18/11/2015 1 18/11/2015 Questionnaire Design - Dr Anke Görzig 1 Questionnaire Design Overview General quality criteria of scales Prepare and select “good” items Reverse items Item difficulty (spread) Inter-item correlation Determine the quality of your scale Prepare a presentation of your scale (Presentation this afternoon) 18/11/2015 Questionnaire Design - Dr Anke Görzig 2 18/11/2015 Questionnaire Design - Dr Anke Görzig 3 Quality criteria of scales Reliable: measures the quantity or concept in a consistent or reproducible manner Valid: measures the quantity or concept that is supposed to be measured Unbiased/objective: measures the quantity or concept in a way that does not systematically under- or overestimate the true value Discriminating: can distinguish adequately between respondents for whom the underlying level of the quantity or concept is different Quality criteria of scales: Item properties 18/11/2015 Questionnaire Design - Dr Anke Görzig 4 Quality of your scale: Item properties Recode reversed items Transform “Recode into different variable” Select reversed items Add new name -> “Change” “Old and new values” 18/11/2015 Questionnaire Design - Dr Anke Görzig 5 Quality of your scale: Item properties Item difficulty Proportion of “agreement” to the item across respondents Average response / number of scale points - 1 SPSS: Data -> Transpose… Select all (recoded) variables from left into right box ! Do not select the external item ! Transform -> compute variables Type: MEAN (var001 thru var020)/ (5-1) Delete all variables except difficulty and CASE_LBL Note items for which difficulty < .2 or > .8 Eliminate from scale 18/11/2015 Questionnaire Design - Dr Anke Görzig 6 18/11/2015 2 Quality of your scale: Item properties Inter-item correlation File -> Open -> Analyse -> Scale -> Reliability analyses Select all items of your scale but Use recoded and not original ones Exclude items with “bad” difficulties Look at output file Note items in “corrected inter-item correlation” column when < 0.3 Eliminate from scale 18/11/2015 Questionnaire Design - Dr Anke Görzig 7 Quality criteria of scales Reliability Does the scale measure anything at all? Consistency of a measure Do we get the same result repeatedly? Validity Does the test measure what we want it to measure? 18/11/2015 Questionnaire Design - Dr Anke Görzig 8 Quality of your scale: Reliability Inter-item correlation File -> Open -> Analyse -> Scale -> Reliability analyses Select all items of your scale but Use recoded and not original ones Exclude items with “bad” difficulties Exclude when “corrected inter-item correlation” < 0.3 Look at output file Cronbach’s alpha: range 0 to 1 Insufficient < .5 Satisfactory < .7 Good > .7 18/11/2015 Questionnaire Design - Dr Anke Görzig 9 Quality of your scale: Validity Correlation with external criteria Transform -> Compute Variable Target Variable: name of your scale (e.g. “happiness”) Numeric Expression: type Mean (..) Select all items which had good properties, i.e. difficulties, inter-item correlation 18/11/2015 Questionnaire Design - Dr Anke Görzig 10 Quality of your scale: Validity Correlation with external criteria Analyse -> Correlate -> Bivariate Select scale name and external item Correlation should be fairly low (<.3) and not statistically significant 18/11/2015 Questionnaire Design - Dr Anke Görzig 11 Test your research hypothesis Overall mean Analyse -> descriptive statistics -> descriptives Mean by your chosen grouping variable Analyse -> compare means -> independent sample t-test Try custom graphs and tables 18/11/2015 Questionnaire Design - Dr Anke Görzig 12 18/11/2015 3 Report on your scales What was your concept? What was our research hypothesis? Which items had to be eliminated and why? Give some examples Reliability (alpha), discriminant validity (r) Overall mean Mean by your chosen grouping variable Results of your research (t-test) Discussion What went well and what not so well, and why 18/11/2015 Questionnaire Design - Dr Anke Görzig 13