by LIAM DEACON 8 Oct 2015 A village in Germany has released a list of ground rules for migrants. The list covers matters of basic civility – like shopping and the Highway Code – to fundamental principles of Western society; like gender equality, not harassing young girls and learning the native language. “Germany is a clean country and should remain so” states the document, reminding migrants that, in Germany, “We do our necessities exclusively on toilets, not in gardens and parks, not even in hedges and behind bushes.” Hardheim, in Franconia Odenwald, is home to just 4,600 inhabitants. Yet approximately 1,000 refugees are currently housed in nearby Carl-Schurz-Kaserne. Locals produced the document to help migrants integrate into their tightly knit community, and published it on the municipality website. Some people online have accused the village of “racism,” however, and of indulging “stereotypes,” not respecting “German political tolerance,” and addressing migrant like “animals.” The page has now been taken down. According to reproductions in the German media, they very politely began: “Dear stranger, dear stranger! Welcome to Germany, welcome to Hardheim. Many of you have gone through terrible things. War, mortal danger, a perilous escape across half the world. That is over now. You are now in Germany.” HOME SUBSCRIBE 28966 32 1278 THOMAS LOHNES/AFP/Getty 6,329 advertisement YOU MIGHT LIKE Sponsored Links Unrecognizable! Cute Child Star to Ugly Adult SportFluff Sparta : The Strategy Game Phenomenon of 2… Sparta Online Game 12 Gay A-List Celebrities Who Play Straight Char… StarFluff Does Volatility Signal The End of the Bull Market? The Financialist by Credit Clinton’s Benghazi Testimony: Who Won the Face Off? Bloomberg German Village Politely Requests Migrants Use Toilets And Not Harass... 1 of 5 10/23/2015 5:02 PM The document asks migrants to “learn as soon as possible the German language, so that we can communicate and you can bring your needs to express to us,” and to not make noise after 10pm in their small village. Informing migrants they need to, “pay [for] goods at the grocery store before you open them” in Germany, and must not, “enter private property; no gardens, barns and other buildings and also not take fruit and vegetables that do not belong to you.” More fundamental issue of Western law and culture, which migrants can struggle with, are also addressed: “It is true that religious freedom is for all [in Germany],” they state. Equality of the sexes is mentioned: “Women must lead an independent life and have the same rights as men,” stating that all women must be treated with respect. It also instructs the migrants, who are nearly all men, to refrain from making sexual advances on “young women” in the small town, by not “asking of mobile numbers and Facebook contact, harass them, or ask anyone to get married,” it says. “Germany is a peaceful country,” concludes the statement. Breitbart London, Europe Migrant Crisis, racism', Germany Migrants, intigration Online obchodní indexyání_online Obchody Indexy - Bez provizí! CFD servis-váš kapitál je ohrožen. Investice s Fio bankou Vadí vám nízké výnosy vkladů? Zkuste investovat - snadno on-line! Comment count on this article reflects comments made on and Facebook. Visit Breitbart's Facebook Page. We Recommend by TaboolaSponsored Links Unbelievable transformation! Cute Child Star to Ugly Adult SportFluff A New MMORPG You Won't Get Bored With : Click here to try! Sparta Online Game 9 Celeb Couples With HUGE Age Differences! StarFluff 20 Worst Cases Of Celebrity Plastic Surgery Gone Wrong! Sticky Day Need a Website? Build Your Website. Easy as 1-2-3 Top 10 Website Builders Does Volatility Signal The End of the Bull Market? The Financialist by Credit Suisse by Taboola advertisement advertisement You Won't Believe What the IRS Lets You Do With Your IRA Paula Deen Comes Clean About Her Divorce and Shocking New Look Reba Divorced for Looking Too Old - See Her Makeover Revenge Diane Keaton Reveals Personal Fountain of Youth to Shocked Fans Diane Keaton Exposes Plastic Surgeons' Biggest Secrets Warren Buffett Just Gave Americans a Big Warning Lower High Blood Pressure - The Shockingly Easy Fix Americans Urged to Search Their Names Before ***Live Updates*** Hillary Testifies Before Benghazi Committee 15,777 comments - 1 day ago Hillary Clinton’s 5 Biggest Lies in Her Benghazi Testimony 4,694 comments - 11 hours ago 20 Reasons Why It Should Be Donald Trump in 2016 2,199 comments - 17 hours ago High School Bans Pro-Trump Clothing For Supposed Racist, Offensive Theme 3,573 comments - 16 hours ago Paul Ryan Will Run for Speaker–if Conservative Colleagues Stop Being a ‘Problem’ 9,779 comments - 3 days ago Paul Ryan Officially Running for Speaker of the House 1,281 comments - 15 hours ago Suisse German Village Politely Requests Migrants Use Toilets And Not Harass... 2 of 5 10/23/2015 5:02 PM