Tomo Umemura 27.10.2015 CZ.1.07/2.3.00/30.0037 Employment of Best Young Scientists for International Cooperation Empowerment Parent-Child Relations (PSY530) Roles of fathers in children Overview for today 1. How to find references relevant to your paper. 2. Umemura, T., Jacobvitz, D., Messina, S., & Hazen, N. (2013). Do toddlers prefer the primary caregiver or the parent with whom they feel more secure? The role of toddler emotion. Infant Behavior and Development, 36, 102-114. 3. Kobak, R., Rosenthal, N. L., Zajac, K., & Madsen, S. (2007). Adolescent attachment hierarchies and the search for an adult pair bond. In M. Scharf & O. Mayseless (Eds.), New directions in child development: Adolescent attachment. New York, NY: Jossey-Bass. The first draft is due on November 24. • Your first draft should include title page, introduction paragraph, bodies, and concluding paragraph, and reference section. • Your first draft include at least 2 readings from this class and at least 2 academic journal articles from databases. • Your first draft is 23.3% of your final grade. Timetable: • October 20: Return your intro paragraph (APA quiz) • October 27: How to find journal articles relevant to you paper • November 3 & 10: How to summarize previous studies. • November 17: No class • November 24: The first draft due How to find journal articles • FSS library web site: – E-zdroje -> EBSCO -> psychologie-databáze -> PsycINFO How to find journal articles ↑You can change language here. ← I strongly recommend you cite journals (i.e., Peer reviewed journals), but not dissertation, reviews or books. How to find journal articles ←You can get a full text. ←If you cannot, Try this. ←Here you can also find DOI. How to find journal articles • If you are using a home-computer, read this: ↑You need UČO and secondary password How to find journal articles • If you have a problem of getting a full-text of a particular article but you really want, please email me the authors’ names, title, and published year. • If you still have a problem, find another article or use only the abstract (although it is your own risk). • If articles are written in a non-English language, you need to attach the abstract of article when you submit the final draft of your paper. Umemura, Jacobvitz, Messina & Hazen (2013). Do toddlers prefer the primary caregiver or the parent with whom they feel more secure? The role of toddler emotion. • Outcomes: – Frequency of toddler-initiated behavior toward mother vs. father • when the toddlers are distressed • when they are content. • Predictors: – Parent gender (mother vs. father) – primary caregiver status (defined as the parent who spent more time with the infant and performed more of the caregiving tasks) – toddlers’ history of attachment security with each parent • Results: – When distressed, regardless of the security of their attachment to each parent, toddlers more often interacted with the primary caregiver or mother. – When content, toddlers did not show this preference. – Toddlers’ recovery from distress was predicted by their security of attachment. Kobak, Rosenthal, Zajac, & Madsen (2007). Adolescent attachment hierarchies and the search for an adult pair bond. • Findings from previous studies: – Use of peers to serve attachment functions increases over time. – By late adolescence, many teens identify a romantic partner or friend as a primary attachment figure. – Romantic partners are preferred over friends as primary attachment figure in late adolescence. – Romantic relationships that endure two years are likely to become attachment relationships. • Reorganization of hierarchy during adolescence – Premature reorganization: association with deviant peers, sexual risk-taking behaviors, delinquent/antisocial behavior – Delay of reorganization: anxiety, depression, low self-esteem Previous Hypothesis: • Emerging adulthood is in the transition period of their preferences from parents/friends to their romantic partner. 11 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 0 year 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years TheDegreeofAttachmentPreference The Length of Romantic Relationship Preference for the Romantic Partner Preference for the Other Figures Umemura, Lacinová, & Macek (2015). Is emerging adults’ attachment preference for the romantic partner transferred from their attachment preferences for their mother, father, and friends? 12 Previous Hypothesis: • Emerging adulthood is in the transition period of their attachment preferences from parents/friends to partner. Our Results: Emerging adults whose romantic relationship is shorter than two years Emerging adults whose romantic relationship is longer than two years Emerging adults whose romantic relationship was shorter than two years Emerging adults whose romantic relationship was longer than two years Attachment Preferences for Attachment Preferences for Mother Father Partner Friends Mother Father Partner Friends Romantic Relationship Length Emerging adults whose romantic relationship was shorter than two years Emerging adults whose romantic relationship was longer than two years Attachment Preferences for Attachment Preferences for Mother Father Partner Friends Mother Father Partner Friends Romantic β β β β Relationship Length -.02 -.04 .15* -.13* Emerging adults whose romantic relationship was shorter than two years Emerging adults whose romantic relationship was longer than two years Attachment Preferences for Attachment Preferences for Mother Father Partner Friends Mother Father Partner Friends Romantic β β β β β β β β Relationship Length -.02 -.04 .15* -.13* -.03 -.01 .00 .04 Umemura, Lacinová, & Macek (2015). Is emerging adults’ attachment preference for the romantic partner transferred from their attachment preferences for their mother, father, and friends? Hypothesis: • Emerging adulthood is in the transition period of their preferences from parents/friends to their romantic partner. Conclusion: • Findings from this study suggests that for emerging adults, the partner is replacement of friends, but not replacement of parents. 13 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 0 year 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years TheDegreeofAttachmentPreference The Length of Romantic Relationship Preference for the Romantic Partner Preference for the Other Figures Umemura, Lacinová, & Macek (2015). Is emerging adults’ attachment preference for the romantic partner transferred from their attachment preferences for their mother, father, and friends? Umemura, Lacinová, & Macek (under review). Longitudinal changes in emerging adults’ attachment preferences for their mother, father, friends, and romantic partner: Focusing on the start and end of romantic relationships. Homework • Read two articles – To be announce by tomorrow midnight! • Email me your thought question by the next Monday midnight.