Security Strategy of the Czech Republic 2011 Introduction by the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Why, in times of peace, should we concern ourselves with security issues? Would it not be better to concentrate instead on building new homes, hospitals and schools? As the British Labour statesman Denis Healey said more than 40 years ago, "Once we cut defence expenditure to the extent where our security is imperilled, we have no houses, we have no hospitals, we have no schools. We have a heap of cinders." The security of its citizens is a fundamental responsibility of the state. The Government of the Czech Republic, aware of this obligation, has updated the Security Strategy of the Czech Republic. The previous Security Strategy was drawn up in 2003, since when the security environment and the international context have changed. By adopting the Treaty of Lisbon, the European Union has gained a new institutional framework. The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) adopted a new Strategic Concept at its summit in Lisbon in the autumn of 2010. The Security Strategy of the Czech Republic takes these developments into account. It shares the principles of its 2003 predecessor, but develops them to reflect the new context. What differentiates it most from the previous Security Strategy is that it conceives the security issue as a whole. First, it defines our values and interests, and then describes the current security environment, including trends and threats and their possible impact on our interests. In the second part, it sets out the approaches to be employed in countering those threats — using all possible national, bilateral and multilateral tools. It aspires to be a strategy document valid for at least five years. I very much welcome the fact that the academic and expert security communities from institutions outside the government have been involved in the preparation of the Security Strategy. Communication with the broader professional public has made the Security Strategy a better-quality document. We also wish to continue seeking out such a consensus in the preparation of further policy documents and the sub-strategies that will build on it. The process of safeguarding our security and defence is a permanent task, one that never ends. It is the state's debt to its citizens, and it is the mutual commitment that citizens make to each other— to defend their country, their lives and their freedom. Ultimately, this is the most basic purpose of civil solidarity. Security understood in this way — safeguarding not only the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of our country, but also the democratic rule of law and the fundamental rights and freedoms of our citizens — is a continuous task. If we keep it sufficiently in our sights and if we act accordingly, both as a state and as citizens, then our future need not be a heap of cinders, but peace, freedom, prosperity and cooperation between all of us and with the nations of the world. The Security Strategy is a conceptual framework which will help that happen. Petr Nečas Prime Minister Contents I. Introduction 4 II. Principles of the Security Policy of the Czech Republic III. The Security Interests of the Czech Republic 6 IV. The Security Environment The Strategic Context 8 The most important trends and factors Security Threats 10 V. Strategy for Promoting the Security Interests of the Czech Republic 12 The collective dimension of safeguarding security and defence 12 Strategy of prevention and suppression of security threats The economic framework for safeguarding security interests 19 The institutional framework for safeguarding security 20 The Security System of the Czech Republic 22 Security Strategy of the Czech Republic 3 I. Introduction 1. The Security Strategy of the Czech Republic is a fundamental document in the framework of the Czech Republic's security policy, which has become the basis for sub-strategies and concepts. It is a government document drafted in consultation with the Office of the President of the Republic and the Parliament of the Czech Republic with the aim of seeking non-partisan approaches to security issues. The Czech Republic's security community, including representatives of both state and non-governmental sectors, has also been involved in the production of this strategy. 2. The value and legal framework underlying the creation and implementation the Security Strategy is provided by the constitutional order of the Czech Republic, in particular by the Constitution of the Czech Republic, the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms and Constitutional Act No. 110/1998 on the security of the Czech Republic, as amended. Laws based on the Czech constitutional order and the international commitments arising from the Czech Republic's membership of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), the European Union (EU), the United Nations (UN), and the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) are an integral part of the legal framework. 3. In its principles and in its definition of security interests, the Security Strategy builds on the Security Strategy of the Czech Republic from 2003. It takes account of, and describes changes to, the security environment, including key threats in the Euro-Atlantic area. Its aim is to establish a systematic and coordinated framework for the promotion of the Czech Republic's security interests and to contribute to the efficient use of individual multilateral, bilateral and national tools and the corresponding allocation of resources for these purposes. 4. The Security Strategy of the Czech Republic represents the basic values, interests, approaches, ambitions and tools in the safeguarding of its security: • The "Principles of the Security Policy of the Czech Republic" formulate the principles on which the security policy of the Czech Republic is based. • The "Security Interests of the Czech Republic" define the Czech Republic's vital, strategic and other important interests. • The "Security Environment" identifies the most important trends, factors and specific threats in the security environment within which the Czech Republic protects and promotes its interests. • The "Strategy for Promoting the Security Interests of the Czech Republic" defines approaches to the protection of the Czech Republic's security interests and specifies multilateral and national tools for promoting them, including a short description of the Czech Republic's security system. Security Strategy of the Czech Republic 4 II. Principles of the Security Policy of the Czech Republic 5. The Security Strategy of the Czech Republic presents approaches, tools and measures to safeguard the security, defence and protection of citizens and the state. The nature of contemporary security challenges excludes the strict segmentation of security policy by individual security concern. The institutional and physical cohesion and coordination of tools is essential to safeguard the Czech Republic's security efficiently 6. The Government of the Czech Republic (the "Government") and all local and regional government bodies are responsible for safeguarding, within their respective areas of competence, the security of the population, the defence of the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and the preservation of the prerequisites for the democratic rule of law. A comprehensive, functioning and dynamically developing security system provides the institutional means to attain these aims. 7. The Czech Republic's security is based on the principle of safeguarding the security of the individual and protecting his life, health and property. The successful practice of this principle relies on the safeguarding of the security of state institutions, including their full operational capability, and the development of processes and tools intended to strengthen the security and protection of the population. While it is primarily the Government's duty to safeguard security, the active cooperation of Czech citizens, businesses and entrepreneurs, and public authorities is desirable in efforts to mitigate threat risks. This strengthens society's overall resilience to security threats. 8. The political and economic stability of the European Union is of key significance in safeguarding the Czech Republic's security. The exceptional openness of the Czech economy exposes it to external influences, particularly with respect to market access and energy supplies. In view of the values and principles which it espouses, the Czech Republic favours joint action within international organisations and groupings of states that advocate peaceful conflict resolution, a collective approach to security, and mutually beneficial economic cooperation. 9. The Czech Republic's security policy is based on the principle of the indivisibility of security. The Czech Republic's security is inseparable from security in the Euro-Atlantic area and from the global security situation. The nature of the security environment is such that the defence and protection of the state's citizens and territory does not end at the borders of the Czech Republic. Security interests often need to be defended far beyond the borders of allied states. The Czech Republic's security policy is governed not only by its own specific interests, but also by solidarity with its allies in NATO and the EU. 10. The Czech Republic prefers the active avoidance of armed conflicts and preventive diplomacy. If a crisis or armed conflict arises, it strives to reach a solution by political and diplomatic means. If these fail, the Czech Republic may — in accordance with its constitutional order, laws, and the principles of the UN Charter, and within the framework of its commitments to and solidarity with its — use force to protect its vital and, if necessary, its strategic interests. 11. The basic principles for safeguarding the defence and security of the Czech Republic are active involvement in the NATO system of collective defence based on a strong transatlantic link, the development of EU crisis management capabilities, and cooperation with partner countries. Membership of NATO and the EU brings with it the advantages of a collective safeguard for our own defence and security, as well as the commitment to contribute to collective defence and security. The Security Strategy therefore takes into account the strategy documents of those organisations. Membership of international organisations does not relieve the Czech Republic of primary responsibility for its own defence. Security Strategy of the Czech Republic 5 III. The Security Interests of the Czech Republic 12. The Czech Republic categorises its security interests ("interests") according to their importance. In the Security Strategy, these interests are divided into three categories: vital, strategic, and other important interests. 13. Vital interests. Vital interests comprise the safeguarding of the Czech Republic's sovereign existence, territorial integrity, and political independence, and the preservation of all prerequisites of a democratic rule of law, including the guarantee and protection of the fundamental human rights and freedoms of the population. Protecting the vital interests of the state and its citizens is one of the Government's fundamental obligations. To this end, the Czech Republic is ready to exploit all legitimate approaches and to use all available resources. 14- Strategic interests. The promotion of strategic interests is necessary in order to safeguard vital interests. It is also necessary for the Czech Republic's social development and prosperity. The approaches and means chosen for their promotion are commensurate to the situation. The Czech Republic's primary strategic interests are: • security and stability, especially in the Euro-Atlantic area • preventing and managing local and regional conflicts and mitigating their consequences • maintaining the UN's global stabilising role and increasing its efficiency • strengthening the cohesion and efficiency of NATO and the EU and retaining a functional and credible transatlantic link • promoting a strategic partnership between NATO and the EU, including the strengthening of cooperation in the complementary development of defence and security capabilities • developing the role of the OSCE in the prevention of armed conflicts, in democratisation and in building mutual trust and security • maintaining a functioning and transparent conventional arms control regime in Europe • supporting and developing regional cooperation • supporting international stability through cooperation with partner countries • supporting democracy, fundamental freedoms, and the principles of the rule of law • safeguarding internal security and protecting the population • safeguarding the Czech Republic's economic security and strengthening the competitiveness of the economy • safeguarding the Czech Republic's energy, raw-material and food security and an appropriate level of strategic reserves • preventing and suppressing security threats affecting the security of the Czech Republic and its allies. 15- Other Important Interests. Other important interests are promoted as a means of contributing to the protection of vital and strategic interests and strengthening society's resilience to security threats. Other important interests include, in particular: • reducing crime, with an emphasis on economic crime • developing the conditions for a tolerant civil society, suppressing extremism and its causes • making state institutions and the judiciary more efficient and more professional; to this end, improving public authorities' interaction with citizens, businesses and entrepreneurs • developing civic associations and non-governmental organisations involved in security • improving public awareness and citizens' active involvement in safeguarding security • supporting scientific and technological development, with an emphasis on new Security Strategy of the Czech Republic 6 technologies with a high added value of innovation • developing technical and technological capabilities for the processing and transmission of classified and sensitive information, with an emphasis on information protection and accessibility • protecting the environment. Security Strategy of the Czech Republic 7 IV. The Security Environment The Strategic Context 16. The environment influencing the Czech Republic's security is going through dynamic changes. The growing interconnectedness of security trends and factors is reducing its predictability. Threats, the sources of threats and those carrying them out are of both a national and, increasingly, a non-governmental and supranational nature. Internal and external security threats are becoming entwined and the differences between them effaced. These characteristics have a fundamental impact on the approach to the safeguarding of defence and security. It is becoming increasingly important to take a comprehensive approach combining military and civil tools, including diplomatic and economic means, to prevent threats and mitigate their negative impact. Preparedness to react promptly and effectively to unforeseen threats is also becoming more essential. 17. The probability of a direct threat to the territory of the Czech Republic by massive military attack is low. This favourable state of affairs is guaranteed primarily by the Czech Republic's membership of NATO and the EU and its sound relations with neighbouring countries. However, the growth of asymmetric security threats is in contrast to this position. These are linked to trends in the global environment which strengthen their potential and increase the possibility of a growth in threats from relatively distant areas of local and regional conflicts and tension. A feature characteristic of the current environment is the fact that instability and conflicts beyond the borders of Europe can also have a direct impact on our security. 18. The main sources of threat include hardened attitudes towards the base values of our society, casting doubt on the concept of the democratic rule of law and denying fundamental human rights and freedoms. Those espousing these attitudes maybe states, but increasingly it is the non-state actors, various groupings and their supporters. The most important trends and factors 19. The growing ambitions of new global and regional actors have a fundamental influence on equilibrium in the security environment. The aspirations of some of these states are associated with a major growth in their military capacity, including weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery, a growing demand for key raw materials, activities on financial markets, the vying for influence in strategic areas and the more aggressive promotion of their political ambitions at international fora. The unilateral attempts by some states to build up spheres of influence through a combination of political, economic and military pressure and intelligence activities may be considered a threat. A risk of the erosion of political and legal commitments to European security is associated with these tendencies. 20. To a major extent, security threats arise from weak or failed states whose governments are unable to secure their own defence, the safety of their citizens and the rule of law. Internal and regional conflicts can occur as a consequence, with a negative impact on our security. 21. One of the negative aspects of the globalisation process is, in particular, the possibility of the misuse of the interconnectedness of financial markets, information and communication technologies and infrastructure. Uneven economic development and the easy spread of radical political and religious ideas also contribute to instability. Greater mobility speeds up the spread of infectious diseases, including those with pandemic potential. Security Strategy of the Czech Republic 8 22. One of the consequences of the current trends in the global economy could be a change in the relative weight of the individual actors, including a possible weakening in the standing of Europe and the USA. Also, there could be an increased tendency for states to prioritise national interests at the expense of joint interests, as well as other possible trends which might lead to a reduction in the solidarity and effectiveness of NATO and the EU. The reduction in defence budgets by a number of European countries also deepens differences in military capabilities and the asymmetry of defence efficiency in the Euro-Atlantic area. 23. Non-state actors, in comparison with states and international organisations, are able to make quicker and more flexible use of the possibilities arising from globalisation, and in particular from the integration of information and communication technologies, transport and trade. The status of states as entities having a monopoly on the use of force and as regulators of key economic and information flows is diminishing. In contrast, non-state actors are becoming increasingly capable of undermining the interests of states and the security of their populations. 24. The security implications of demographic change continue to grow. Problems associated with poverty and a lack of basic needs and services in regions with large and rapidly expanding populations may significantly increase the probability of outbreaks of extremism, crime, local armed conflicts and mass uncontrollable migration. 25. Growing dependence on the availability of natural resources is leading to more intensive global competition to secure access to strategic raw materials and energy sources. It is becoming increasingly important to protect critical infrastructure, and in particular the means used to transport strategic raw materials, characterised by a high level of vulnerability to both state and non-state actors. The trend by exclusive suppliers of these materials or by transit countries to abuse their position to promote their own political and security interests also has an impact on the securing of the Czech Republic's basic needs and can be considered an asymmetric threat of a strategic nature. 26. The impact of climate changes and their influence on the environment and on the health of the population are hard to predict. However, the very fear of these changes can lead to a growth in tension between states and result in humanitarian crises with direct impacts on local, state and international structures, including the possible escalation of local conflicts accompanied by increased migration pressures. 27. The increased frequency of emergencies associated with disasters of both natural and anthropogenic provenance places greater demands on the protection of the population. 28. Key international organisations also react in varying degrees to the trends and changes in the security environment by addressing problems, although in some cases their reactions need not be appropriate. However fundamental the Czech Republic may see the UN's role in maintaining international peace and security, this organisation is not fully prepared for the current challenges and is still in need of reform. Likewise, international law needs to be developed further. The unwillingness of member states to make the UN an instrument for managing larger-scale crises and their related practical problems places pressure on regional security organisations, including NATO and potentially the EU, to become involved in operations and missions beyond the borders of the Euro-Atlantic area. 29. NATO's Strategic Concept from November 2010 defines its role in an environment where the main threats to the Euro-Atlantic area originate beyond its borders and are not of a purely military Security Strategy of the Czech Republic 9 nature. An emphasis is placed in particular on building capabilities that can address a whole range of crises, from conflict prevention to the achievement of stability in post-conflict situations. 30. The EU is also seeking to strengthen its role in crisis prevention and management. The Treaty of Lisbon contains a number of institutional and functional changes, the implementation of which should lead to the overall greater efficiency of EU foreign, security and defence policy. Demands on the use of EU civilian and military capabilities outside European space are clearly set to grow. One of the main EU priorities is to safeguard the security of its citizens; its vision and aims in this respect are contained in the EU Internal Security Strategy. Security Threats Analysis of the security environment in which the Czech Republic finds itself can identify specific threats to national security. As a responsible member of international organisations, the Czech Republic also numbers among relevant security threats those which have no direct impact on its own security, but do threaten its allies. Terrorism. The threat of terrorism as a method for the violent pursuit of political objectives remains high. A characteristic feature is the existence of a supranational network of loosely affiliated groups, which, even in the absence of a unified command, share an ideology, objectives and plans to achieve them, as well as funding and information. They are capable of directly threatening human life and health, and also critical infrastructure. Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery. Certain state and non-state actors are openly or covertly seeking to obtain weapons of mass destruction and the means to deliver them. Such proliferation could have major consequences for security in the Euro-Atlantic area. A specific threat is the possible use of ballistic missiles and cruise missiles carrying conventional or non-conventional warheads. The ability of these weapons to strike the territory of the Czech Republic or its Allies from a great distance places major demands on active and passive counter-measures. Cyber attacks. Growing dependence on information and communications technologies increases the vulnerability of the state and its citizens to cyber attacks. These attacks could constitute a new form of warfare or may have criminal or terrorist motivations, and could be used to destabilise society. Leaks of strategic data and the hacking of the information systems of state institutions and strategic enterprises serving the basic functions of the state could threaten the Czech Republic's strategic interests. Instability and regional conflicts in and around the Euro-Atlantic area. Unresolved conflicts, with all their negative consequences, could have a direct or indirect impact on the security of the Czech Republic. Unresolved disputes of an ethnic, territorial or political and economic nature have the potential to turn into armed conflicts or to tempt certain states to build spheres of influence and also to weaken the mechanisms of cooperative security and political and legal commitments in the field of European security. Negative aspects of international migration. One particularly negative phenomenon is illegal migration, together with its possible consequences, such as links to organised crime. The inadequate integration of immigrants could weaken the positive benefits of legal migration for the cultural, political and economic development of society. This can be a source of social tension, resulting, for example, in the unwanted radicalisation of members of immigrant communities. Security Strategy of the Czech Republic 10 Organised crime and corruption. Organised crime is spreading in the current security environment, extending beyond national borders through business and personal relationships. Criminal networks are increasingly able to disrupt the institutions and values of states run under the rule of law, infiltrate government bodies and threaten the security of citizens. A common vehicle for this is corruption. Organised crime, in tandem with corruption practices, can take on the form of networks of influence, clientelism or corruption and undermine the very foundations of society. This could result in the loss of citizen's trust in the honesty and impartiality of public institutions, the distortion of market links, economic decline and destabilisation of the state. Moreover, the hazy boundary between political and criminal motivation fuelled by corruption often leads to the forging of links between organised crime structures and terrorist networks. Threats to the operation of critical infrastructure. Critical infrastructure is a key system of components, the disruption or inoperability of which would have a serious impact on the security of the state, the availability of basic vital needs for the population and on the economy. In view of the high degree of mutual dependency between individual branches, critical infrastructure is exposed to a composite threat comprising natural, technological and asymmetric elements. In particular, the operational capability of energy infrastructure is at risk of both political pressures and threats with a criminal undertone. One example of such threats is the politically motivated manipulation of supplies of strategic raw materials, injections of foreign capital with potentially dubious origins and risky objectives into the Czech Republic's critical infrastructure, sabotage and economic crime. Interruptions to supplies of strategic raw materials or energy. In a rapidly changing global world, questions of energy and raw-material security continue to grow in importance. Competition for access to sources of strategic raw materials, and energy sources in particular, has become an integral part of international relations. The priority is to create capacity for uninterrupted diversified supplies of strategic raw materials and then, in the domestic environment, to pave the way for stable supplies of electricity and the creation of strategic state reserves. Food security and access to sources of drinking water are also growing in importance. Disasters of natural and anthropogenic provenance and other emergencies. Extreme weather and disasters of natural and anthropogenic origin, besides threatening the safety, lives and health of the population, its property and the environment, could also impact the economy, raw materials and drinking water supplies as well as damage critical infrastructure. The spread of infectious diseases with pandemic potential increases the vulnerability of the population and places greater demands on the protection of public health and the safeguarding of health care provision. Security Strategy of the Czech Republic 11 V. Strategy for Promoting the Security Interests of the Czech Republic 31. The nature of contemporary security threats and trends necessitates a broad approach to security combining military and non-military tools. The Czech Republic is developing tools to promote its security interests both at national level and through its active involvement in multilateral and bilateral relations. The successful promotion of its security interests also requires the involvement of the population, legal entities, individuals and public authorities in the safeguarding of security and strengthening society's overall resilience to security threats. The collective dimension of safeguarding security and defence 32. Active involvement in the NATO system of collective defence based on a strong transatlantic link is vital to the defence of the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic supports measures designed to strengthen Article 5 of the Washington Treaty, and contributes to the development of the Alliance's capabilities and assets and to NATO's adaptation to the new security environment. 33. NATO's function and importance depends on a sufficient contribution from each of its members. Therefore, the Czech Republic, in accordance with Article 3 of the Washington Treaty, is developing its capacity to ensure the defence of its own territory, to involve the country in the NATO system of collective defence, and to perform its key NATO tasks. Solidarity among the allies and their credibility in honouring their commitments is crucial to NATO's ability to meet its commitments. 34. The Czech Republic participates, on a permanent basis, in the NATO Integrated Air Defence System (NATINADS), which is one of the basic pillars of the Czech Republic's defence. The Czech Republic also contributes to collective NATO defence through its involvement in this system, in particular through its tactical supersonic air force. 35. The Czech Republic creates conditions for active participation in NATO, EU and UN missions addressing the full range of crises - before, during and after conflicts. In the process of meeting these commitments, it maintains a comprehensive approach to crisis management operations. An example of such an approach is the international community's involvement in dealing with the situation in Afghanistan. 36. In the crisis management activities of international organisations, the Czech Republic contributes to the training and development of security forces in crisis areas, in particular by providing civilian and military experts to help local authorities and by assisting in the reform of the security and defence sectors. 37. Within NATO the Czech Republic supports the building of partnerships with relevant countries and other international organisations, as well as an open-door policy of membership for all democratic European countries meeting NATO standards. 38. As an EU Member State, the Czech Republic participates actively in the development of tools and policies defined by the Treaty of Lisbon. It is involved in the Common Foreign and Security Policy and, within its framework, in the Common Security and Defence Policy and its missions. It takes part in the funding and implementation of European development cooperation and humanitarian aid. At the same time, it benefits from the growing cooperation between EU countries in the area of internal security, population protection, the protection of critical infrastructure, cyber security, Security Strategy of the Czech Republic 12 as well as cooperation in suppressing and mitigating the consequences of illegal migration, organised crime, terrorism and instability in supplies of key energy and other raw materials. 39. The Czech Republic has long supported the building of a set of EU capacities, mechanisms and capabilities to deepen the system of cooperative security, reinforce stability and manage conflicts and crises using civilian resources. It also participates and contributes its capabilities to the building of EU military capacities complementary to and coordinated with NATO. It consistently encourages the development of the potential in the relations between the EU and NATO and in the EU's cooperation with the USA in security matters. 40. The Czech Republic advocates the idea that the process of European integration should run in parallel to the strengthening of the democratic legitimacy of European institutions. This is the only way to ensure a reliable and transparent implementation of the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy. 41. The OSCE plays an important role in conflict prevention, post-conflict rehabilitation, the promotion of stability and the reinforcement of a cooperative approach to security issues. The OSCE's tools, in particular election monitoring missions, mechanisms to promote freedom of the media, measures to increase transparency in conventional arms control, and missions to aid political and democratic transformation in countries in the OSCE region are of unrivalled significance in building confidence and security in the Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian areas. 42. The Czech Republic regards an effective conventional arms control regime in Europe to be an important pillar of Euro-Atlantic security. Together with its allies, it will seek to strengthen this regime on the basis of reciprocity, transparency and host-nation consent. 43. In addition to its involvement in international organisations, the Czech Republic also promotes its security interests through bilateral relations, in particular with neighbouring countries and through regional cooperation, including the Visegrad group. 44. The Czech Republic prefers international issues and security challenges to be addressed multilaterally. It emphasises the prevention of armed conflicts and the handling of security problems by diplomatic, political, and other non-violent means. 45. Where prevention and efforts to find a peaceful solution to crisis situations fail, the Czech Republic will join coercive measures in accordance with its commitments within NATO and the EU and with the principles of the UN Charter. In addition, the Czech Republic will, within its capacities, contribute civilian and military capabilities to peacekeeping operations which are consistent with its interests, even if they are not based on its treaty obligations or related to a direct threat. The Czech Republic is ready to take part in the international community's coercive actions intended to prevent massive human rights violations, especially genocide and other crimes against humanity. In this respect, the Czech Republic supports the further development of the "responsibility to protect" adopted by the UN General Assembly. Strategy of prevention and suppression of security threats 46. The Czech Republic actively advocates the combating of all forms of terrorism at both national level and as part of international organisations, including the negotiation and implementation of anti-terrorist treaties. Priorities include measures to deal with terrorist financing, population protection, critical infrastructures, and other targets which are potentially vulnerable to terrorist Security Strategy of the Czech Republic 13 attack. The Czech Republic is adopting systemic preventive measures in accordance with the EU Counter-terrorism Strategy. 47. Within NATO, the Czech Republic helps to support the fight against terrorism by sharing intelligence information, developing response capabilities, extending consultations with partners, and actively participating in NATO operations and missions. 48. Within the EU, the Czech Republic contributes to the formulation of specific counter-terrorism measures aimed at cementing cooperation between EU Member States and with third countries. 49. The Czech Republic focuses on the consistent detection and prosecution of manifestations of extremism, including xenophobia, racism and other forms of intolerance and discrimination. 50. The Czech Republic advocates the intensification and greater efficiency of processes and mechanisms for disarmament, arms control, and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery. Further to the adoption of the new NATO Strategic Concept and measures aimed at strengthening Article 5 of the Washington Treaty, the Czech Republic actively supports the development and construction of NATO territorial missile defence and is considering the options for its own involvement in this system. It is developing capabilities to protect itself against the threat of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons of mass destruction. As part of the sharing of common risks and responsibilities within NATO, it is continuing with its armed forces' specialisation in protection against weapons of mass destruction. 51. The Czech Republic supports the Alliance policy of deterrence, which is based on a balanced combination of nuclear and conventional capabilities. It participates in the shaping of NATO nuclear policy in line with the principles of nuclear consultations and nuclear planning. 52. The Czech Republic supports the implementation of all articles of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, including Article VI calling for the conclusion of a treaty on general and complete nuclear disarmament using firm and effective international controls. The complete elimination of nuclear weapons is, however, a long-term goal, the attainment of which will require many conditions to be met, particularly in the area of non-proliferation. In the peaceful use of nuclear energy, the Czech Republic supports the activities of the International Atomic Energy Agency aimed at strengthening its system of guarantees, including universal application of the Additional Protocol, with an emphasis on nuclear safety. 53. In international control regimes outside the remit of the UN, the Czech Republic promotes such steps as will lead to the strengthening of the export control system, the prevention of misuse of dual-use items and the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. It actively supports attempts to incorporate all EU countries into all international control regimes, which will make it possible to improve the efficiency of export controls in the area of free movement for goods and when exporting controlled items from this zone to third countries. 54. The Czech Republic seeks to improve the quality of the transparent system for the control and support of trade in military material, other defence and security commodities, and dual-use goods. It supports dialogue with partners on more extensive mutual cooperation at regional level with regard to the common interest of the defence and security industries. 55. The Government's priorities related to the threat of cyber attacks include safeguarding the security and protection of information and communication systems connected to the Czech Security Strategy of the Czech Republic 14 Republic's critical infrastructure using a government coordination centre for immediate response to computer incidents (Computer Security Incident Response Team - CSIRT). This facility is part of the national and international early warning system. The Czech Republic supports the building of systems that facilitate the broad cooperation of all actors, i.e. including those who are not part of public administration but contribute to the exchange of experience of cyber incidents at national and international level. The Government promotes legislative and non-legislative measures in such a way that they are in line with principles for the development of the information society and with the strategy for cyber and information security. 56. The Czech Republic favours the building of systems of flexible resilience which are capable of minimising the impact of a cyber attack and quickly restoring system operability. It promotes consistent adherence to security standards in the information and communication systems operated by public authorities. It also supports public education focused on cyber and information security, since the public at large may be the most vulnerable element of the whole system. It defines the methods for protecting sensitive information which is stored in the information systems operated by public authorities and in particular those information systems essential to the operation of critical state infrastructure. 57. The Czech Republic makes an active contribution to the development of measures against cyber threats within international organisations, in particular the EU and NATO. It supports the strengthening of international judicial and police cooperation with the aim of apprehending those who perpetrate cyber attacks. The Czech Republic is active in initiatives promoting the development of international legal standards on cyber security. 58. Instability and regional conflicts in and around the Euro-Atlantic area have a negative impact on the Czech Republic's security. In accordance with its foreign policy priorities, the Government focuses primarily on the countries of Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans. To achieve its aims, the Government draws on bilateral relations, as well as EU and NATO tools and the OSCE. The Czech Republic supports the enlargement of NATO and the EU, provided that candidate countries meet all the criteria of membership in those organisations. 59. In addition to its participation in EU Common Security and Defence Policy missions, the Czech Republic is also actively involved in European Neighbourhood Policy projects. These projects develop political, economic and energy cooperation in neighbouring regions and strengthen security and stability in these regions and their individual countries. The Czech Republic also actively contributes to the targets of the EU Eastern Partnership. 60. The Czech Republic is developing its activities in development and transition cooperation and humanitarian aid, which are an effective tool contributing to regional and global security and stability. 61. Particularly in the neighbourhood of the EU, but also further afield, the Czech Republic is focused on promoting a decisive EU policy to defend human rights and other common values and to support the processes of democratisation — the rule of law and functioning democratic institutions are significant factors contributing to stability and security in the world. 62. Participation in the missions and operations of international governmental organisations is one crisis management tool. To this end, the Czech Republic is improving its national system for posting experts on foreign missions based on lessons learned and close inter-departmental cooperation. Security Strategy of the Czech Republic 15 63. One complex phenomenon which could affect the Czech Republic's security is international migration. The Czech Republic's involvement in the EU and in the Schengen Area is significant for assessments of migration phenomena, the configuration of related policies and the handling of possible threats. The abolition of internal border controls in the EU significantly influences the approach taken to the protection of Czech territory and to the combating of illegal migration, and places increased demands on cooperation between EU Member States in the protection of their external borders. From the perspective of EU external border protection, the Czech Republic advocates the completion and use of modern high-capacity information systems and the introduction of entry and exit registration systems, which will have the effect of contributing to the security of the common area. The Czech Republic will continue to promote the retention and effective administration of key EU migration policy mechanisms. These include cooperation on asylum policy based on the so-called Dublin System, and consistent adherence to the Schengen acquis by all the states in Europe which are bound by it. 64. The control of immigration, including the integration of foreigners living in the Czech Republic, is critical for the prevention of potential risks. The Czech Republic has so far retained a large degree of independence in this field. In the case of legal migration, the Czech Republic promotes an integrated and active approach to the economic benefits of immigration, bearing in mind the needs of the labour market. The integration of foreigners at national level continues to be addressed by means of a conceptual approach involving a broad range of actors, including non-governmental organisations. The Czech Republic continues to seek to integrate foreign communities with the majoritypopulationandtoensurethesocialandeconomicself-sumciencyofindividualimmigrants. 65. An important task for the country's security forces is to combat all forms of organised crime and corruption. In the fight against organised crime, the Czech Republic is focused in particular on supporting direct international police cooperation, facilitating quick responses to the activities of criminal structures, which often deliberately transfer their activities between individual states. The Czech Republic concentrates on improving the legal environment and increasing the expertise of members of the security services responsible for handling organised crime, and on securing adequate material and financial resources for specialised departments. Support in identifying and seizing proceeds from criminal activity is of key importance. 66. Another government priority is the fight against corruption and serious economic crime, which distort competition, undermine the basic principles of democracy and offer a gateway through which organised crime can penetrate public administration. In accordance with the anti-corruption strategy, the Government focuses on the effective prevention of corruption, a reduction in the opportunities for corrupt actions, and an increase in the transparency of all processes for strengthening the Government's ability to crack down on corruption. 67. The Czech Republic also actively combats all forms of corruption as part of international organisations and meets its commitments arising from the relevant international treaties. The Government will arrange for the ratification of all relevant international treaties on organised crime and corruption. 68. The Czech Republic's internal security priorities include the suppression of trade in narcotics, psychotropic substances and poisons as one of the main activities of international organised crime. The Czech Republic pursues a balanced drug-prevention strategy in this field. It is strengthening control mechanisms and their forms in relation to the external and internal borders of the Schengen Area, and is seeking a greater degree of harmonisation of legal measures within the EU, particularly as regards the differing criminal justice measures for drug possession and use, Security Strategy of the Czech Republic and the strengthening of supranational forms of rapid international judicial cooperation. It also supports the activities of its international partners focused on limiting the import of drugs into Europe. 69. Particular importance is attached to the protection of critical infrastructure. The Czech Republic monitors foreign investment in branches of critical infrastructure and in strategic companies in order to avert the threat that such investment will be misused to promote the economic and politic interests of a foreign power at the expense of the Czech Republic. The protection of critical infrastructure and strategic companies, particularly in the energy sector — in the subsectors of electricity, natural gas, crude oil and oil products, and heat energy — and the information and communications technology sector, requires: • the increased protection and resilience of national and European critical infrastructure, • cooperation with the owners/operators of elements of critical infrastructure, • the retention of control over critical infrastructure where it still belongs to the state, and non-impairment of the influence and control of the state in strategic companies operating in individual areas of critical infrastructure. 70. In connection with the threat of interruptions to supplies of strategic raw materials or energy, the Government's priority is to create capacity for diversified supplies of strategic raw materials and capacity for stable supplies of electricity, as well as the creation of strategic state reserves in the domestic energy sector. Food security and access to sources of drinking water are also of growing importance. 71. In order to ensure its energy and raw-materials security, the Czech Republic: • safeguards the maximum possible diversification of source countries and transit infrastructure for imported strategic raw materials, with an emphasis on retaining the transit status of the Czech Republic, • makes prioritised and effective use of domestic sources of raw materials, including the development of scope for their exploration and territorial protection, with the aim of preventing an unfavourable swing in the domestic energy mix towards materials which the Czech Republic needs to import or which is uneconomic and uncompetitive to use, and maintains reserves of strategic commodities whose primary sources are not under the Czech Republic's control or only under limited control, including the creation of a system of fresh nuclear fuel stocks held by the operator, • ensures the protection of energy infrastructure (oil pipelines, gas pipelines, distribution networks and nuclear power plants), and builds such infrastructure with foresight and sufficiently in time, • ensures, in the electricity generation and supply industry, source and transmission stability, with an emphasis on preserving adequate and sustainable domestic generation capacities with a net surplus; it also concentrates on building isolated operations, maintaining an adequate level of regulatory output and improving the quality of the legal framework for safeguarding the security and continuity of operations of elements of the energy infrastructure, and also minimises negative factors impacting the Czech transmission network, • focuses its efforts, in the public heat generation and supply sector, on securing a sufficient resource base and upgrading current central heating system operations, and makes sure that heat generation capacities can be switched to alternative types of fuel in a crisis situation, • does not diminish the state's influence and control in strategic energy companies and does not strengthen the influence, anywhere in the energy sector, of those entities, countries or regions on whom the Czech Republic is significantly energy dependent, • cooperates effectively in energy and raw-materials security with energy and mining companies, either privately-owned or state-controlled, Security Strategy of the Czech Republic 17 • supports investment in science, research and the development of human resources in the energy sector. 72. With regard to the growing of crops for energy use, the Czech Republic creates conditions commodities to be cultivated for this purpose without undermining the country's food security. It maintains adequate stocks of strategically important agricultural and food commodities. 73. The Czech Republic devotes attention to strategic stocks of underground water to supply the population with drinking water and explores potential sources of surface water. 74. The Czech Republic actively promotes its interests in energy and raw-materials security within international organisations the EU and NATO in particular, and specialised agencies, and develops specific projects as part of bilateral relations. The Czech Republic supports mutually beneficial economic relations with raw material producer states, including the use of development cooperation projects. 75. In the event of disasters of natural or anthropogenic provenance or other emergencies threatening life, health, property, the environment, internal security or public policy in the Czech Republic, the Government employes an integrated emergency system and other relevant structures. The Government will improve the conditions for their readiness and effective cooperation including greater collaboration with the Army of the Czech Republic, and will encourage the basic units of the integrated emergency system and volunteer fire services to be properly equipped so that they can be more involved in the management of emergency situations. 76. If infectious diseases with pandemic potential were to occur and spread, the Government adopts appropriate preventive and repressive anti-epidemic measures at national level and creates the conditions for the provision of health care. Public health protection bodies will arrange for the rapid and valid international exchange of information on the spread of the disease and on countermeasures taken. 77. The Czech Republic is actively involved in the EU's Civil Protection Mechanism and is developing effective cooperation with the EU Monitoring and Information Centre and with the NATO Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre 78. As part of its international cooperation, the Czech Republic provides humanitarian aid as required and deploys emergency teams abroad with the aim of limiting loss of life and damage to health, and of restoring basic living conditions. 79. In order to ensure the appropriate level of threat prevention and suppression, the Government creates conditions to improve the level of expertise of those public sector employees responsible for performing security tasks. It supports the training of units of the integrated emergency system and members of the security services. Relevant training programmes are prepared and implemented in cooperation with the broader security community. 80. The Czech Republic supports education on security for its citizens, with a particular emphasis on threat prevention, but also including self-protection and mutual assistance during emergencies as a significant factor in helping to eliminate the consequences of emergencies. Systemic education on security issues, using, for example, public-service media, is another important means of crime prevention. To this end, the Czech Republic is developing intensive inter-departmental cooperation, cooperation between the units of the integrated emergency system, and cooperation with civic associations dealing with security-related education. Security Strategy of the Czech Republic 81. In conjunction with local and regional government agencies, the Government will seek out further possibilities to render public order protection more efficient at local level. 82. The Czech Republic is developing the necessary material, technical, organisational and legislative conditions for the preparation and implementation of preventive measures intended to minimise the risk that emergencies will occur and the extent of the consequences thereof. The economic framework for safeguarding security interests 83. Economic policy helps to foster conditions for safeguarding the Czech Republic's security and defence. A favourable economic and legal climate combined with macroeconomic stability is a prerequisite for the creation of the human, material and financial resources essential to ensure the security and defence of the state 84. The Czech Republic supports measures leading to sustainable economic growth and the creation of a favourable economic climate by: • maintaining and strengthening the international competitiveness of the Czech Republic, including support for innovation, research and development, • preventing risks such as the abuse of a dominant market position by economic operators, the control of strategic sectors of the Czech economy by a foreign power, the penetration of high-risk capital with an opaque or problematic ownership structure or threats to the operation of Czech companies abroad, • minimising the impact of negative economic phenomena and activities (tax evasion, financial fraud, international arbitration), • engaging in the consistent optimisation of preventive mechanisms in the economic sphere, • assessing the efforts of high-risk foreign entities to obtain shares in selected strategic companies in the Czech Republic, including comprehensive vetting of foreign economic entities with interests in the Czech Republic where it is suspected that their activities may harm the Czech Republic's economic interests or reputation, • minimising high-risk foreign investment involvement in the Czech Republic and early indications of any inflow of problematic foreign capital to the Czech Republic, • preventing and eliminating international arbitration proceedings against the Czech Republic, • vetting of activities of sovereign funds where attempts at targeted influence over the country's economic and political development might be expected. 85. The Czech National Bank maintains an independent monetary policy pursuing currency stability together with supervision of the financial markets. 86. The resource framework for policies under the Security Strategy comprises public budgets with rigorously implemented fiscal consolidation. The Czech Republic applies a complementary approach and attempts to limit expenditure duplication. To implement the tasks arising from the Security Strategy, it also makes use of the option to top up public budgets from bilateral and multilateral sources. 87. The level of expenditure associated with internal and external security must ensure the required defence capability of the state and the protection of the lives, health and property of its citizens. To promote and implement an effective security and defence policy, the Government will draw up a predictable and adequate budget framework. 88. Involvement in joint strategic capability development programmes within NATO and the EU provides access to capabilities which the Czech Republic would not otherwise have. Over and Security Strategy of the Czech Republic 19 above its involvement in international organisations, the Czech Republic is developing a strategic partnership with the USA and regional and bilateral cooperation projects. 89. The Czech Republic supports and, on a long-term basis, carries out security and defence research and development. It creates conditions for the involvement of its research and development laboratories in international cooperation in research, development and innovation within the EU and NATO, the participation of its defence and security industries in NATO weapons programmes, international development and investment programmes (primarily the European Defence Agency), the integration of industry as part of the European industrial base, and the development of a single European market for defence technologies. 90. The Czech Republic is developing a system of economic emergency-related measures and creates and maintains optimal stock levels of the necessary commodities and production capacities. It intends to continue maintaining the capabilities that enable it to mobilise material and financial resources to deal with a crisis as and when necessary. The institutional framework for safeguarding security 91. One institutional security policy instrument is an appropriate security system, the basic function of which is to integrate, coordinate and manage its individual components and react flexibly to any threats that arise. 92. A significant role in safeguarding the Czech Republic's security interests is played by the diplomatic service, especially through the development of sound bilateral relations and cooperation and through international organisations with the intention of gathering information, preventing crises and stabilising crisis areas, supporting processes of transformation and democratisation and cooperating in the fight against terrorism and the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. An integral part of these efforts is the area of development and transition cooperation. Through its diplomatic and consular services, the Czech Republic ensures the protection of its citizens and its interests abroad. In the event of emergencies and crises in the world, it provides assistance to its citizens. It creates a corresponding legislative and financial framework with this aim in mind. 93. The main tool for the implementation of defence policy is the armed forces, with the Army of the Czech Republic at their core. Further defence policy instruments include Military Intelligence, other central and local government bodies, and legal entities and individuals to the extent defined by law. The Czech Republic systematically creates conditions for the efficient national and international coordination of its defence policy instruments. The preparation of citizens for crises and for the defence of their country is another tool for the implementation of security and defence policy. 94. A key role in safeguarding internal security and the protection of the population is played by the security forces, and particularly by the Police of the Czech Republic and the Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic. Municipal police forces also play their part, contributing as far as their statutory authority permits to local public order, along with the Army of the Czech Republic, whose forces and resources may be used to reinforce the Police of the Czech Republic and the integrated emergency system in the event that the latter's forces are shown to be insufficient. An irreplaceable role in obtaining, gathering and assessing the information needed to safeguard the security of the Czech Republic is played by the intelligence services. A role which must not be overlooked is that of the law enforcement agencies in securing the independent and efficient execution of justice. For the effective safeguarding of internal security and the protection of the population, cooperation with citizens, civic associations operating in the field of security and the Security Strategy of the Czech Republic 20 use of volunteer services are all significant. Private security services also contribute to individual security by providing surveillance and protection of persons and property. 95. The Czech Republic is developing a crisis management system and crisis planning methodology with theaimof strengthening theprofessionalbackdropfortheplanning,preparation, coordination and unification of measures adopted by public authorities, businesses and entrepreneurs in preparations for crisis situations. It is systematically developing and strengthening crisis management tools, preparations for non-military crisis management and management of the consequences thereof. The medical rescue services and healthcare facilities play an indispensable role by providing urgent health care and arranging for the protection of public health by the relevant bodies. 96. The Government actively supports the preparation of the population to handle emergencies and crisis situations and arranges for cooperation between crisis management bodies with the private sector in preventing crises and improving the resilience of the Czech Republic to them. The priorities in crisis management also include the unification of crisis management and defence planning measures and tools, particularly with regard to the optimal use of public budget resources, effective planning and the use of public authorities' capabilities, the means and resources of the armed forces and security services, and resources from the private sector. Security Strategy of the Czech Republic 21 The Security System of the Czech Republic To safeguard its security interests, the Czech Republic creates and develops a comprehensive, hierarchically organised security system which is a combination of the political (domestic and foreign), military, internal security, population protection, economic, financial, legislative, legal and social levels. The primary basis of this system is to express legislatively the competence and mutual links of the individual components (legislative, executive, juridical, local and regional government, legal entities and individuals) and their links outside the security system, to establish their duties. The security system provides an institutional framework/tool for the creation and implementation of the Czech Republic's security policy. The basic function of the Czech Republic's security system is to manage and coordinate the activities of the individual component parts responsible for safeguarding the security interests of the Czech Republic. The security of the Czech Republic cannot be just a matter for those components which are explicitly designated for this, but should also involve central and local government bodies, legal entities and individuals to the extent set out in law. The structure of the security system includes the President of the Republic, the Parliament of the Czech Republic, the Government, the National Security Council and its working bodies, central, regional and municipal authorities, the armed forces, armed security corps, intelligence services, and rescue and emergency services. As the supreme executive authority, the Government is responsible for the management and operational capability of the entire security system. A functional security system is not only a tool for the effective management of military and non-military crises, but also ensures the prevention of and preparations for potential crisis situations and their early identification and warning. The functioning of the security system, the construction and development of the capabilities of its components, and economic and financial backup all constitute a long-term, demanding process drawing on lessons learned from the management of various crisis situations and from systematic preparations (e.g. in the form of various exercises) and preventive activities by the individual components. The security system must constantly react to the changing circumstances and changes in the security environment and to newly emerging threats. For this reason, the security system of the Czech Republic should be viewed as an open and dynamically developing system. Security Strategy of the Czech Republic 22 ISBN 978-80-7441-OO7-9 © Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, 2011 Approved by the Government of the Czech Republic in September 2011 Prague, September 2011.