Work individually. Think of terms (from the theory of genre) that would complete each definition. 1. A linguistic research methodology that draws on large scale electronic text databases. It allows researchers to conduct systematic searches for linguistic features, patterns, and variations in spoken and written texts. ____________________ CORPUS LINGUISTICS 2. Language in use and understood as participating in social systems and so having determining effects on social life. ____________________ DISCOURSE 3. A broad label for the condition in which discourse occurs. It exists not only as a frame within which a specific genre takes place, but it forms a dynamic, interdependent, mutually constructing relationship with the genre. ____________________ CONTEXT 4. A typified rhetorical way of recognizing, responding to, acting meaningfully and consequentially within, and thus participating in the reproduction of, recurring situations. ____________________ GENRE 5. An abstract system of beliefs, values, and ideas that directs goals, expectations, and actions. ____________________ IDEOLOGY 6. The phonological sound or graphic appearance of a sign (e.g., word, image). ____________________ SIGNIFIER 7. The meaning and interpretation of the sign. ____________________ SIGNIFIED 8. The literal meaning of a sign, the dictionary meaning of a word. ____________________ DENOTATION 9. The associations that are connected to a certain sign such as emotional associations. ____________________ CONNOTATION 10. As we use genre we constitute social structures (professional, institutional, organizational) and simultaneously reproduce these structures. A term coined by Giddens. ____________________ DUALITY OF STRUCTURE 11. These are, for example, spoken/written language, gestures, images, body positions, and others. They may be part of genre analysis. ____________________ SEMIOTIC MODES 12. A critical thinking skill applied to channels of mass communications which enhances our enjoyment and appreciation of different genres. ____________________ LATENT