Amelie comes from one of the Western conservative states. A child of religious emigrants growing up in the 1970s she experienced her adolescence as full of misunderstandings with her parents. She remembers episodes of being publicly shamed by her father which she didn’t take lightly. Later she remembers how her parents wouldn’t send her money they were supposed to send while she was on a study abroad programme. This meant that she was left alone without means to support herself. Because she had been appointed as a treasurer at their programme she took money from the treasury thinking she would give them back later. In a similar vein, she once borrowed a car of her friend at a summer camp without telling him. The friend was very crossed with her and she didn’t understand why because she herself wouldn’t mind. At another occasion she stopped a random car when she was supposed to take a bus. The driver robbed her and left her at a store in the middle of nowhere. When she got back home she was scared to tell her parents and stayed with their neighbours instead. She fell pregnant several times with random men and underwent several abortions. When she was in her early twenties she fell pregnant again and she decided to keep the baby and give it to an open adoption. Her parents refused to talk to her and she was left pregnant on her own living in terrible conditions. Only after she fell ill did her parents came to her rescue. Her mother tried to hide Amelie’s pregnancy from the community and banned her daughter from going out. When they had visitors she had to hide upstairs. Amelie found support from social workers and learned about the possibility of an open adoption where the child knows that they have a different biological parent and can have sparse contact with them during childhood. She was lucky in that the adoptive family had relations with her and she now has a good relationship with her grown up child. However, despite being from the States she left the country in the 1990s and moved to the Czech Republic. She is very angry with her parents and considers them as serious threat to her integrity especially her father. She remembers how her father called her names and insulted her in multiple ways She calls herself names when looking in the mirror or when she doesn’t feel good in her own skin. She tried to reconcile with her mother but when the mother said that she couldn’t have a relationship with her without also having a relationship with her father Amelie threw herself on the floor and started crying uncontrollably. She hasn’t visited them since then. Please try to formulate the case with the information you have. You may be left several questions at the end of it. It is only natural. Please include this questions (thoughts, associations, etc) into your presentation.