Populism in Western Europe Contemporary Issues and Challenges Questions • •What kind of populists they are? Ideology. • • • •Why do they emerge? Reasons. • What kind of populist they are? ../../../../../twodimplot.jpg •Striking differences between WE and CEE •Two groups of populist parties •GAL + econL / TAN + econR but… •…importance changes over the time • • Source: Havlík, Stanley 2015, data: Bakker et al. 2015 • A new winning formula? •Kitschelt, McGann (1995) – analysis of electoral appeals of (populist) radical right parties – authoritarianism and economic neoliberalism •Changes in the nature of PRR since the 1990s •Kitschelt (2004), De Lange (2007) – a new winning formula •Based on observed structural changes – new political opportunity structures (and constraints) for political parties as vote-maximizing actors •The authoritarian position retained but supplemented by a more centrist economic position • • Defenders of the ‘losers’ •Kriesi et al. (2006, 2008) •A thesis about emergence of a new conflict between winners and losers •Stemming from globalization characterized by more intensive economic, cultural, and political competition •Some people gain, some lose •Political potential for articulation of the divide at the national level •Lowering of national bounderies produces demand for their protection •INTEGRATION vs DEMARCATION divide •Intensification of the socio-economic conflict (more protectionist economy vs more open approach) and increased importance of the cultural conflict (defense of traditions, anti-immigration and Eurosceptic attitudes) •Uncertainty as a driver for populist radical right voting and to some extent also for populist left-wing voting Issues - summary •Uncertainties caused by globalized world in the age of modernization •Immigration •European integration •Protectionist economy •Welfare state •Law and order •Identity-related issues (Christianity, nationality, culture) •Traditions – national integrity •Pro-Russian stances •A need for a strong leader • Thank you for your attention.