Critical Theory Sam Kniknie Beyond Marx •Marx’ predictions à not true •Revolution in Russia •Capitalism was/is not overthrown •Marx = useless? Frankfurter Schule •Founded in the 1930s in Frankfurt, Germany •Max Horkheimer, Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno, Walter Benjamin & Herbert Marcuse •Critique on Western, capitalist society •Enlightment did not result in human emancipation (Fascism, Stalinism) Basics of Critical Theory •Combines the ideas of Marx, Weber and Hegel •Economic determinism à cultural determinism •Interdisciplinarity •4 critiques • Criticism of economic determinism •Economic determinism in Marx’s original work & followers •Not whole story •Interaction between ‘superstructure’ and ‘base’ •Gramsci • Criticism of positivism •≈ critique on economic determinism •Human sciences ≠ natural sciences •Loses sight on human actors •Conservative: no attention for change • • • • Criticism of sociology in general •Conservative science •Legitimates status quo of society •Should help creating a ‘just and humane society’ •Sociology as a political instrument • • Criticism of culture industry •Critique on mass media •Commodification of media •Driven by profit, money •Conformism •Stupifies people •False feeling of individualism • Criticism of culture industry •≈ knowledge industry •Commodification of knowledge •Universities become companies? • • Critiques on Critical Theory •A-historical •Not enough attention for economy •Bourgeois idealism •Too ideological? Questions •Can a university be objective and independent in its research when it goes to stock exchange? •Is sociology conservative and does it approve for the status quo of society? Should it take a progressive role and fight for emancipation? • •