EXTREMISM RADICALISMCRUELTY INTOLERANCEVIOLENCERACISM SEXISMDISCRIMINATION Protect our future for better tomorrows Imagine is •  team based in Baku, Azerbaijan •  representing Khazar University •  team of 9 students •  teaching children tolerance and respect Executive Summary Imagine Team ➜ Imagine is a team based in Baku, Azerbaijan that is representing Khazar University in annual P2P Challenging Extremism, started by team of 9 students which is Alihuseyn Agayev, Dinara Katibli, Erlan Ismailov, Kamilla Lyatifova, Nadir Gadirli, Narmin Abbasova, Narmin Zari, Suleyman Yagizarov, and Ulviyya Azizova, supervised by Sana Imran. Our slogan states: “Protect our future for better tomorrows…” With that we believe that the best way to create a world without extremism is by teaching future generation: tolerance and value of friendship. With the help of “Book of Mankind” workshop plan we aim to reach our target audience which consists primarily of children aged from 10-14 years old, secondary audience being their parents. The whole project took around seven weeks. ➜ Within seven weeks our team managed to: survey parents in order to get a better understanding of how they interact with their children; create a workshop presentation for children aged from 10-14 years old in local schools which had over 100 audience, this in turn showed what can be done; parent session that had more than 40 parents, which aimed to give some insight on what their children are capable of; attracting more than 7500 people through social media by using online contests and logs about campaign; making a video about lasting impact that parents have on their children which was used in every event; launch presentation with over 70+ audience, held in our university’s main campus and publishing the book itself. Overall the team managed to attract around 18285 people. ➜ The book was our last assignment of the whole project. In order to get to this stage of our project we used $2000 that were provided by EdVenture Partners to cover the expenses. And a support from Khazar University. Project Plan survey parents in order to get a better understanding of how they interact with their children create a workshop presentation for children aged from 10-14 years old in local schools which showed what can be done parent session that aimed to give some insight on what their children are capable of making a video about lasting impact parents have on their children launch presentation held in our university’s main campus and publishing the book itself attracting people through social network, by using contest promoting our campaign through printed materials(brochures, posters, stands, bookmarks) Let’s no longer accept the world we live in and use such excuses as “it is just the way things are” to justify inaction. Violence is and can never be “just the way things are.” Now is the time to take action… Team Imagine took this action Starting from their Imagination… Prevention has always been better than cure. So we took the action of prevention at the stage when the individual’s mind is developing yet he/ she are able to analyze. “Prevent” element is the scarlet thread of our campaign strategy. Children aged 10-14 We set to hold the hand of every child Protect him / her from the extremist world Promise a better and brighter tomorrow Young minds are being used as the cannon fodder to charge the battlefield of extremism. Based on the findings of the survey in the target group, the following factors were apparent: Children are the potential targets for implementing the strategies of radicalization. Parents are unaware they may be fostering ideas of discrimination in their children. Implementation tools: Workshop with children at Dunya school and Zakalar Lyceum Parents’ Session Promotion at the local mall ( Park Boulevard ) Launch at the university Campaign Video Social Media (Facebook Page, Instagram) ( Contest ) Printed materials Book of Mankind Implementing Workshop Target audience - children from 10-14 years of age bracket. Workshop is designed to retrain children’s ‘muscles of perception’ by various interactive and mind challenging activities. Content: Activities Games A man with tulips story Questions / Answers session Awards Aim: Promote diversity, adaptability, equality Develop the values of tolerance, cooperation, compassion, unity Book of Mankind 41 pupils 30 creative opinions 11 awkward questions 2 hours of joyful emotions 60+ pupils 40+ hyperactive kids 20 unpredictable questions 60+ pure and sincere smiles 2% 12% 11% 75% It was boring Still better than classes Good, but something was missing I liked everything How do I know that all people are equal if they are all different??? How can I make a compliment to this guy if I don’t like him??? Parents’ Session Introduce the best ways to raise a tolerant child Learn more about each persons parenting experience Suggestions for dealing with children Urge them not to use wait and see approach AIM Questionnaire Questions/Answers Session Activities Discussion Activities: How often do you watch a movie, read a book or discuss characters that inspire your child? Always Frequently Sometimes Rarely Never How much of your time do you spend with your child? 91-100% 81-90% 71-80% 51-70% 31-50% Who do you think has the most influence in shaping up a child’s personality? Family Members Teachers Friends Religious Teachers What is the best size consider can be raised effectively in today's challenging times? 1- 2 3- 4 5- 6 None Statistics at Parents’ Session 300+ people reached Promo-onal tools: brochures, posters, bookmarks ‘Protecting the Future’ Photo Contests One of the ways to create the be0er awareness of our campaign ➜ These are some of the backstage highlights from our video production day. It took us around 4-5 hours to get the required footage, but in the end it was worth it. ➜ https://youtu.be/ESsVukrz9l4 Campaign launch at Khazar University April 29, 2016 Marble Hall of Khazar University Information about the goal of the program Team Imagine introduction Launch of “Book of Mankind” Informative parts of presentation Dance performance on “Imagine” by John Lennon Imagine Video Screening Imagine’s role in Challenging Extremism Song “We are the World” ➜ This event has… ➜ Engaged the interest of 70 guests attended Marble Hall of Khazar University on April 29, 2016. ➜ United 4 university faculties together ➜ Tried more than 50 Imagine Lottery players’ luck ➜ Made happy 7 winners of lucky draw Book of Mankind The “Book of Mankind” provides sufficient information for parents and teachers on how to discuss, expand and explore the issues of diversity, pluralism and multi- culturalism in the classroom and at home through folk tales, group activities and discussions. The first edition of the “ Book of Mankind”- original basement of our workshops was presented during launch at Khazar university. We are planning to make a PDF version and publish it online and make it available globally in variety of languages. 20,230 total impressions 1500+ total page likes 7000 people reached 50+ countries reached 30 posts 500 followers 201,025 poten-al reach 505 total impressions 7 tweets 38 followers Supporters: International affairs office of Khazar University “Park Bulvar” mall Park Cinema “Starbucks” coffee shop Mayki.az t-shirts “Ayris” balloons and event organizing Facebook Media support Khazar.org, Khazar University website posted activity articles of team Short story at “Dunya” school’s site AzTv, local TV channel invited us as a guest to a program 33% 31% 16% 7% 13% Let-ng people know who we are Showing people how they affect other’s lives by trying to be good actors Giving people more informa-on about extremism and how we try to challenge it PuBng smiles on people’s faces All other stuff that helped us follow this path of success Imagine how the world would be Extremism would just be a nightmare And there would be no despair. People would just come together Living under one big umbrella shelter No people to rob, no people to kill Imagine that your mind is not ill For, all of us are equal Wouldn't that be an interesting sequel…. If all the people realized that we are all one big family. Imagine mind so free, it could shape rough mountains into calm tree. Imagine you don't have to kill, imagine your mind is not ill. Imagine there is no point of view where all the wrong is judged true. Imagine you will know the truth and make the world less obtuse. Protect our future for better tomorrows… https://www.facebook.com/imagine.aze/ http://instagram.com/imagine.az http://twitter.com/TeamImagineAz https://youtu.be/ESsVukrz9l4 http://www.khazar.org/news/2016/Students-of-Khazar-University-Challenge- Extremism_7689.html http://www.khazar.org/news/2016/P2P:-Challenging-Extremism-Program--Imagine- Team-of-Khazar-University-Challenges-Extremism-One-Step-at-a-Time_7838.html http://www.khazar.org/news/2016/P2P:-Challenging-Extremism--Imagine-Team-visits- Zakalar-Lyceum_7855.html http://www.khazar.org/news/2016/P2P:-Challenging-Extremism--Promotional-Activity-of- Khazars-Imagine-Team-at-Park-Bulvar_7863.html http://www.khazar.org/news/2016/P2P:-Challenging-Extremism--Imagine-Team-of- Khazar-University-Launches-Marketing-Campaign_7845.html http://www.khazar.org/news/2016/P2P:-Challenging-Extremism-program--Meet-the- Imagine-Team-of-Khazar-University_7864.html#2