Týden 7: 1. SEMINÁŘ k exkurzi do soudní budovy
Povinná literatura:
Foucault, M. "O jiných prostorech." Např. In Myšlení vnějšku. Herrmann a synové, 1996, s. 71-86.
Johnson, Peter. "Unravelling Foucault’s ‘different spaces’." History of the Human Sciences 19.4 (2006): 75-90. Nebo
Hetherington, Kevin. "Foucault, the museum and the diagram." The Sociological Review 59.3 (2011): 457-475.
Doporučená četba:
Tait, D. 2001. “Popular sovereignty and the justice process: towards a comparative methodology for observing courtroom rituals.” Contemporary Justice Review 4(2): 201-218.
Resnik, J., Curtis, D. 2007. “Representing Justice: From Renaissance Iconography to Twenty-First-Century Courthouses.” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 151(2): p.139.
Mulcahy, L. 2013. „Back to the Future? The Challange of the Past for Courthouses of Tomorrow“. In Architecture and Justice. Judicial Meanings in the Publik Realm. Simon, J., Temple, N., Tobe, R. (eds.) Ashgate.
Switek, G. 2013. "A Simple Idea in Architecture: On the Principles of Projecting Prisons." In Architecture and Justice. Judicial Meanings in the Publik Realm. Simon, J., Temple, N., Tobe, R. (eds.) Ashgate. (p. 38 – 50)
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