ZUR 393k: Effects of Mass Media Final Exam Review / 2015 Advertising (100 points) Choose ONE of the (3 or 4) print advertisements that will be attached to the final exam to answer BOTH questions below. You must use only ONE ad to answer both A and B. A. Briefly define and discuss one of the following concepts in relation to the ad you selected: idolatry / iconology / narcissism / totem. Choose the concept/ad type you think best matches the ad you selected, define that concept, and briefly explain how the ad matches/illustrates it. (20 points) B. Briefly define (in 1 or 2 sentences) and relate (clearly but concisely) FOUR of the following concepts (at least one from each author) to the ad you selected. Cite specific details, visual and/or verbal, in the ad to illustrate each concept you select. (20 points/term) Williams psychological warfare “the official art of modern capitalist society” materialism magic “mimed celebration of other people’s decisions” Jhally magic and technology “feeling good” theory hidden origin of commodity goods commodity fetishism theft and re-appropriation of meaning Bordo stylin’ "rocks” vs. "leaners" face-off masculinity muscle dysmorphia or "bigorexia" food as metaphor (love or sexuality or desire or transgression or __etc.__) men act and women appear / men eat and women prepare AN ADDITIONAL EXTRA CREDIT QUESTION WILL APPEAR HERE.