Evropská sousedská politika a Východní partnerství EU
29.11. VP a státy jižního Kavkazu (dr. Zinaida Bechná) + Diskuse o PP4
Východní partnerství a státy jižního Kavkazu. Přednášející: Zinaida Bechná + diskuse nad PP4 na téma „EU jako bezpečnostní aktér na jižním Kavkazu“
Příprava na Skupinovou debatu 3:
- Chkhivadze, V. (2015): A Focus on Georgia. In: Gromadzki, Grzegorz; Sendhardt, Bastian (eds.; 2015): Eastern Partnership Revisited. Associated Countries in Focus. The Stefan Batory Foundation. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Warsaw, pp. 23 - 46. On-line: (http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/warschau/12002.pdf) (Total 23 pages)
- Kostanyan, H. (2015): Neither Integrated Nor Comprehensive in Substance: Armenia and Georgia. In: Wetzel, Anne; Orbie, Jan (eds.; 2015): The Substance of EU Democracy Promotion. Concepts and Cases. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 134 – 148. (Total 14 pages)
- Valiyev, A. (2014): Azerbaijan´s Elite between Scylla and Charybdis: EU or Customs Union? In: The Vilnius Moment, PONARS Eurasia Policy Perspectives, March 2014, pp. 49 – 52. (Total 4 pages)
- Ademmer, E.; Börzel, T., A. (2014): Migration, Energy and Good Governance in the EU´s Eastern Neighbourhood. Langbein, Julia; Börzel, Tanja, A. (eds.; 2014): Explaining Policy Change in the European Union´s Eastern Neighbourhood. Routledge, pp. 11 – 38.
- Fix, L. (2014): Georgia Knocking on Europe´s Door. Russia, Georgia and the EU Assocaition Agreement. DGAP, N. 10., June 2014. (Total 8 pages)
- Kopeček, V. (2011): European Neighbourhood Policy: Does the tool work? Area study of the South Caucasian countries, Contemporary European Studies 1/2011, pp. 5 – 22. (Total 18 pages)
- Nygren, B. (2010): The Rebuilding of Greater Russia. Putin´s foreign policy towards the CIS countries. London: Routledge, pp. 101 - 153.
Příprava na Skupinovou debatu 3:
- Dostál, V., Karasová, L., Lídl, V. (2015): Trends of Eastern Partnership. Association for International Affairs, Prague. On-line: (http://trendy2015.amo.cz/files/paper_en.pdf)
- Gromadzki, G. (2015): Six Considerations about the EaP. In: Gromadzki, Grzegorz; Sendhardt, Bastian (eds.; 2015): Eastern Partnership Revisited. Associated Countries in Focus. The Stefan Batory Foundation. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Warsaw. On-line: (http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/warschau/12002.pdf) (Total 11 pages)
- Kasčiunas, L.; Ivanauskas, V.; Keršanskas, V.; Kojala, L. (2014): Eastern partnership in a changed security environment: New incentives for reform. Vilnius: Eastern Europe Studies Centre, November 2014, pp. 15 - 24; 26 - 29. On-line: (http://www.eesc.lt/uploads/news/id804/EaP%20In%20A%20Changed%20Security%20Environment%20ENG.pdf) (Total 14 pages)
- Lehne, S. (2014): Time to Reset the European Neighborhood Policy. Carnegie Europe, February 4, 2014. Dostupné z: (http://carnegieeurope.eu/2014/02/04/time-to-reset-european-neighborhood-policy#) (Total 8 pages)
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