SROVNÁNÍ DVOU PRŮMĚRŮ A JEDNODUCHÁ ANALÝZA SOUVISLOSTI Vít Gabrhel FSS MU, 10. 10. 2016 Harmonogram 0. Rekapitulace předchozí hodiny 1. Deskriptivní statistiky - doplnění 2. Srovnání dvou průměrů 3. Chí-kvadrát 4. Korelace Rekapitulace Skript # Jakou třídu (class) tvoří obě proměnné? class(alco_1$Country) class(alco_1$Litry) lapply(Alco, class) # Změňte tuto hodnotu na "NA" alco_1$Litry[alco_1$Litry == "-99"] <- NA Alco$Litry <- str_replace(Alco$Litry,- 99.00, "NA") Alco[46,2] = NA # Jedna z hodnot je evidentně špatně evidovaná. O jakou hodnotu se jedná ? chyby = subset(alco, subset = (Litry < 0)) # V této nové matici ať jsou všechny země napsané velkými písmeny. Alco_2 [,"Stát"] = toupper(Alco_2[,"Stát"]) Deskriptivní statistiky Rozšiřující možnosti setwd() library("readxl") talent_scores_sheets = excel_sheets("talent_scores.xlsx") talent_scores = read_excel("talent_scores.xlsx", sheet = 1) # Compute the mean of the scores for each student individually rowMeans(talent_scores[, 2:6]) # Compute the mean of the scores for each course individually colMeans(talent_scores[, 2:6]) # Compute the score each student has gained for all his courses rowSums(talent_scores[, 2:6]) # Compute the total score that is gained by the students on each course colSums(talent_scores[, 2:6]) Deskriptivní statistiky Rozšiřující možnosti wm = read.csv2("wm.csv", header = TRUE) mean(wm$gain) # function: computes the arithmetic mean mean(wm$gain, na.rm = TRUE) # function: computes the arithmetic mean median(wm$gain) # function: computes the median var(wm$gain) # function: computes the variance sd(wm$gain) # function: computes the standard deviation min(wm$gain) # function: return the minimum max(wm$gain) # function: return the maximum # Summary statistics for all variables - 5 digits summary(wm, digits = 5) # Summary statistics for all variables - 10 digits summary(wm, digits = 10) Deskriptivní statistiky Rozšiřující možnosti library("dplyr") # Calculate summary statistics for variables containing "ai". Calculate the statistics to 4 significant digits summary(select(wm, contains("ai"))) # Alternatively, the numSummary() function might be used to obtain some summary statistics. The function computes: mean= the mean sd = the standard deviation iqr = the interquartile range 0% = the minimum 25% = the 1st quantile or the lower quartile 50% = the median 75% = the 3rd quantile or the upper quartile 100%= the maximum n = the number of observations library("Rcmdr") numSummary(wm$gain) library("Hmisc") describe(wm) Korelace Úvod (dle Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, n.d.) Pearson product-moment correlation coeficient Předpoklady použití: Alespoň intervalová úroveň měření proměnných Normálně rozložená data Homoskedascita Korelace base # Read the variables names names(talent_scores) # Create a subset of the dataframe talent, talent_selected, containing reading, english and math (in that order) talent_selected <- subset(talent_scores, select = c(reading, english, math)) # Předpoklady pro použití hist(talent_selected$english, main="Histogram for English scores", xlab="Students", border="blue", col="green", xlim=c(0,120), breaks=20) plot(talent_selected$english, talent_selected$math, main="Scatterplot of Grades", xlab="English ", ylab="Math", pch=19) qqnorm(talent_selected$math) Korelace base # Compute the correlations among reading, english and math cor(talent_selected) #The cor() function does not calculate p-values to test for significance, but the cor.test() function does. cor.test(talent_selected$english, talent_selected$reading, use = pairwise) cor.test(talent_selected$reading, talent_selected$math, use = pairwise) cor.test(talent_selected$english, talent_selected$math, use = pairwise) Korelace Rcmdr # The rcorr.adjust() function of the Rmcdr package computes the correlations with the pairwise p-values among the correlations. library("Rcmdr") # Two types of p-values are computed: the ordinary p-values and the adjusted p-values. ?rcorr.adjust rcorr.adjust(talent_selected) # Test the significance of the correlations among `english` and `math` cor.test(talent_selected$english, talent_selected$math, use = pairwise) Srovnání dvou průměrů (dle Conway, n.d.) Dependent t-test - úvod Předpoklady použití: The sampling distribution is normally distributed. In the dependent ttest this means that the sampling distribution of the differences between scores should be normal, not the scores themselves. Data are measured at least at the interval level. Srovnání dvou průměrů Dependent t-test - base - argumenty # Data wm_t <- subset(wm, wm$train == "1") # In the case of our dependent t-test, we need to specify these arguments to t.test(): ?t.test # x: Column of wm_t containing post-training intelligence scores # y: Column of wm_t containing pre-training intelligence scores # paired: Whether we're doing a dependent (i.e. paired) t-test or # # independent t-test. In this example, it's TRUE # Note that t.test() carries out a two-sided t-test by default Srovnání dvou průměrů Dependent t-test - base - kód # Conduct a paired t-test using the t.test function t.test(wm_t$post, wm_t$pre, paired = TRUE) Output: Paired t-test data: wm_t$post and wm_t$pre t = 14.492, df = 79, p-value < 2.2e-16 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: 3.008511 3.966489 sample estimates: mean of the differences 3.4875 Srovnání dvou průměrů (dle Conway, n.d.) Dependent t-test - Cohenovo d Srovnání dvou průměrů Dependent t-test - Cohenovo d - lsr - argumenty library("lsr") # For cohensD(), we'll need to specify three arguments: # x: Column of wm_t containing post-training intelligence scores # y: Column of wm_t containing pre-training intelligence scores # method: Version of Cohen's d to compute, which should be "paired" in this case ?cohensD() Srovnání dvou průměrů Dependent t-test - Cohenovo d - lsr - output # Calculate Cohen's d cohensD(wm_t$post, wm_t$pre, method = "paired") [1] 1.620297 Srovnání dvou průměrů Dependent t-test - Cohenovo d - effsize - argumenty library("effsize") cohen.d(x, y, pooled=TRUE, paired=TRUE, na.rm=FALSE, hedges.correction=FALSE, conf.level=0.95, noncentral=FALSE) ?cohen.d() Srovnání dvou průměrů Dependent t-test - Cohenovo d - effsize - příklad library("effsize") cohen.d(wm_t$post,wm_t$pre,pooled=TRUE,paired=TRUE, na.rm=FALSE, hedges.correction=FALSE, conf.level=0.95,noncentral=FALSE) Srovnání dvou průměrů (dle Conway, n.d.) Independent t-test - úvod Předpoklady použití: The sampling distribution is normally distributed. Data are measured at least at the interval level. Homogeneity of variance. Scores are independent (because they come from different people). Srovnání dvou průměrů Independent t-test - data # View the wm_t dataset wm_t # Create subsets for each training time wm_t08 <- subset(wm_t, subset = (wm_t$cond == "t08")) wm_t12 <- subset(wm_t, subset = (wm_t$cond == "t12")) wm_t17 <- subset(wm_t, subset = (wm_t$cond == "t17")) wm_t19 <- subset(wm_t, subset = (wm_t$cond == "t19")) # Summary statistics for the change in training scores before and after training describe(wm_t08) describe(wm_t12) describe(wm_t17) describe(wm_t19) # Create a boxplot of the different training times ggplot(wm_t, aes(x = cond, y = gain, fill = cond)) + geom_boxplot() # Levene's test leveneTest(wm_t$gain ~ wm_t$cond) Srovnání dvou průměrů Independent t-test - base # Conduct an independent t-test t.test(wm_t19$gain, wm_t08$gain, var.equal = FALSE) Welch Two Sample t-test data: wm_t19$gain and wm_t08$gain t = 8.9677, df = 34.248, p-value = 1.647e-10 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: 3.287125 5.212875 sample estimates: mean of x mean of y 5.60 1.35 Srovnání dvou průměrů (dle Conway, n.d.) Independent t-test - Cohen's d Srovnání dvou průměrů Independent t-test - effsize # Calculate Cohen's d cohen.d(wm_t19$gain, wm_t08$gain,pooled=TRUE,paired=FALSE, na.rm=FALSE, hedges.correction=FALSE, conf.level=0.95,noncentral=FALSE) Cohen's d d estimate: 2.835822 (large) 95 percent confidence interval: inf sup 1.893561 3.778083 Chí-kvadrát (dle Pearson's chi-squared test, n.d.) Úvod Předpoklady použití: Ne méně než 20 % buněk v rámci kontigenční tabulky s hodnotou méně než 5 Nenulová hodnota v každé z buněk v rámci kontingenční tabulky Chí-kvadrát Data a gmodels # Data gedu_sheets = excel_sheets("gedu.xlsx") gedu = read_excel("gedu.xlsx", sheet = 1) gedu$Gender = as.factor(gedu$Gender) gedu$Edu = as.factor(gedu$Edu) gedu$Edu2 = as.factor(gedu$Edu2) levels(gedu$Gender) = c("Muž", "Žena") levels(gedu$Edu) = c("ZŠ", "SŠ bez maturity", "SŠ s maturitou", "VŠ") levels(gedu$Edu2) = c("Nižší než VŠ", "VŠ") # gmodels library("gmodels") ?CrossTable() Chí-kvadrát Kontingenční tabulky # Generate a cross table of gender and education Gedu_CT_01 <- CrossTable(gedu$Edu, gedu$Gender) # Generate a crosstable for gender and education in which only the results for the chi-square test are included, and the row proportions. Gedu_CT_02 = CrossTable(gedu$Edu, gedu$Gender, prop.c = FALSE, prop.t = FALSE, chisq = TRUE, prop.chisq = FALSE) # Generate a cross table of gender and fulltime in SPSS format Gedu_CT_03 = CrossTable(gedu$Edu, gedu$Gender, format = "SPSS") Chí-kvadrát Velikost účinku - phí (dle Phi coefficient, n.d.) library("psych") Gen = gedu$Gender Edu2 = gedu$Edu2 table_phi = table(Gen, Edu2) phi(table_phi, digits = 2) Chí-kvadrát Velikost účinku - Cramerovo V (dle Cramér's V, n.d.) library("psych") Gen = gedu$Gender Edu = gedu$Edu table_CV = table(Gen, Edu) cramersV(table_CV) Zdroje Conway, A. (n.d.) Intro to Statistics with R: Student's T-test. Dostupné online na: students-t-test Cramér's V. (n.d.). In Wikipedia: Staženo dne 10. 10. 2016 z Effect size (n.d.). In Wikipedia: Staženo dne 10. 10. 2016 z Pearson's chi-squared test (n.d.). In Wikipedia: Staženo dne 10. 10. 2016 z Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (n.d.). In Wikipedia: Staženo dne 10. 10. 2016 z moment_correlation_coefficient Phi coefficient (n.d.). In Wikipedia: Staženo dne 10. 10. 2016 z Sampling distribution (n.d.). In Wikipedia: Staženo dne 10. 10. 2016 z Standard error (n.d.). In Wikipedia: Staženo dne 10. 10. 2016 z Student's t-test (n.d.). In Wikipedia: Staženo dne 10. 10. 2016 z