13. 11. Seminář 2: Skupinová diskuse 2. Východní partnerství a státy jižního Kavkazu - úvod
Kobzova, J.; Alieva, L. (2012): The EU and Azerbaijan: beyond oil. Policy memo, ECFR/57, May 2012.
Kopeček, V. (2011): European Neighbourhood Policy: Does the tool work? Area study of the South Caucasian countries, Contemporary European Studies 1/2011, s. 5 – 22.
Doporučená literatura:
Nygren, B. (2010): The Rebuilding of Greater Russia. Putin´s foreign policy towards the CIS countries. London: Routledge, s. 66 – 81.
Literatura pro přípravu na PP3:
Pro PP3 si, prosím, vyberte jedno z nabízeného spektra dílčích témat. Pokud si vyberete jednu ze zemí, je možné v úvahové části PP propojit její problematiku i se širší perspektivou (geo)politické situace celého regionu jižního Kavkazu.
Téma "EU a "zamrzlé konflikty" na jižním Kavkaze:
Atilgan, C.; Sarjveladze, M. (2012): Georgia and its Breakaway Regions: No Progress in Sight. KAS International Reports, 6/2012.
Giragosian, R. (2013): Challenges for the EU in the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflilct: An Armenian perspective. Policy Brief. European Policy Centre, 17 June 2013.
Shiriyev, Z. (2013): Challenges for the EU in the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict: An Azerbaijani perspective. Policy Brief. European Policy Centre, 17 June 2013.
Téma "EU a Gruzie"
Fix, L. (2014): Georgia Knocking on Europe´s Door. Russia, Georgia and the EU Assocaition Agreement. DGAP, N. 10., June 2014.
Rinnert, D. (2011): The Eastern Partnership in Georgia. Increasing Efficiency of EU Neighborhood Policies in the South Caucasus? SWP Berlin. Working Paper FG 5, 2011/No.1, March 2011.
Téma "EU a Arménie"
Hovhannisyan, M. (2013): Armenia Before and After Vilinus. Caucasus Analytical Digest, N. 58, 18 December 2013.
Ochoa, E., L. (2014): EU - Armenia Relations. Possible future Developments and Prospects. In: European Union Foreign Affairs Journal. N. 2/2014.
Téma "EU a Ázerbájdžán"
Kobzova, J.; Alieva, L. (2012): The EU and Azerbaijan: beyond oil. Policy memo, ECFR/57, May 2012.
Valiyev, A. (2014): Azerbaijan´s Elite between Scylla and Charybdis: EU or Customs Union? In: The Vilnius Moment, PONARS Eurasia Policy Perspectives, March 2014