EVS 185. Analysis of a research article. Anderson, C. J. 1998. "When in doubt, use proxies - Attitudes toward domestic politics and support for European integration." Comparative Political Studies 31 (5):569-601. 1) What is the research question in this article? (What is it that the author is trying to find out?) 2) Figuring out the variables. a) What is the dependent variable? (the concept the authors are trying to explain) b) What are the proposed independent variables? (the concepts that help us explain the dependent variable?) --> GROUP A. In the following questions, work only with the following independent variable: system support 4) What does the author expect about government support's effect on the dependent variable? How does he justify his expectation? 5) What does the author mean by system support? (what is the operational definition?) 6) Are their theoretical expectations supported by the data? What is the effect of system support on the dependent variable? (Hint: use only results from the full model, that is from "Stage 3: Comparing economic and political effects") --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- 7) What do you think? What are the implications of the findings reported in this article for the European Union? (For example, for the EU's ability to try to win more political support among its citizens?) GROUP B. In the following questions, work only with the following independent variable: government support 4) What does the author expect about government support's effect on the dependent variable? How does he justify his expectation? 5) What does the author mean by government support? (what is the operational definition?) 6) Are their theoretical expectations supported by the data? What is the effect of government support on the dependent variable? (Hint: use only results from the full model, that is from "Stage 3: Comparing economic and political effects") --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- 7) What do you think? What are the implications of the findings reported in this article for the European Union? (For example, for the EU's ability to try to win more political support among its citizens?) GROUP C. In the following questions, work only with the following independent variable: establishment party support 4) What does the author expect about government support's effect on the dependent variable? How does he justify his expectation? 5) What does the author mean by establishment support? (what is the operational definition?) 6) Are their theoretical expectations supported by the data? What is the effect of establishment party support on the dependent variable? (Hint: use only results from the full model, that is from "Stage 3: Comparing economic and political effects") --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- 7) What do you think? What are the implications of the findings reported in this article for the European Union? (For example, for the EU's ability to try to win more political support among its citizens?)