#OPENYOUREYES to a world of tolerance, respect, peace and equality. Awake the World Awake the World EXECUTIVE SUMM 1 RESEARCH 2 Awake The World 3 FINANCE 4 RESULTS 5 PROSPECTS 6 HOW ARE WE DOING THIS? Awake the World EXECUTIVE SUMMARY1 Mission Target Awake the World EXECUTIVE SUMMARY1 AWAKE THE WORLD is a project created with the main purpose of countering radical and violent extremism from different points of view: -Encourage knowledge of groups such as Muslims and Arabs wrongly identified with extremism -Promote tolerance and social coexistence, especially in the case of refugees coming to Spain -Actively counter islamophobia -Use of social networks to raise awareness of other religions and cultures GOAL Being able to fight the extension of radicalism in social networks and raise our target´s awareness levels. ONE OUR MISSION 16 to 25 years old Spanish-resident students. Silent majority. We want to communicate with people like us, so that there would be no difference between our followers and us. OUR TARGET Awake the World RESEARCH2 Muslims in Spain Perception of Muslims Quantitative Data Awake the World RESEARCH2 MUSLIMS REPRESENT 4% OF THE SPANISH POPULATION 41% of Muslims are Spanish 59% of Muslims are immigrants (with a 40% Moroccan origin) 61% of the Spanish population consider it acceptable to expel a student for wearing a veil in class 90% of all Muslims in Spain lack Islam religion classes 90% of Islam teachers are unemployed 57% of the Spanish population believe Muslims are violent *http://observatorio.hispanomuslim.es,estademograf.pdf,http://www.westinfo.eu/it/eccochisonoimusulmanichevivonoinspagna/estademograf2/ REPORT REVIEW OUR ANALYSIS Awake the World RESEARCH2 A COUNTRY OF HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL COEXISTENCE yet… Lack of communication between Muslims and non-Muslims Negative role of mass media in the population´s acceptance of other cultures and religions Refugees “massive” arrival to Europe, giving a negative & generalized perception of them Some misconceptions that the means of communication spread about Muslim traditions. Lack of awareness towards Arab culture. REPORT REVIEW OUR ANALYSIS Awake the World RESEARCH2 “I believe that there are many ways of raising awareness, but I would start with the heart of society, and this is the family, and afterwards, of course, education centers, but without forgetting about family as the basic and fundamental origin of raising awareness.” –Antonio Pastor, International Relations professor “Generally speaking, the Spanish society is very welcoming and integrating. Nevertheless, prejudice exists in all cultures and we have to face them. We have to work together by creating common areas of freedom, pushing democratic dialogues forward and having an attitude of acknowledgement. Once we get to know each other we combat stereotypes and prejudices." - Mimoun Amiroui, President of the Islamic Cultural Center of Fuenlabrada “I believe the means of communication are partly responsible for not informing correctly about the Muslim´s society situation in some European countries, about the DAESH threat or even about the migration crisis, and I think that the fear message is too often used. Such ignorance actually calls for attention in Spain, where we have such a broad tradition and 2 million Muslims”. - Ángel Martinez, journalist “Terrorism is a tool used to achieve political ends. Terrorism is not related to religion. Arrogance that puts up even higher stereotypes and exclusion walls and works in favor of those who are truly responsible of terrorism.” - Pedro Baños, Geopolitical Analyst. Army Colonel. INTERVIEWING EXPERTS AS A SOURCE OF INFORMATION Awake the World RESEARCH2 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS SURVEYS OBJECTIVE 1. Identify young people´s perceptions and attitudes towards Muslim and certain habits and stereotypes of this culture. RESEARCH UNIVERSE & SAMPLE: Considering AWAKE THE WORLD´s main target markets being young people between the ages of 16 to 25 years of age. RESEARCH Awake the World RESEARCH2 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS SURVEYS UNIVERSE & SAMPLE: - Our main target market were young people. - Sample size: 421 – From universities all around Spain. 91% was less than 26 y.o. MAIN RESULTS: - 53% have few Muslim friends and 43% have no Muslim friends. - Around 50% of the participants have rarely any contact with Muslims in high school/ college/ university or practice cultural or sports activities with them and only aprox. 10% have that contact frequently. - 43% of the participants have a positive or very positive attitude towards Muslims living in Spain. - A statistical analysis has been made in order to identify relations among variables. The only one found, statistically significant, was that women were more positive towards the Muslim culture than men (χ² Pearson=27,138; P=0.007; c.c=0.253; p=0.007). Awake the World RESEARCH2 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS SURVEYS MAIN CONCLUSIONS: - Young Spaniards do not have a high level of contact with Muslim people or culture. - Stereotypingis based on lack of information and knowledge. - Spaniards need to learn about Muslims, their culture, its relation with Spanish culture and how being Muslim is not related to violence. After carrying out all our research and analyzing our own surveys we realized the reality of the situation around us and we agreed on the TARGET and started creating our campaign: AWAKE THE WORLD Awake the World RESEARCH2 INVESTIGATION DATA DEMONSTRATES THE #1 SOCIAL NETWORK AMONG YOUNG IN SPAIN AND HOW TO REACH THEM Awake the World Awake the World3 Overview Team Project Support Awake the World AWAKE THE WORLD3 OVERVIEW WHY WE CHOOSE THIS PROJECT VIOLENT EXTREMISM ≠ DEMOCRATIC SOCIETIES EMPHASIZE TOLERANCE AND COMMON VALUES POSITIVE CHANGE WHY AWAKE THE WORLD THE IGNORANCE OF THE SPANISH POPULATION TOWARDS OTHER CULTURES SUCH AS THE MUSLIM CULTURE CREATES A BREEDING GROUND FOR IDENTITY CRISIS AND RELATIVE DEPRIVATION LEADING TO THE RADICALIZATION OF INDIVIDUALS Awake the World AWAKE THE WORLD3 THE TEAM INT. RELATIONS POLITICAL SCI. JOURNALISM PUBLIC MNGMNT. DIPLOMATIC SCI. 16 STUDENTS AGES 18 - 21 PROACTIVE CURIOUS MOTIVATED Awake the World AWAKE THE WORLD3 THE PROJECT SOCIAL NETWORKS CONTESTS UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Awake the World AWAKE THE WORLD3 THE PROJECT WEBSITE Meeting point of all our campaign AWAKE THE WORLD’s website collects all the information about the project: IN FIVE LANGUAGES: ENGLISH, SPANISH, ITALIAN, GERMAN AND FRENCH www.awaketheworld.org Awake the World AWAKE THE WORLD3 THE PROJECT SCHOOL ACTIVITIES LET US TALK ABOUT TOLERANCE We talked about the following topics: q Perception and Reality q Refugees and Immigration q The European Union and Middle East q Integration and Racism (Islamophobia) q Final thoughts: Are we tolerant? AWAKE THE WORLD project decided to go to high schools all over Spain to give some informative and eye-opening talks to 16, 17 and 18 year old students. Awake the World AWAKE THE WORLD3 THE PROJECT UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES TOLERANCE WEEK HOT SPOT: 176 tweets + 37.306 impressions Our country has received an enormously valuable inheritance of its Arabic past and is an example of multiculturalism and tolerance, values we wish to spread. Awake the World decided to organize a 4 day Tolerance Week with the aim of informing people through conferences about religion, culture, tolerance, integration, terrorism and much more. Misinformation is what we believe causes stereotypical thinking and ignorance. In addition to the conferences, a Debate Tournament took place where people discussed a topic and shared others points of view to open their mind to new opinions that they didn’t have in the first place. A football tournament put an end to this week because, in Spain, there's nothing that brings people together than football. In the field, no judgments are made. ATW in “El País” Biggest newspaper in Spain Awake the World AWAKE THE WORLD3 THE PROJECT UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES TOLERANCE WEEK FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT DEBATE TOURNAMENT Does the Schengen treaty give effective solutions to terrorism? CONFERENCES: "REFUGEES, WELCOME?” "PRESS AND OTHER CULTURES” "TERRORISM AND RADICALIZATION" "INTEGRATION" "ISLAMOPHOBIA" SENTENCESFOR TOLERANCE From April 06 to April 10, 2016 Rey Juan Carlos University TOLERANCE WEEK VIDEO Awake the World AWAKE THE WORLD3 THE PROJECT UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES MEETING OF CULTURES Interculturality is the coexistence that wishes to mix cultures in a peaceful dialogue and coexistence, in a search to eliminate prejudice and develop respect between people to reach an understanding in a tolerant relationship. In society, communication and mutual learning should be encouraged in an effort to motivate the acceptance of different cultures, on a basis of respect, with positive attitudes that maintain the importance of cultural values. INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE. TALKING ABOUT RELIGIOUS COEXISTENCE IN SPAIN -José Antonio Rodríguez García. Ecclesiastical law professor at Rey Juan Carlos University
 -Francisco Sigüenza. San Antón Church Director. NGO Mensajeros de la Paz Director.
 -Mohamed Ajana El Ouafi. President of the Union of Islamic Communities in Spain.
 -Juan Sánchez Núñez. Professor of Systematic Theology. Evangelic Christian. Awake the World AWAKE THE WORLD3 THE PROJECT UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES MEETING OF CULTURES ARABIC TAPAS TASTING MOROCCAN HAND PAINTING WITH "HENNA" NAME WRITING IN ARABIC FB HOT SPOT: 30K PEOPLE REACHED MEETING OF CULTURES DAYVIDEO DJSTAND Awake the World AWAKE THE WORLD3 THE PROJECT SOCIAL NETWORKS CONTESTS “TOLERANCE 100” Facebook and Instagram Photo contests. Both consist on uploading a photo or image related to tolerance and the objectives of our project. Both planned to be a platform for displaying images of tolerance between cultures and religions. The photographs or posters shall display the vision of the creator on ways of coexistence in relationship to the following topics: v Promoting solidarity and tolerance and the universal principles of coexistence v Promoting tolerance, respect and coexistence between religions and cultures, and coexistence of people from different origins. v Showing the negative side of violence, terrorism and injustice as global menaces to the universal values of humanity Awake the World AWAKE THE WORLD3 THE PROJECT SOCIAL NETWORKS CONTEST WINNERS FACEBOOK 1 1 2 3 2 3 INSTAGRAM Awake the World AWAKE THE WORLD3 THE PROJECT SOCIAL NETWORKS FACEBOOKCITIZEN X #CitizenX, on Facebook, is a global platform where everyone can share their story of tolerance, cultural and religious exchange with positive messages. FB HOT SPOT: 28K PEOPLE REACHED FB HOT SPOT: 15K PEOPLE ENGAGED FB HOT SPOT: 1106 LIKES Awake the World AWAKE THE WORLD3 THE PROJECT SOCIAL NETWORKS FACEBOOKINTERVIEWS Interviewing journalists, university professors, NGO employeers… Sharing different points of views from experts. Promoting knowledge. LEILA NACHAWATI Communications professor at the Carlos III University of Madrid BORJA FERNANDEZ UNHCR Awake the World AWAKE THE WORLD3 THE PROJECT SOCIAL NETWORKS FACEBOOKDAILY CONTENT CULTURAL RECOMENDATIONS BLOG ARTICLES FB HOT SPOT: 65 LIKES POSTERS Awake the World AWAKE THE WORLD3 THE PROJECT INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT ESSENTIAL FOR THE PROJECT AND FOR IT´S FUTURE CONTINUITY Dean & Management Team. Faculty Social Science and Law. URJC. RELEVANT SPEAKERS AND PARTICIPANTS IN OUR EVENTS q Mauricio Valiente Ots. City Councilor of Ahora Madrid. Third Deputy of the Mayor of Madrid. Member of the Government Council. q Rafael Osorio de Rebellón. United Nation and International Policy Subdirector. Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation q Vicente Garrido Rebolledo. Member of the Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters of the United Nations Secretary General q Beatriz Quintana. Spanish General Law Council consultant q Mariángela Paone. El Español (national newspaper) q Carlos Echeverría. International Relations professor. Sociology and Political Science Faculty. UNED University of Madrid. q Pedro Baños. Geopolitical Analyst. Army Colonel q Rita Gomes. Pluralism and Coexistence Foundation. Ministry of Justice q Mimoun Amiroui. President of the Islamic Cultural Center q Houda Arkez. Muslim Women's Association q Leila Nachawati. Communications professor at the Carlos III University of Madrid Awake the World FINANCE4 Budget Donations Awake the World FINANCE4 €77,70 €207,45 €161,94 ADVERTISING FACEBOOK PRIZES INSTAGRAM PRIZES Social Media Contest Spendings BUDGET 15% 27%58% LOGISTICS ADVERTISING STRATEGY €120,54 €64,71 €28,01 €119,57 SIGNATURE BOARD POSTERS CONFERENCE MATERIALS PHOTOCALL Tolerance Week Spendings €15,40 €286,42 €200,00 €8,00 €11,31 €3,00 ADVERTISING FOOD STALL HENNA STALL ARABIC NAME WRITING CONFERENCE… POEM RECITAL Cultural Day Spendings Awake the World FINANCE4 CONFERENCE SPEAKERS Tolerance Week Day 1 13 SPEAKERS Tolerance Week Day 2 9 SPEAKERS Tolerance Week Day 3 8 SPEAKERS Cultural Day 4 SPEAKERS FREE We wished to manage our budget in the best way possible in order to accomplish the best campaign we could with it. Therefore, we invited a total of 34 speakers from different backgrounds to participate in our events. All our speakers visited us for free. This helped us to developed a better campaign and use all that budget wisely. Awake the World RESULTS5 Social Networks Overview Awake the World RESULTS5 SOCIAL NETWORK TWITTER Total Impressions: 92.200 only in April 68.200 Followers: 209 - Our followers interests: - Politics and actual events 78% - Business and News 74% Profile Visits: 5.000 Awake the World RESULTS5 SOCIAL NETWORK FACEBOOK + 2k LIKES on FACEBOOK TARGET ADDRESSED 17K 5K 5K 14K +5K +3K +4K 3K 1,5K 1K2K3K 1K1K 1K + 45 COUNTRIES REACHED ALL SPAIN REACHED +160K PEOPLE REACHED 0,00% 20,00% 40,00% 60,00% 80,00% PEOPLE REACHED People Reached by AGE 13-17 18-24 25-34 Awake the World RESULTS5 109 293 609 159 274 229 1106 9 86 27 36 69 14 112 0 4 13 17 2 1 32 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 INFOGRAPHIE QUOTES EVENTS CONTEST VIDEOS ARTICLES CITIZEN X FB RESULTS BY SOURCE COMMENTS SHARED LIKES SOCIAL NETWORK FACEBOOK Awake the World RESULTS5 SOCIAL NETWORK SURVEYS: OBJETIVE 2 RESEARCH OBJECTIVE 2. Analyze the impact of AWAKE THE WORLD activities towards the dissemination of information and knowledge regarding Muslims and their culture. 90% 86% 85% 83% 75% 61% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Actions in Social Networks Citizen X - Facebook Cultural day Conference Facebook contest Instagram Completely satisfied/ satisfied Completely satisfied / satisfied High level of satisfaction in all the activities. Highest level of satisfaction in Social Networks, specifically in Citizen X (Facebook). Combination of activities seem more effective. Activities were people share their experiences and culture are the most effective – Facebook is a KEY social network *UNIVERSE & SAMPLE: - Universe: Participants in all the AWAKE THE WORLD activities - Sample size: 125 participants Awake the World RESULTS5 SOCIAL NETWORK QUESTIONARIES OBJETIVE 2 RESEARCH *UNIVERSE & SAMPLE: - Universe: Participants in all the AWAKE THE WORLD activities - Sample size: 125 participants OBJECTIVE 2. Analyze the impact of AWAKE THE WORLD activities towards the dissemination of information and knowledge regarding Muslims and their culture. 34% 26% 79% 86% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Has it improved your knowledge of Muslim culure? Ending stereotypes? Has it improved your knowledge about islamic violent extremsism? Has it improved your tolerance towards other cultures? Would you like to participate in other AWAKE THE WORLD activities? Totally agree / Agree Awake the World had important challenges. More than 1/3 of our participants learned about false stereotypes and how violent extremism is not directed related to Muslims. 3 / 4 of our participants have become more tolerant towards Muslims, as they know them better. BIG SUCCESS: 86% of the participants want AWAKE THE WORLD to continue their activities and want to be part of it. Awake the World PROSPECTS6 FUTURE Awake the World Seeking funding and partners to expand to other cities and countries PROSPECTS6 Young European online activist Conference “Positive Alternatives Online” Amsterdam 20-23 May 2016 -> Conference for young European online activist. The goal of the conference is to create a strong positive message online, as an alternative to jihadist peerrecruitment and violent, extremist messages. Celebrate more tolerance events + culture exchange days in other cities of Spain NEXT -We are attending UNLEASH event. http://unleash.website/ -Application send to participate in NANTES FORUM 2016: Have an idea or project for “living together”, which promotes solidarity, fosters cultural exchanges and encourages greater respect for and openness towards others. http://www.nantescreativegenerations.eu/en/forum/calls-forapplication/ AND Creative Europe - Cross-sectoral - Refugee Integration Projects 2016: The aim of the call is is to support cultural, audio-visual and crosssectorial projects aiming at facilitating the integration of refugees in the European environment, enhancing mutual cultural understanding and fostering intercultural and interreligious dialogue, tolerance and respect for other cultures. https://eurodesk.eu/program/creative-europe-cross- sectoral-refugee-integration-projects-2016 Awake the World PROSPECTS6 ALREADY SIGNED FUTURE COLLABORATION WITH CASA ARABE: A Spanish public consortium headed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. It is operated as a strategic center for Spain’s relations with the Arab world, a meeting point where different role-players and institutions, both private and public, from the worlds of business, education, academia, politics and culture can dialogue, interact, establish lines of cooperation and undertake joint projects. http://en.casaarabe.es/p/about-us NEXT “COUNTERING AND PREVENTING SPREAD OF VIOLENT EXTREMISM: A VIEW FOR THE U.S.” 12 OF MAY 2016 Conference by ATW q Alejandro Beutel. Researcher for Countering Violent Extremism, Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) http://www.start.umd.edu/pe ople/alejandro-beutel NON-STOP SOCIAL NETWORK CAMPAIGN