SOC755a Seminar to General Sociology

Week 1

What we will do:
  • Introduction to the seminar

Reading materials

  • seminar syllabus
  • Stern, Linda (2007)
  • ASA guidelines
Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.
Učební materiály
Dokumenty a další podklady k výkladu.

Assignment for next week no. 1 - Essay:

  • Read the book chapter by Linda Stern (2007) and answer the following question: "What is wrong about plagiarism, and how to avoid it in academic writing?"
  • The essay is due on Friday September 19, 18:00 by uploading here:

Assignment for next week no. 2 - Questions:

  • Please post one or two questions here: (deadline: Friday September 19, 18:00)