232 Cultures, communities and families 21 22 23 Bourdieu, P. (1990) Structures, habitus, practices, The Logic Cambridge: Polity Press, 53. s °f pf*& It is interesting to ask in what ways Bourdieu's account of cult, ^ste systems could be used by members of a culture-class, to review an aJ n»Ps reconstruct their own relations to the world through gaining a ww ^ deT' standing of their own position. British cultural studies, at least in r ^tfty days, tried hard to examine its own role and potential in this resp 0™ knowledge this is not an issue Bourdieu or his followers have e ' o»ed perhaps because it is simply conceptually unimaginable on his acc0,Ver P . Bourdieu, P. (1993) Principles for a sociology of literary works In w*t- n R-(ed.) The Field of Cultural Production, Cambridge: Polity Press, 189-% ^ ' 24. For one among many recent useful books on the inevitability of polta' football, see Simon Kuper's (1994) Football Against The Enemv, London- nS* 25. Barker, M. (1993) Seeing how far you can see: on being a 'fan' of 20onAT> In Buckingham, D. (ed.) Reading Audiences: Young People and thMe^ia' Manchester: Manchester University Press, 159-83. 6 l\vmc (eds ) fryVy o«.ekes -fo /tu<£i zmula U<*.dUv- Lou lei\- krkoU.f 11 <\