PREPARATIONS FOR THE PARIS UN CLIMATE CHANGE CONFERENCE Starting at 08.00, the Council will focus on the preparations for the Paris UN Climate Change Conference to be held at the end of the year. Ministers will prepare a draft Council conclusions on this issue with a view to adopting an EU mandate for the conference. The conclusions will elaborate on the main elements of the EU position, focusing on the main deliverables: a legally-binding Paris agreement to be implemented from 2020, decisions enabling the full implementation of the agreement and further progress on enhancing pre 2020 mitigation ambition. Ministers will also elaborate on a communication policy ahead of and during the Paris conference. Paris UN Climate Change Conference The Paris conference aims at achieving a new international legally binding agreement on climate change, applicable to all countries, with the objective of keeping global warming below 2°C and boosting the transition towards low-carbon and climate-resilient societies and economies. The agreement is expected to cover among other things mitigation efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as well as adaptation measures to existing and upcoming climate changes. Another key issue will be the means of implementation (finance, capacity-building and technology). Agenda of the meeting: Opening speeches – each country presents its position Negotiation of the common position – main topics to be discussed - Emissions reduction goal - Review cycles and measures to ensure transparency - Financing - Discussion about communication and negotiation strategy at COP21 in Paris (won’t be part of official EU position) Concluding remarks