Repeated-Measures ANOVA Vít Gabrhel FSS MU, 14. 11. 2016 Repeated Measures Repeated Measures ANOVA Úvod Slouží pro srovnání skupinových průměrů napříč 3 a více podmínkami Within-subject a longitudinální design: Sledujeme vývoj nějaké proměnné v čase Vystavujeme stejné jedince několika experimentálním podmínkám a hledáme rozdíl ve změně Představuje řešení situace, kdy je při opakovaných měřeních porušen předpoklad ANOVA či lineární regrese o nezávislosti pozorování Repeated Measures ANOVA Rozptyl v rámci Repeated Measures ANOVA (dle Field, 2012) Repeated Measures ANOVA Rozptyl v rámci Repeated Measures ANOVA (dle Field, 2012) Variabilita mezi měřeními (SSM) We worked out how much variation could be explained by our experiment (the model SS) by looking at the means for each group and comparing these to the overall mean. So, we measured the variance resulting from the differences between group means and the overall mean 1. Calculate the difference between the mean of each group and the grand mean. 2. Square each of these differences. 3. Multiply each result by the number of participants that contribute to that mean (ni ). 4. Add the values for each group together: Variabilita mezi subjekty (SSW) This equation simply means that we are looking at the variation in an individual’s scores and then adding these variances for all the people in the study. The ns simply represent the number of scores on which the variances are based Variance created by individuals' performances under different conditions Some of this variation is the result of our experimental manipulation and some of this variation is simply random fluctuation. Celkový rozptyl (SST) The grand variance in the equation is simply the variance of all scores when we ignore the group to which they belong Repeated Measures ANOVA Rozptyl v rámci Repeated Measures ANOVA (dle Field, 2012) Chybový rozptyl (SSR) The final sum of squares is the residual sum of squares (SSR), which tells us how much of the variation cannot be explained by the model. This value is the amount of variation caused by extraneous factors outside of experimental control The between-participant sum of squares (SSB) This term represents individual differences between cases Its value is the amount of variation caused by differences between individuals Repeated Measures ANOVA Rozptyl v rámci Repeated Measures ANOVA (dle Field, 2012) The mean squares SSM tells us how much variation the model (e.g. the experimental manipulation) explains and SSR tells us how much variation is due to extraneous factors. However, because both of these values are summed values the number of scores that were summed influences them. We eliminate this bias by calculating the average sum of squares. F-ratio The F-ratio is a measure of the ratio of the variation explained by the model and the variation explained by unsystematic factors. It can be calculated by dividing the model mean squares by the residual mean squares Repeated Measures ANOVA Rozptyl v rámci Repeated Measures ANOVA k - počet podmínek (treatments) n - počet participantů (pozorování) df_Total - number of observations (across all levels of the within-subjects factor, n) – 1 Repeated Measures ANOVA Výhody ​Vyšší statistická síla ​The repeated measures design is statistically more powerful because of the change in the nature of the error term or the unsystematic variance. Subjects may consistently reveal individual differences. For example: participants which are not taking the experiment seriously, do not gain anything in the working memory training. So, they will not show an effect. Repeated measures design will take this variability across subjects into account and will see whether there is systematic variability that can be contributed to the individual people. ​Menší počet potřebných participantů Nižší náklady (je třeba méně zkoumaných osob) Repeated Measures ANOVA Nevýhody Order effect Jak ošetřit vliv pořadí experimentálních podmínek na sledovanou proměnnou? Counterbalancing Randomised - A2,A1,A1,A2 Randomizace pořadí podmínek Blocked - a) A1,A2 b) A2,A1 Náhodné zařazení do skupiny reprezentující pořadí podmínek - Každý respondent je vystaven každému pořadí experimentálních podmínek právě jednou Latin Square Missing values Vzhledem k obvykle menšímu počtu participantů představuje riziko změnou variability či Otázka nakládání s chybějícími daty - listwise, pairwise, vážení atd. Souvisí s povahou chybějících dat výpočetní komplikací (kupř. fit modelu) MCAR, MAR, MNAR Repeated Measures ANOVA Data: Cognitive training Four independent groups (8, 12, 17, 19 sessions) Measured IQ of 20 subjects after 4 sessions of training Dependent variable is IQ gain after a particular session Null hypothesis: There are no differences among the treatment groups Alternative hypothesis: There is one (or more) mean differences among the treatment groups Repeated Measures ANOVA Data: Cognitive training setwd() dir() install.packages("readxl") library("readxl") excel_sheets("RMANOVA.xlsx") RMANOVA = read_excel("RMANOVA.xlsx", sheet = 1) View(RMANOVA) RMANOVA$condition2 = factor(RMANOVA$condition, order = TRUE, levels = c("8 days", "12 days", "17 days", "19 days")) RMANOVA$subject2 = factor(RMANOVA$subject, order = FALSE) Repeated Measures ANOVA Statistický popis dat # Summary statistics by group library(psych) describeBy(RMANOVA, group = RMANOVA$condition2) # Boxplot library(ggplot2) bp1 = ggplot(RMANOVA, aes(condition2, iq)) bp1 + geom_boxplot(aes(fill=condition2), alpha=I(0.5)) + geom_point(position="jitter", alpha=0.5) + geom_boxplot(outlier.size=0, alpha=0.5) + theme( axis.title.x = element_text(face="bold", color="black", size=12), axis.title.y = element_text(face="bold", color="black", size=12), plot.title = element_text(face="bold", color = "black", size=12)) + labs(x="Condition", y = "IQ gain", title= "IQ gain by the days of training") + theme(legend.position='none') Repeated Measures ANOVA F-test a F-Ratio Funkce aov Because you're using repeated measures, you have to add a term Error(wm$subject / wm$condition). This term tells R that you need a special error term since you are working in a repeated measures design and the error term differs. So you add this term, saying that the subjects are measured repeatedly across conditions. # Apply the aov function model <- aov(iq ~ condition2 + Error(subject2 / condition2), data = RMANOVA) # Look at the summary table of the result summary(model) Repeated Measures ANOVA F-test a F-Ratio Funkce # ez package install.packages("ez") library("ez") newModel <- ezANOVA(data = dataFrame, dv = .(outcome variable), wid = . (variable that identifies participants), within = .(repeated measures predictors), between = .(between-group predictors), detailed = TRUE, type = 2) # Apply the ezANOVA function model2 <- ezANOVA(data = RMANOVA, dv = .(iq), wid = .(subject2), within = . (condition2), detailed = TRUE, type = 3) model2 ezANOVA Repeated Measures ANOVA F-test a F-Ratio Multilevel approach install.packages(" ") library("nlme") model3 = lme(iq ~ condition2, random = ~1|subject2/condition2, data = RMANOVA, method = "ML") summary(model3) nlme Repeated Measures ANOVA Velikost účinku ss_cond = 196.1 ss_total = 196.1 + 297.8 eta_sq <- ss_cond / ss_total dfeffect = 3 MSeffect = 65.36 MSerror = 5.22 SStotal = 196.1 + 297.8 MSsubjects = 9.242 Omega2 = (dfeffect * (MSeffect MSerror)) / (SStotal + MSsubjects) Repeated Measures ANOVA Předpoklady použití Povaha proměnných "Závislá" proměnná kardinální úrovně měření Normalita rozložení závislé proměnné V rámci každé sledované skupiny Neparametrická alternativa – Sféricita ​Sphericity is the condition where the variances of the differences between all combinations of related groups (levels) are equal Violation of sphericity is when the variances of the differences between all combinations of related groups are not equal. The violation of sphericity is serious for the repeated measures ANOVA, with violation causing the test to become too liberal (i.e., an increase in the Type I error rate) Friedmanův test Repeated Measures ANOVA Předpoklady použití Mauchy's test # Define the iq data frame iq <- cbind(RMANOVA$iq[RMANOVA$condition == "8 days"], RMANOVA$iq[RMANOVA$condition == "12 days"], RMANOVA$iq[RMANOVA$condition == "17 days"], RMANOVA$iq[RMANOVA$condition == "19 days"]) # Make an mlm object mlm <- lm(iq ~ 1) # Mauchly's test mauchly.test(mlm, x = ~ 1) Repeated Measures ANOVA Předpoklady použití # Normalita rozložení ggplot(data=RMANOVA, aes(RMANOVA$iq)) + geom_histogram(breaks=seq(0, 20, by = 2), col="red", aes(fill=..count..)) + scale_fill_gradient("Count", low = "green", high = "red")+ labs(title="Histogram for IQ Gain") + labs(x="IQ Gain", y="Count") + theme(legend.position='none') ggplot(RMANOVA, aes(x=iq, fill=condition2)) + geom_histogram(position="identity", binwidth=1, alpha=0.5) Repeated Measures ANOVA Friedmanův test friedman.test(iq ~ condition2 | subject2, data = RMANOVA) Post-Hoc testy Úvod Allow for multiple pairwise comparisons without an increase in the probability of a Type I error Používáme, pokud nemáme dopředu jasné hypotézy Srovnávají vše se vším – každou skupinu s každou (ale neumí slučovat skupiny jako kontrasty) Z principu jsou oboustranné Je jich mnoho – liší se v několika parametrech: Konzervativní (Ch. II. typu) versus Liberální (Ch. I. typu) Most liberal = no adjustment Most conservative = adjust for every possible comparison that could be made Ne/vhodné pro porušení předpokladu sféricity Post-Hoc testy Doporučení podle Fielda (2012) Not only does sphericity create problems for the F in repeated-measures ANOVA, but also it causes some amusing complications for post hoc tests The default is to have no adjustment and simply perform a Tukey LSD post hoc test (this is not recommended). The second option is a Bonferroni correction (recommended for the reasons mentioned above), and the final option is a Sidak correction, which should be selected if you are concerned about the loss of power associated with Bonferroni corrected values. Post-Hoc testy Tukey # funkce glht library(multcomp) posthoc = glht(model3, linfct = mcp(condition2 = "Tukey")) summary(posthoc) Post-Hoc testy Bonferroni # Pairwise t-test with(RMANOVA, pairwise.t.test(iq, condition, p.adjust.method = "bonferroni", paired = T)) # glht summary(glht(model3, linfct=mcp(condition2 = "Tukey")), test = adjusted(type = "bonferroni")) Post-Hoc testy Šidák # dunn.test install.packages("dunn.test") library("dunn.test") dunn.test (x = RMANOVA$iq, g=RMANOVA$condition2, method=" ", kw=TRUE, label=TRUE, wrap=FALSE, table=TRUE, list=FALSE, rmc=FALSE, alpha=0.05) sidak Kontrasty Úvod Umožňují porovnat jednotlivé skupiny v jednom kroku bez nutnosti korigovat hladinu významnosti (bez snížení síly testu) Jen když máme dopředu hypotézy Kontrastů lze provést tolik, kolik je počet skupin – 1 Každý kontrast srovnává 2 podmínky Průměr skupiny nebo průměr více skupin dohromady Např. "19 dnů" vs. "8 dnů" nebo "17 dnů" vs. "12 dnů" Kontrasty Kontrasty Příklad # Helmertův kontrast options(contrasts = c("contr.helmert", "contr.poly")) contrasts(RMANOVA$condition2) <- "contr.helmert" model3 = lme(iq ~ condition2, random = ~1|subject2/condition2, data = RMANOVA, method = "ML") summary(model3) Základní literatura Field, A., Miles, J., & Field, Z. (2012). Discovering Statistics Using R. Sage: UK. Navarro, D. J. (2014). Learning statistics with R: A tutorial for psychology students and other beginners. Available online: