EVS185 Public Opinion in the EU

Week 11

Second draft of your seminar paper is due. Submit the draft in the IS.

Political knowledge


Clawson & Oxley 211-228 and pp. 233-238

Clark, Nicholas. N.d.. The EU's information deficit: Comparing political knowledge across levels of governance. Perspectives on European Politics and Society (forthcoming). DOI:10.1080/15705854.2014.896158


Clark, Nicholas, and Timothy Hellwig.  2012.  "Information Effects and Mass Support for EU Policy Control."  European Union Politics 13: 535-57.

Karp, J., S. Banducci and S. Bowler. 2003. "To Know It Is to Love It? Satisfaction with Democracy in the European Union." Comparative Political Studies, 36(3): 271-292.