests, the history of Holocaust cannot be study without only in relation to a particular nation, but as a transnational matter. Focusing on a particular ethnicity instead of nationality can open a different look on a nation itself, showing differences, similarities and the qualities which makes a nation a unique mixture of cultures (Levy, Sznaider). One way to express the relationship between nationality and cosmopolitanism is analyzing museums. One of the goals of creating museums is to approximate to a visitor the history and culture of a nation, ethnicity or region. The new approach based of cosmopolitan point of view instead of nation-state perspective opened new ways of understanding social mechanisms. One of the museums representing the new tendency is The Brooklyn Museum of Art, especially it’s remarkable exhibition American Identities: A New Look (Levitt). Although the name of the museum suggests a local character, the main goal of the exhibition is to present a new glance on American Art in new cosmopolitan approach, showing the influences of European, South American, indigenous and immigrants. United States of America is a country that cannot be known only by a national point of view. The relationship with other cultures is what makes America a country. Omitting it’s cosmopolitan heritage would be an incomplete image and a false lesson to future generations. Another example of a museum representing the new cosmopolitan view on a nation is The Museum of History of Polish Jews in Warsaw. The museum was opened in 2013 in the area of the former Jewish Warsaw Ghetto. The objective of the museum is to educate new generations about long, difficult history of Jews in Poland and to present Jewish culture and costumes in order to eliminate any type of prejudice from Polish society. What is more the museum is also determined to create a bridge between descendant of Polish Jews from all around the World. We can also find a similar museum in Brno. The Museum of Romani Culture is dedicated to history of Romani history form migration from India till the present situation of the Roma in the Czech Republic. The main goal of the museum is to make realize the society that Romani people, since their appearance in Czech Republic, are making part of Czech society but also they are a remarkable ethnicity with a very unique culture. Bibliography: · Levitt,P.(n.d).The Lawyer and The Priest (unpublished manuscript) · Levy,D., Sznaider,N. Human Rights and Memory · http://www.jewishmuseum.org.pl/en/about-museum · http://www.rommuz.cz/en