SOC755a Seminar to General Sociology

Week 11

Assignment for next week:

  • Read the article "When Things Strike Back" by Bruno Latour, and write a short piece of text (300 to 500 words) in which you 1) summarize very briefly (use no more than 5 sentences!) what Latour argues in the article, and 2) discuss how you think Latour contributes (or does not contribute) to "mainstream" sociological theories that we have been dealing throughout the semester (here you may choose a somewhat more specific topic that we have encountered in terms of which you will evaluate Latour's constribution - this can be e.g. the modernity/postmodernity discussion, the question of human nature, or the epistemology of social sciences).
The article (Latour, B. (2000). When things strike back: a possible contribution of 'science studies' to the social sciences. British Journal of Sociology, 51, 1, 107-123.) is available here: The assignment is due on Sunday November 30, 23:59 by uploading here: