25. 9. EU jako aktér mezinárodních vztahů ve svém sousedství. Vývoj evropské sousedské politiky s důrazem na východní dimenzi.
Haukkala, H. (2011): The European Union as a Regional Normative Hegemon: The Case of European Neighbourhood Policy. In: Whitman, R., G. (ed.): Normative Power Europe. Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives, s. 45 – 64.
Korosteleva, E. (2012): The European Union and its Eastern Neighbours. Towards a more ambitious partnership? London: Routledge, s. 2 – 8.
European Neighbourhood Policy. Dostupné z: (http://eeas.europa.eu/enp/index_en.htm)
Literatura pro přípravu PP1:
Dȋrdală, L.-D. (2013): After Vilnius: the European Union’s smart power and the Eastern Neighbourhood, Eastern Journal of European Studies, Vol. 4, I. 2, December 2013, s. 123 – 136.
Gnedina, E., Popescu, N. (2012): The European Neighbourhood Policy´s first decade in the Eastern neighbourhood. Neighbourhood policy paper, CIES, July 2012.
Lehne, S. (2014): Time to Reset the European Neighborhood Policy. Carnegie Europe, February 4, 2014. Dostupné z: (http://carnegieeurope.eu/2014/02/04/time-to-reset-european-neighborhood-policy#)