Sociologie prostoru a architektury

Týden 4: Přednáška – architektura v sociologii

Povinná literatura:

Gieryn, T. F. 2002. „What buildings do.“ Theory and Society, 31(1): 35–74.

Jones, P. 2011. Chapter 3 “Architecture and Nation: building an „Us“, Chapter 7 „European Architecture: Politics in Search of Form and Meaning.“ In The Sociology of Architecture. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. (p. 45–66; 141–165)

Prior, Lindsay. 1988. "The architecture of the hospital: A study of spatial organization and medical knowledge." British Journal of Sociology: 86-113.

Doplňující literatura:

Bourdieu P. 2003. „The Berber House.“ In Low S. M., Lawrence-Zúñiga D. Anthropology of Space and Place: Locating Culture. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. (p. 131–140).

Goodman, Jane E. 2003. “The Proverbial Bourdieu: Habitus and the Politics of Representation in the Ethnography of Kabylia.” American Anthropologist 105(4): 782–93.

Wacquant, L. 2004. "Following Pierre Bourdieu into the Field." Ethnohraphy 5(4): 387-414.

Charney, I. 2007. "The politics of design: architecture, tall buildings and the skyline fo central London." Area 39(2): 195-205.